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Pisces Horoscope

Pisces Horoscope - Friendship, Love, Relationship, Career

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Pisces Horoscope with

Pisces Horoscope Friendship, Career, Love, Nature
Pisces Horoscope (Meen Rashi)

Pisces Horoscope – Nature and Habits

Pisces Horoscope sign is the most complicated sign in the entire zodiac system. Its dual nature pulls the person in two different directions. As a consequence, he never understands that he wishes to do or what he should do. Due to this mental confusion, he mostly thinks that everything around him is wrong but he can never analyze what is wrong.

Pisces are very emotional and they very easily influenced by others. As soon as they enter the room they come to know what is happening there. The difficulty is that they come under the influence of others very easily and hence it is very necessary they should come in contact with right people Otherwise they tend to imitate others and develop thinking like others.

They are very sentimental and therefore their emotions and feelings play a very important role in reacting to people and situation. Due to their extra-sensory knowledge, they unreasonably fall in love or hold a grudge for anybody. They are very illogical in doing so. They are overfilled with sympathy.

They cannot perform any work which may harm others. When they find somebody in difficulty or find someone in despair or afflicted by the disease they feel like running to help them, but they don’t understand how to help them. Due to this nature of Pisces, some people try to take undue advantage of them.

People who come under Pisces horoscope have great imagination power and it is well-developed. In route, they are idealistic and try to escape from the bitter realities of life and get engrossed in their dream – world. This is the reason why many great poets, writers, and musician were Pisces. But what is the use of those images which cannot be utilized in worldly affairs? This is the reason why Pisces stay behind others and fail to bring themselves in limelight.

They lose hope due to little opposition. Their entire personality is negative. Their nature is not stable and changes every moment and depends on their mood. They themselves never take any vital decision and depend on others for decision-making.

Pisces horoscope people are like spending a peaceful time at home instead of enjoying sports activities and otherworldly enjoyment. Due to this, they tend to get lazy. They are attracted to the water. Due to their coward nature, they repeatedly risk for forgiveness or constantly give excuses.

Basically, Pisces horoscope people are of dual nature. The question is which path they adopt. The most determined and the weakest character are found in Pisces. Some people fall prey to their emotions and adopt a path of pleasure, get influenced by the atmosphere or fall in the company of false friends. Some people come under the influence of liquor or intoxication get habituated to it. But if they find a purpose or mission in life, then they mold themselves according to the situation.

Due to the sudden change in their nature, they may surprise their friends. In no moment they shed their weakness and sensual character and raise to any level of self-confidence.

They are attracted to the study of Occultism. The love to discover the unknown, philosophical and secret things but people think about them as superstitious where in reality they are very fortunate.

A female Pisces totally possess the feminine attribute outwardly due to which male is attracted towards them. They are ready to adopt a tough life inwardly. Due to love and sympathy for the poor and those in despair their house tend to become an asylum for pet animals and children.

Pisces Horoscope – Financial Affairs & Activities

For Pisces, horoscope money is the least important factor. It is a means of them, not an end. But they are always scared of poverty. Hence they do not let their generosity control them unless and until they are forced by their dear ones. They sacrifice everything for them. They do not worry about accumulating money for bad days and therefore their old age is mostly spent in poverty.

In financial matters, they frequently face ups and downs. But once they get control over their unstable nature, there is no position in life where they cannot reach. They can be successful in the work of a loader, foreign business, import-export or marine business. Their interest may be in the job of a nurse, restaurant – owner, social workers, teacher, accountant, money – lender, etc. in business they can be successful in joint ventures or partnerships.

Pisces  Horoscope – Friendship, Love & Marriage

Pisces never feel a shortage of friends. This is not only due to their nature but also due to the power of attracting others. They can go to any extent to help their friends and share their sorrow. They do not expect anything in return for this. As a consequence, many people are seen around them to take undue advantage of this nature of theirs. If a time comes these people may use the information gathered from Pisces against them or defame them.

As far as love is concerned, Pisces are very emotional and romantic. They are very much attracted by physical appearance and are very much conscious about physical beauty. The idols expressing sex in temples and the samples displayed in big shops also attract them. This kind of nature also influences their personal life where they make love more like a lover as a husband with his wife. But if they are mentally hurt then they get very much disturbed.

In such a situation normally they don’t react or don’t say anything and for many days they resort to silence and keep thinking silently. They may be suspicious about their life partner. In this field also their dual nature is on the fore. On one day they will shower a lot of love on their partner and on the other day unreasonably they will pose themselves of not having any relationship with the partner.

Pisces Horoscope – Health & Food Habits

The make of their physique is mostly in small but balanced. Some Pisces are short in height. But if they are fat they equal to any fat and tall statures person. Their feet and hands are small heavy. A shoulder is fleshy and round. Skin is soft, hair is silky, eyes are light colored and complexion is fair, there are grace and sparkle on there is an inherent attraction in them and when they are tension free, there is a grace and sparkle on their face.

As regards health, paeans are more prone to mental sickness. Due to excessive thinking, there is an adverse effect on the digestive system. Many people are afflicted by berry–berry, palsy, and diseases of the lungs. There may be over sweating in the body especially from hands and feet. They should be cautious about growth or boils is in the intestines.

In the zodiac system, Pisces represents the feet. Therefore there can be a problem in the feet of Pisces. Due to the odd Structure of their feet, they may find difficult is choosing proper footwear for then.

As Pisces is a water sign, Pisces may have an inclination for drinks. Some are seen addicted to liquor.

Pisces Horoscope about Other points to know

According to Indian Pandits / Astrologers, the color of Pisces is yellowish white. The color of its ruling planets, Jupiter is yellow. Its gemstone is yellow sapphire which is to be worn in gold. According to western astrologers, Pisces is ruled by Neptune whose color is Aquamarine. Pisces manifests the north direction.

According to Indian Astrologers, the number of the ruling planet of Pisces that is Jupiter is 3. This number symbolizes numerology, art, and oration. According to western astrologers, the number of Neptune is 7. This number is considered a very secretive number and people under the influence of this are always in the life of a Piscean. The day represented by Pisces is Thursday.

Pisces Horoscope influences the followings things, places, and persons:

Food grains, food, Pearl, shells, Lotus, water flower salt, smell/ scent, gen, heat, electricity, lighting, house, etc.Ocean, sea, Aquarium, oil – refineries, temple, port, orphanage, health department, jail, prison, well, etc.

Political head, ministers, bank agent, tourist, lawyer, teacher, religious & Philanthropic person, the village head, wealthy, person, businessman, literature, reporter, writer, accountant, auditor, money-lender, etc.

Note: If need more specific predictions then follow this link (Free Horoscope with Mahadasha) to get free horoscope with current Mahadasha of 15+ pages…

Free Horoscope with Mahadasha


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