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11th House in Vedic Astrology
11th Lord in Different Houses, a planet situated in this house confers gains. The source of these gains will be according to the karaka qualities and lordship of the planet.
- Matters pertaining to any house will be gained in the following transit positions:
(a) The owner of the first house reaches a position in transit which is triangular to the sign occupied by the owner of the concerned house, in the birth chart or in the navansha chart. For example, suppose we wish to consider the likely time when the native can get married.
Let the owner of the seventh house, having Scorpio, be Mars. Let Mars be in Virgo. The owner of the first house is Venus. The native may get married when Venus in transit comes to Capricorn or Taurus. Similarly, if Mars is in Leo navansha then if Venus in transit comes to Sagittarius or Aries the native may get married.
(b) The owner of the concerned house, during transit, reaches positions similar to (a) with respect to the owner of the first house.
(c) The owner of the concerned house transits the same sign that is occupied by the owner of the first house in the birth chart or in the navamsa chart.
(d) Owners of the first house and the concerned house aspect each other during transit,
(e) When during transit the karaka for the concerned house comes to the sign in which the owner of the first house or the owner of the Moon ascendant is situated.
(f) When during transit the owner of the first house comes to the concerned house as counted from the first house or to the concerned house as counted from’the Moon ascendant in the birth chart.
(g) When during transit Jupiter comes to a triangular sign from the sign occupied by the owner of the concerned house in the birth chart or from the sign occupied by it in the navamsa chart.
(h) If the owner of the first house and the owner of the concerned house are each other’s temporary and natural enemies or are adverse to each other because they occupy signs which are sixth/eighth to each other, whenever these two planets would join each other in transit, the native will develop enmity with the person indicated by that concerned house or will have unpleasant results pertaining to that house.
If on the other hand, these two planets are friendly to each other naturally and also temporarily and occupy good positions from each other, in the above transit situation the native will feel good results concerning that house.
(i) The results pertaining to a particular house will materialize in the above-given circumstances only if the owner of that house is powerful and the relevant major or sub-period is current.
(j) The major or sub-periods of a planet will be pleasant if during the currency of its major or sub-periods the planet transits through the first, third, sixth, seventh, tenth or the eleventh house. If a friend of the major or sub-period planet or a beneficial planet for the horoscope transits through the first house at that time, the major or sub-period is pleasant.
(k) Good results in a major or sub-periods of a planet would be experienced when the Sun or Jupiter passes through the sign of exaltation or mooltrikona for that planet or its own sign. Similarly, adverse results of the major or sub-periods would be felt when the Sun transits its sign of debilitation, or sign inimical to it.
(l) When the Moon passes through a house owned by a friend of the major or sub-period planet or its sign of exaltation, the house occupied by this owner, or through the third, fifth, sixth, seventh, ninth, tenth or the eleventh house counted from the major or sub-period planet, it will then show good results pertaining to the house being transited by it.
(m) If the major or sub-period planet is powerful (is retrograde, or exalted, or in own house, mooltrikona sign, friend’s house, etc. at birth) then it yields good results of any house that it transits through. If it is weak in the chart and also in transit then it harms matters covered by the house it passes through.
- Since the third, seventh and the eleventh are airy houses, if any two are related to each other, the native travels by air.
- If the owners of the first and the eleventh houses are naturally beneficial planets and are related to any house and its owner, the native gets very attached to the relative indicated by that house and is always helpful to that person. If in place of naturally beneficial planets the combination is formed with naturally malefic planets, the results would be just the opposite. The reason is that these two houses act as the self and the eleventh house also represents friendship.
- When the first and eleventh houses are related to each other, the native earns money trough his own efforts. If the second house is also involved in this combination and there is an aspect of a beneficial planet on it, the native gets very wealthy.
- If the owner of the eleventh house is a beneficial planet and is also the owner of the second, it enhances the worth, status, etc. of matters which it influences.
- This house, being second from the tenth house, refers to the finances of the govt.
- If Jupiter occupies this house under the malefic influence the daughter of the native becomes a widow early in life.
- A very weak owner of this house shortens the life of the mother of the native.
- All planets generally give good results if they are placed in this house.
- The owner of the eleventh house placed in any house will make the native gain those matters that are indicated by that house or the gain will be through them. Similar will be the result if the owner is in sambandha with the owner of a particular house.
For illustration, if the owner of the eleventh house is placed in the second house, the native will gain wealth. If it is in sambandha with the owner of the fourth, the native will gain vehicles and property. - (i) A common sign in this house and the owner of the eleventh house in a common sign will make the native acquire friends of doubtful nature.
