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Gemini Ascendant (Lagna) Characteristics

General nature of the sign Gemini Ascendant or Kanya Lagna
Airy sign, common, intelligent, dynamic, instable, quick in grasping, shoulders and hands of the body, human, short ascendantension, two-legged sign, mascendantuline, singular, pair of boys, the end part of a street, two-storied building, nights, high places, mountains, sports ground, communication and information offices, press, research centres, book-shelf, acoustics, represents Shravana month in Saka and Aani in the Tamil Years, black in colour, south east in direction, congested traffic.
if the native born between….00 degree…
to ..10 degree of TAURUS
His janam nakshatra will be… KRITTIKA
His janam RASHI (sign) will be… TAURUS
The lord of KRITTIKA nakshatra is SUN
Derivations from the above mentioned karakas of Gemini could be as under:
- It is an airy sign: Airing self-pride, general awareness, research
- It is a sign of Mercury: Wittv. intelligent and fond of knowledge, lean in structure, active nerves
- It is ti Common sign: Krequcnt changes in nature, disobedient, unstable health
- It is the III sign: Writing skills, imagination, information and communication, filing
In he same manner, the remaining signification could also he studied.
The sign Gemini extends over three stars leading to the following body natures:
Mrigasira : Owned by Mars – Lean but extra-muscles
Arudra : Owned by Rahu – Stout with respiratory disorders
Punarvasu : Owned by Jupiter – Stout but anaemic.
Mercury is the lord of GEMINI sign. It is also the lord of Virgo the 4th house to Gemini. The combined significations of Mercury are as follow:
FIRST House Lord of Gemini Ascendant: Intelligence, Quick in grasping power, Lean and beautiful in structure, Estimating the situation, Witty, Quick in action. Instability and fluctuations, Mathematics, Calculative, Thinking twice before doing once, Neurology, Cunning.
Fourth House Lord of Gemini Ascendant: The mind and character to find and work with different and modern things, machineries, computer, calculator, printer, electrical and electronic goods, lodges, assembling spare parts, tiles, lathe machine works and manufacturing etc.
The significations of THIRD house of Kaalpurusha on Gemini Ascendant are:
Third House Lord of Gemini Ascendant: Recording self-thoughts, courageous thoughts and action, ear, nose and sensory organs, blood veins, functioning of neurological system, strength of the body, acting as desired. independent thoughts, showing the strength.
We have got three stars in Gemini. If the ascendant falls in.
(i) Mrigasira, owned by Mars – Great achievements, struggle for success, vitamin deficiency.
(ii) Arudra. owned by Rahu-Social thoughts, lesser interest in sexual pleasures, differences of opinion between the couple.
(iii) Punarvasu owned by Jupiter- Self-prestige, more interest in partnership ventures, fluctuating relations between the couple.
SINCE… the Ascendant falls in the star Mrigasira. owned by Mars, the Gemini ascendant born will have self-pride, rough but humorous speech, more interest in sexual pleasures and diseases caused by excessive heat.
SINCE… the Ascendant falls in the star of Arudra, owned by Rahu, the Gemini ascendant born will have status and authority, appearance as a popular personality, very good public relations and different tastes in sexual pleasures and may suffer from contagious diseases.
SINCE… the Ascendant falls in the star of Punarvasu, ruled by Jupiter, the Gemini ascendant borns would be industrialists, landlords, owners of macro organisations; they may also gain in partnership ventures; they may find dissatisfaction in married life; they will have status, prestige and very good relations with theologists.
if the native born between….00 degree…
to ..06 degree 40 minutes of GEMINI
His LAGNA nakshatra will be… MRIGSIRA
the lord of MRIGSIRA nakshatra is…. MARS
His janama LAGNA sign will be… GEMINI
The lord of GEMINI sign is …..MERCURY
if the native born between….06 degree 40 minutes …
to ..20 degree 00 minutes of GEMINI
His LAGNA nakshatra will be ARDRA
the lord of ARDRA nakshatra is RAHU
His janama LAGNA sign will be… GEMINI
The lord of GEMINI sign is …..MERCURY
if the native born between….20 degree 00 minutes …
to ..30 degree of GEMINI
His LAGNA nakshatra will be… PUNARVASU
The lord of nakshatra is… JUPITER
His janama LAGNA sign will be… GEMINI
The lord of GEMINI sign is …..MERCURY
Moon for Gemini Ascendant in 2nd House Lord:
CANCER /KARKA the fourth ZODIAC sign is in the second house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna.
Cancer is ruled by MOON…hence MOON will be the lord of this house.
Since the sign Cancer, the 4th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 2nd house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns would have conversing and negotiating skills to deal in house, land, vehicles, machineries and properties.
