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8th House Astrology

8th house astrology

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Effect of 8th House Astrology in Zodiac Signs

8th house astrology


Aries in 8th House Astrology

The wife or the partner of the native will not be thrifty. The investments made by the native will not be done after due thought and may cause losses to him later. The wife or business partner will partly be responsible for these decisions.

The native will be physically strong and if he takes to athletics or calisthenics he will excel at it. He will suffer setbacks in litigation. The native may live abroad and die there. The owner of the eighth house here is also the owner of the third house.

If Mars is powerful and well placed, the native will be long-lived and will enjoy good health. A weak and badly placed Mars will be bad for the health of native’s younger sister/brother who may pass away during the major or sub-periods of Mars.

Taurus in 8th House Astrology

This is quite the opposite of Aries in the eighth house. The wife of the native will be thrifty and will be careful with money. She will have some independent source of earning. The owner of the eighth house here is also the owner of the first house.

If Venus is weak, the native will suffer from reproductive or urinary system disorders and may have worries on account of females. Venus may cause illness to the younger sister/brother of the native. His first child may go in for higher studies and may have good vehicles.

His father may be sensual. Venus will be the significator of death for native’s spouse. The native may travel over water. This can be further analyzed in the manner similar to Libra in the first house. The native wilt dies at home of excesses like overeating at night or of injuries inflicted by cattle.

Gemini in 8th House Astrology

The owner of the eighth house here is Mercury, which is also the owner of the eleventh house. Mercury is the significator of speech and is connected with the house of speech and entertainment as counted from the seventh house.

Therefore a powerful and well placed Mercury will make the wife of the native a good singer, a compare, an opera artist or a person who takes part in radio plays, an entertaining speaker, etc. She will gain through her children, entertainment and speculation.

Such a Mercury will also be good for the elder sister/brother of the native. He will rise high in life by the dint of his scholarship. If Mercury influences the third house, the native’s younger sister/brother will serve abroad; if it influences the ninth house, the first child of the native is likely to have mainly female children.

The native’s father will travel a lot over short distances in life involving the crossing of waterbodies and may change his residence several times. If Mercury is weak and afflicted the native will have a short life.

The native will die of the disease in the spleen or rectum or due to taking some liquid. The native will be manipulative in nature. He will have good business acumen and will start several innovative but profitable ventures.

If Mercury is powerful it will give the native big profits from his investments. This can be further analyzed in the manner similar to Virgo in the eleventh house below.

Cancer in 8th House Astrology

The Moon is the owner of the eighth house. A weak and afflicted Moon will make the native liable to sudden death in early childhood. The principles of Balarishta have been clearly enunciated above. The wife of the native will be involved with family affairs and money matters.

A powerful Moon will make the wife wealthy but her wealth will wax and wane. Such a Moon wilt also make the elder sister/brother of the native highly placed. His father may spend heavily from time to time.

The native may be killed abroad, die abroad by drowning, or of a bite by poisonous insects or reptiles. He may also have an imbalance of watery element in the body. His younger sisters/brothers may suffer from troubles from female enemies.

They may have trou­bles in the chest or breasts. The native’s first child will have worries and mental trouble if the Moon is ill-disposed of. An afflicted Moon in the chart with connection with the twelfth house will take the native to seas.

Leo in 8th House Astrology

The native will have to make money as a primary goal in life. The wife will also be equally ambitious. If the Sun is powerful the wife will be wealthy and, it will also make the elder sister/ brother of the native highly placed.

Such a Sun will be indicative of the fact that the native’s children will be mentally very bright. His mother will have the ability to be a good adviser.

The native’s father will spend on charities and will have the ability to go deep into spiritual and occult matters. The native may be killed by wild animals or in a fight with thieves.

Virgo in 8th House Astrology

The owner of the eighth house here is also the owner of the fifth house. This is not good for the longevity of the children especially the firstborn. If Mercury and Jupiter are weak and afflicted there will be loss of children.

A powerful and well placed Mercury will make the wife of the native gain enor­mously, but according to the nature of this planet, the gains in volume and frequency will fluctuate. Such a Mercury will be good for making the mother of the native a good musician.

She may earn well from games of chance or speculation. If Mercury is weak, the native’s younger brother is likely to be a lowly paid clerk in a business establishment. The native may contract debts. This can be further analyzed in the manner similar to Gemini in the fifth house.