(ii) A planet placed here indicates the class of persons that the native will befriend. For example, Saturn in the eleventh house will make the friends of the native come from common strata of society.
The Sun here will make the native befriend the highest. Venus here is indicative of the fact that the native will either have female friends or those who are associated with theatre or fine arts, etc.
(iii) He may befriend persons whose ascendant is owned by the planet that is placed in the eleventh house in the native’s chart.
(iv) If the planet placed in the house is adverse for the ascendant, the friendship will later cause trouble.
(v) If there is no planet in this house, these conclusions may be derived from the owner of the sign in this house.
- We have explained methods to determine the number of children and their gender under the FIFTH HOUSE. By applying these methods to the owner of the eleventh house and its bhavamadhya we can determine the NUMBER and GENDER of native’s elder siblings.
- The rules for determining the relationship between the native and a relative of his are under the FIRST HOUSE. If we wish to determine the relations that are likely to exist between the native and his elder brother! sister, we should apply these rules to the eleventh house.
Effects of 11th Lord in Different Houses
11th Lord in 1st House
11th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 1st House as the native will be wealthy, genuine and will possess vehicles. His efforts will yield good results. He will like to have good people as his friends and will shun the evil company. He will be short lived and thirst may be the cause of his death.
If the owners of the two houses are friendly, the native will have good relations with his elder brothers/sisters and will have good and long-lasting friends. They will, in any case, be prominent in his life. His wishes will be realized.
The native’s paternal uncles/aunts may be connected with theatre or arts. Unless the owner of the eleventh house has a beneficial influence, his mother will suffer from worries and ill-health.
The native’s children will go abroad and may serve in the foreign service of the country. The first child will be well married and he will do well in life after his marriage.
11th Lord in 2nd House
11th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 2nd House as the native will be wealthy, miserly and will possess vehicles. He will successfully complete his school education and he will love his family. His family will own property, wealth and vehicles. His paternal uncles/aunts will be sickly and suffer from thieves, fire, poison, weapons or enemies.
The native may suffer the loss of his firstborn child. A powerful owner of the eleventh house here will let the native earn profits from his business investments. He will gain through banks or financial institutions. The second house indicates the residence of the elder sister/brother.
The eleventh house is the native’s self. Thus there is a relationship set up between the self and the residence of an elder brother. Therefore it is likely that the native may help to build or set up the house of his elder brother.
11th Lord in 3rd House
11th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 3rd House as the native will have servants and his younger brothers/ sisters, neighbors, and colleagues will gain. His efforts will be successful. He will have the courage to take up matters single-handedly and complete them on his own.
The native will like to travel and will gain from these travels. This location is very lucky for the native’s wife. She is likely to gain sudden benefits and will, due to good luck, have good children and wealth.
The children will also be lucky and religious. If the owner of the eleventh house is weak and afflicted here and does rot have any beneficial influence on it, it will prove very beneficial to the mother of the native but the native’s younger brother will be a source of trouble to him and he will suffer losses due to him, particularly if Mars is weak in the horoscope and badly placed.
The native will make friends with persons who have similar hobbies.
11th Lord in 4th House
11th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 4th House as the native will get patrimony and will be attached to his parents. His parents will be long lived in case the owner of the eleventh house is strong and free from affliction, He may be an agriculturist.
The native’s wife will gain from speculation. Her children will be connected well with the government. When a powerful Venus either influences the combination or it is well placed in the horoscope, the native will acquire wealth and vehicles.
If a favorably disposed and powerful Mars is involved in place of Venus in this combination, the native will acquire plenty of property. A weak and afflicted owner of the eleventh house will cause illnesses to the elder brothers/sisters and trouble to them from their enemies.
The native’s aspiration for acquiring power, fame, and status will be fulfilled if the owner of the eleventh house is friendly with the owner of the tenth house, or the tenth house is owned by the owner of the eleventh house.
11th Lord in 5th House
11th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 5th House as the native’s children will gain. He will be scholarly, capable and knower of mantras and tantras. All the wishes of the native will be fulfilled. He will have good, well behaved and long-lived children and will have big profits from his ventures.
A powerful owner of the eleventh house will gd the mother of the native wealth from a legacy. If the owners of the two houses are friendly, the native’s first born child will be attached to his paternal uncles/aunts.
The native’s elder brother will marry more than once and may be sensual. His father may travel extensively.
