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How do astrology and the zodiac system work?


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I started reading books that I borrowed from the national library. In all, I have 4 that relate to astrology, some more relevant than others. I also have other sources that are on the Internet, some kind of personal live and astrology readings. They will all be on my complete bibliography live practical, and.

zodiac signs mahadasha

This entry answers the basic question: How does astrology and the zodiac system work?

The Basis of Astrology

After reading the various books, I was able to establish basic knowledge. In sum, a horoscope includes the Sun, the Moon, the planets, the Ascendant, the 12 houses, and the 12 signs.

The Origin of the Zodiac

The word zodiac comes from the Greek zodiacs, which means circle of animals. Zodiac is a band of the sky which extends on both sides of the ecliptic, where the Sun, the Moon and the planets, make their rotation. All the constellations of the zodiac, except for Libra, represent a living being. The constellations of the zodiac are mentioned for the first time it is more than 3300 years before Jesus Christ.

The designs of Mesopotamian origin, covered with symbols of stars, represent a fight between the Lion and the Taurus. It is said that the zodiac was established 2,600 years before our era, and that the constellations were chosen to effectively define and describe the position of the Sun, the Moon and the planets.

The zodiac was divided into 12 parts when astronomers before discovered that the planet Jupiter, the brightest and therefore the most important planet in their eyes, took a total of 12 years to circle the ecliptic. In addition, the number 12 was important at the time. When the Sun is “in” a constellation, it means that the constellation in question is in the sky during the day, and therefore it is not visible to the naked eye.

zodiac sign naked eye

12 signs of the zodiac

The zodiac circle corresponds to a year, and each sign corresponds to around thirty days in the year. In the 360-degree circle of the zodiac, each sign occupies 30 degrees. The first sign is Aries, then the signs follow one after the other, to arrive at the last sign, the Pisces.

The explanation for this order is simple: the equinox of spring falls on a date which is part of the sign of Aries. Now although there is no natural beginning in the Zodiac, since it is a circle, they nevertheless established as a first sign Aries, or the equinox of spring, making the very high humidity of spring the first part of the Zodiac as if it were a living animal, then enumerating the other seasons of the year, because all animals in their early age, while they are tender and delicate, abound in humidity, as does spring.

Then, in the second age, as long as the vigor remains there, they have more heat, as we notice in summer.

In the third, when the force becomes more languid, and it begins to be consumed, the dryness is then greater, as well as in autumn. At the last age and which is also closer to death, it meets more cold, as well as in winter.

Three characteristics define the Western zodiac signs: polarity, mode, and element.


Polarity divides the signs of the zodiac in two, the positive (yang) and the negative (yin). Starting with Aries, 6 positive signs alternate with 6 negative signs. The positive signs are mostly extroverted, energetic and dynamic. They are objective, confident, and initiate action. On the other hand, negative signs are introverted, submissive, and accommodating. Subjective and receptive, these signs are carried towards conversation.

The Trends

The modes divide the signs of the zodiac into three, the cardinal signs, fixed, and mutable. In the same way as polarity, the three modes alternate, starting with Aries. One thus speaks about the modal quadriceps (four times three mode). The cardinal signs are enterprising. They initiate change and they get things done. These signs are often the most active of the zodiac. Vigorous and assured, the cardinal personalities lead others into action, and they follow orders with difficulty.

Fixed signs, they resist change. They prefer a routine and stable life. They are focused and determined, to the point where they sometimes realize too late that they are wrong. These people can be stubborn, and they value their opinion. The mutable signs are flexible, and they adapt and adjust to the changes that life brings. They are also able to understand the point of view of their opposite, and they work well in a team. The mutable signs make the best of each situation.

The Elements

The elements divide the zodiac into four elements: fire, earth, air, and water. The elements alternate, again starting with Aries. In this case, we speak of the triplicate of the zodiac (four times three modes).

Fire brings vitality and intensity. Fire signs often have a desire for new experiences, and their approach to life is joyful. It is the most active element of the zodiac. Fire represents new possibilities and regeneration. The natives of this element think quickly, and they trust their intuition.

Earth brings stability. Of a sensible type, the natives of the earth are practical and they bring security. The earth represents the material body and the physical senses. They try to understand the world around them, and they seek survival. They are patient and realistic, and perform tasks effectively.

The air is intellectual and creative. Led by the desire to communicate and share thinking, the air tends to be sociable. These individuals are innovative and full of ideas, however, they sometimes rely on the help of others. The air is objective, lively and intuitive, but he always uses his reasoning before acting.

The water is emotional. The most sensitive of the elements, water notices the subtle nuances and it is very perceptive. Their motivation comes from an emotional stimulus, and they are often introspective. This element is affected by cycles and fluctuations. Sometimes irrational and dreamy, artists are usually found in this element.

The Sun, the Moon and the planets

Each planet (in astrology, the Sun and the Moon are also called planets) represents a particular aspect. They all have their meaning, as well as a particular influence on the individual’s horoscope. Pages 19 and 20 of the book Astrology for Dummies by Rae Orion briefly but effectively explain the influence of these planets. This book is one of my main sources.

The Ascendant

The Ascendant sign indicates the zodiac sign rising in the East when an individual is born. The ascendant describes the way in which other people conceive of the individual, and how the latter presents himself to the world. Ascendant determines gestures, behavior, the surface of the personality; it is a face that the individual projects to the world. If birth takes place at dawn, while the Sun is pointing to the eastern horizon, the Ascendant and the sun sign are the same. However, if the birth takes place at any other time of the day, the Ascendant and the sun sign differ.

With the Ascendant comes the Descendant, the middle of the sky, as well as the background of the sky.

The Houses

The final components of an astrological chart are houses. They divide the sky into 12 parts, each for an area of ​​life. All of these aspects influence an individual’s horoscope, and they must all be taken into account when analyzing an Astrology chart. To be able to analyze the influences of these aspects, it is necessary to establish the birth chart of the individual.


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Maha Dasha

Maha Dasha and the team have been researching Vedic astrology and Nadi Shastra. With our research, our team Astrologer has also written many books like Vivaha, Samay, Phalit Sutram, and many more. After long research, Astrologers has also developed a revolutionary formula for calculating the probable DATE OF MARRIAGE of any individual from his Birth Details. Our research on Birth Time Rectification can rectify the Time of Birth to fractions of a second. Vivaha Sutram & Samay Sutram, are based on this research.

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