The native will die in his native place. He will be mourned by his kith and kin and will be accorded all the due funerary rites. The cause of death can be his excessive way of living, a woman or indigestible food.

Libra in 8th House Astrology

The native’s wife will spend lavishly and will not be good at handling money. The owner of the eighth house here is Venus which is also the owner of the third house. If Venus is afflicted it will cause diseases in the reproductive or urinary system of younger brother or sister.

A good Venus will make the wife earn easily or give discourses on religion, aesthetics, law or history and may undertake short journeys in the process. The native’s children will have conveyances and will gain through the immovable property.

His father will travel abroad in connection with his business of per­fumes, fine clothes, or other luxury items. He will like the company of females and may have clandestine affairs with several women.

This can be further analyzed in the manner similar to Taurus in the third house. The native will die at night of stomach trouble, hunger or grief. He may be killed by his enemy.

Scorpio in 8th House Astrology

The native will be indiscreet in his investments and will suffer losses therefrom. The wife of the native will also be impetuous in her handling of finances. The native will be argumentative and of a quick temper.

The owner of the eighth house is also the owner of the first house. Such a Mars, if powerful and well placed will make the wife of the native wealthy, and the father of the native to travel abroad and gain from it.

The native will be long-lived. But a weak, badly associated or badly placed Mars will make the wife liable to be involved in a fatal accident and younger brother or sister of the native to undergo serious surgery.

The native will die at his place of residence of the bite by poisonous insects. The cause of death can also be a disease in the mouth or face. A powerful Mars will make the children of the native acquire property and vehicles with minimum efforts.

Sagittarius in 8th House Astrology

The eighth house is the house of legacies and money belonging to wife, partners, and others. The owner of the eighth house, Jupiter, here is also the owner of the eleventh house. Jupiter is the significator of wealth.

Therefore Jupiter, if powerful in the horoscope of the native, will make him come by legacies and money of others in his life, especially when the major or sub-period of Jupiter operates. A powerful Jupiter will make the wife of the native an intelligent and eloquent speaker.

She can be proficient in religious matters or law and will earn by her speech. If Jupiter influences the ninth house, native’s children will have mostly female offsprings.

This can be further analyzed in the manner similar to Gemini in the eighth house above. He will also live long. The native may succumb abroad to injuries inflicted by a projectile, or animals or to disease in the rectum or genitals.

Capricorn in 8th House Astrology

The wife of the native will be financially productive affording a sense of security to the native. The native will become more and more fortunate as he advances in age. He will have a distinct interest in the occult at which he will become learned and proficient.

He will be close to his father but will not be demon­strative in his affection. The investments made by the native will take long in bearing fruits.

The native’s father will be in a finan­cially unsatisfactory state and may have to face dishonor if Saturn is not powerful.

If Saturn is powerful, not only the native is long-lived as the owner of the eighth house and the significator for longevity is the same planet, i. e., Saturn, but also the father of the native will leave his birthplace at an advanced age in life and live away from it. The father will shun company and prefer seclusion.

The wife may talk rudely unless Saturn has a beneficial influence on it. His elder brother/sister will be wealthy. His maternal uncles will build houses by the dint of their own efforts.

The cause of native’s death will be a marine or riverine animal. He will be meritorious, learned and generous.

Aquarius in 8th House Astrology

The nature and productivity of the investments made by the native will be similar to those under Capricorn above. A pow­erful Saturn will make the wife of the native come by money and may be legacies.

The native’s children will keep changing their residences. The owner of the eighth house and the significator of longevity being the same, if it is powerful, will make the native long-lived.

The owner of the eighth house, being Saturn is also the owner of the seventh house. An adverse Saturn will make the wife of the native behave dishonorably with the native.

The native will suffer from boils etc. and succumb to it in somebody else’s house. He will suffer a loss due to fire and will have to work very hard which may also be the cause of his death.

Pisces in 8th House Astrology

The owner of the eighth house here is also the owner of the fifth house. This owner is Jupiter. It is also the significator for children.

If Jupiter is weak and afflicted, the native is likely to lose some of his children during the major or sub-periods of Jupiter or be dishonored by them.

A powerful Jupiter will make the wife of the native wealthy. The native will be wounded by weapon and die of it or succumb to fever or he may drown.

If you are looking for more insights about 8th House in Vedic Astrology then go through with 8th lord in different houses.


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