11th Lord in 6th House
11th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 6th House as the native’s maternal uncle will gain. The native will suffer losses from thefts or fire. A powerful owner of the eleventh house will make the mother long-lived. This position is not good for the life of native’s children, especially the first born child.
It will be particularly so if the owner of the eleventh house is weak and afflicted in the sixth house. It will also be bad for the health of the elder brothers/sisters. Under the Sixth House should be usefully studied for determining the career the native is likely to take up if the third, or the eleventh house is connected with the sixth.
The native will not keep good health. He may live away from his home town and maybe hard-hearted and selfish. He is likely to have trouble in his left ear, or if Jupiter is weak and under the adverse influence in the horoscope, he may have a hearing defect.
11th Lord in 7th House
11th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 7th House as the native’s wife will be wealthy and will gain. She will be well behaved and attached to the native. The native will get help and assistance from the relatives of his wife. He will however not be worldly wise and will be a poor manager of his finances.
He may try to woo other females. If the owners of the two houses are friendly, the native’s wife will be attached to her children. The children will, in any case, be prominent in her life.
The native’s business partner will be speculative in nature and in case the owners of the two houses are inimical to each other, he will lose in speculation. The native’s father will be a self-made man.
11th Lord in 8th House
11th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 8th House as if the owner of the eleventh house is a malefic planet, it is likely to bring death to the native in its major or sub-periods. If it is a beneficial planet the native will keep good health and will gain from legacies or will regain money which had long been held back from him.
He will not be rich and will earn a lot of hard work. The native’s father will travel regularly and live away from home from time to time.
The native’s spouse will have proficiency in music and fine arts. The spouse will predecease the native.
The elder brother/sister of the native is likely to lead a difficult life in service unless the owner of the eleventh house is powerful and well placed in the eighth house. The eldest child of the native is likely to have loose morals.
11th Lord in 9th House
11th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 9th House as if the owner of the eleventh house is in the ninth, the native will be fortunate. He will be rich and hold a high position. He will be attached to his younger brother/sister.
If the owners of the two houses are friendly, the native’s father will have good relations with his younger brothers/sisters, neighbors and colleagues. They will, in any case, be prominent in his life. The native may earn profits in international trade or generally from abroad. He may have to undertake long journeys in the process.
The native will gain from his father. If Saturn or the owner of the eighth house influences the owner of the eleventh house, the native will gain from father after his death. Unless there is a malefic influence, the gains to the native will be from the right sources.
11th Lord in 10th House
11th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 10th House as the native will be rich and will gain through the government. His father’s younger sister/brother will be rich. The spouse of the firstborn child of the native will be sickly if the owner of the eleventh house is weak and afflicted.
If the owner of the fourth house is not inimical to the owner of the eleventh house, the desires of the native with reg0rd to property, vehicles and general comforts in life will be fulfilled; and the native’s parents will have a close and loving relationship with each other.
The younger brother/sister of the native will not be fortunate. Such a disposition of the owner of the eleventh house will make the native philanthropic and ready for genuine service of the people.
11th Lord in 11th House
11th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 11th House as the native will be very rich, will own vehicles and will have servants. He will have very good and obedient children who will do well in life.
The native will be able to generally attain his ambitions in life. The native’s wife will be elegant and if Venus is connected with the eleventh house, will be interested in fine arts, music, and drama. She may also be attracted to speculation.
She will be well read. If the owners of the fifth and eleventh houses are inimical to each other, the native’s first born child will not have good relations with his spouse. The native’s brothers/ sisters will be long-lived and fortunate.
11th Lord in 12th House
11th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 12th House as the native will have to work hard to earn money in small measures but he will spend heavily. If the owner of the eleventh house is a beneficial planet and has a good influence on it, the expenditure will be for charitable and religious purposes.
The native’s father will change his residence several times. The native may earn from hospitals etc. or from abroad. His friends may actually be his secret enemies and may work against his interests silently.
The native will observe that his friends not only do not actually help him but also try to take away any advantage that comes his way. His mother may not be fortunate and may have to face several obstacles and disappointments in life.
She will, however, be religious and interested in the occult and spiritual matters. A powerful owner of the eleventh house, well placed in the twelfth house will make the younger brothers/sisters of the native wealthy and powerful.
The native may live near the house of a person of high status. If the owner of the eleventh house has malefic influence including that of Rahu in the twelfth house, the native’s elder brother may be imprisoned.
If you are looking for more insights about 11th House in Vedic Astrology then go through with 11th House Astrology in Zodiac Signs.
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