Since Cancer is a movable sign, the Gemini borns would, improve their talents on conversing; since all watery signs are fruitful signs, their oratorical skills would bring fruitful and expected results.The Gemini ascendant borns would always like to speak truth.
Since it is a sign owned by Moon, the Gemini ascendant borns would swiftly express new and innovative ideas. They do not expose their talents in conversations.
Cancer is the 2nd house to Gemini. Since it is the 4th sign of Kaalpurusha’s, the Gemini ascendant borns could make money out of land, vehicles, properties, machinery, agriculture and manufacturing.
The 2nd house sign Cancer is a watery and movable sign; the income pattern of Gemini ascendant borns will mostly maintain upward trends; the income of them would mostly be used for honest purposes. Since it is a house of Moon, the income pattern of Gemini ascendant borns will have frequent and speedy transactions of money, will profit from clear speech and pearl ornaments, will become counsellors in financial institutions and will become active through financial sources.
SINCE…the 2nd house falls in the star of Punarvasu, ruled by Jupiter, the Gemini ascendant borns will be sincere, respectful, honest and truthful in financial matters; will deal in jewellery shops, treasury and banks.
Jupiter is also the lord of houses 7th & 10th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, be benefited from society, banks, government recognition, partnership deeds, spouse and relatives, will gain through government subsidy and tax evasion;
….gain by holding honorary or high posts, through status, leadership, administrative capacity, name and fame and responsible counselling.
SINCE…the 2nd house falls in the star of Pushyam, ruled by Saturn, the Gemini ascendant borns will become misers, will belong to small income group, will tell lies in financial matters, will be in possession of costly goods and will tend to seize properties and belongings of others.
Saturn is also the lord of houses 8th & 9th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, profit through all kinds of anti-social, illegal and criminal activities like robbery, thefts, cheating, forgery, threatening, murders, kidnappings etc. They will gain by accepting bribery in accident wards and mortuary hi hospitals, insurance claims, magics and wills;
….gain through ancestral properties, confidence, honesty, education, leadership, research, religious service, endowments, transplantation, law, temple properties, ancient monuments and life at foreign countries.
SINCE… the 2nd house falls in the star of Aslesha, ruled by Mercury, the Gemini ascendant borns will gain through greenish stones and articles, mimicry and witty speech, micro instruments, negotiable instruments and by rendering commentary.
Mercury is the lord of houses 1st & 4th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, make money with self-thoughts, will always be.fond of money, will increase their activities with the use of money, will increase their status through money and will have independent sources of income;
….benefit through education, fruits and vegetables, grain fields, farms, education centres, libraries, lease of ponds and water reservoirs.
Sun for Gemini Ascendant in 3rd House Lord:
LEO/SIMHA the fifth ZODIAC sign is in the third house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna.
Leo is ruled by SUN…hence SUN will be the lord of this house.
Leo is the 5th house to Kaalpurusha’s and it is the 3rd sign to Gemini . Hence the Gemini ascendant borns tend to write and communicate much about religion, arts and culture. Since this 3rd house is a fiery and fixed sign, the Gemini ascendant borns will show steady, serious and stubborn involvements in the fields of arts and culture and are adamant in their religious practices.
Leo is a sign ruled by Sun. So the Gemini ascendant borns will deal with statistics, records, orders, informations, communications and postal departments of the government.
SINCE… the 3rd house falls in the star of Makha ruled by Ketu, the Gemini ascendant born will forge documents, spread rumours, file criminal cases, manipulate accounts and write anonymous letters.
Ketu would act like Mercury, the lord of houses 1st & 4th , as far as the significations of houses are concerned. So the Gemini ascendant borns will,
…..record their self thoughts, will have courageous thoughts and acts, will have proper functioning of neurological and sensory organs including blood vessels, will do things as they like with the use of their physical strength, will carry independent opinions and thoughts and will like to exhibit their strength;
….lose physical energy, will be certified for education, will sell vegetables and fruits, livestock, nursery, stationeries and papers used in educational institutions, newspapers, vessels, utensils, furniture, groceries, hardware, equipments and accessories used in the construction of bridges and would become real estate brokers.
SINCE…the 3rd house falls in the star of Poorvapalguni, ruled by Venus, the Gemini ascendant borns will happily get information, communication, letters, agreements, brokerage, script writings and film editing: they would be able to capitalize their skill of writing and imagination.
Venus is also the lord of houses 5th & 12th to Gemini.
So the Gemini ascendant borns will, deal and write about stock market, sports, politics, arts and literature, religion and Vedic rituals, will paint with pure imagination, will have intelligence, will have attractive physique and will perform obscene dances.
….have information through secret sources, will lose physical energy, will miss the evidences and savings certificates, will receive documents for outstanding, will get needed information for secret plans, will permanently lose outstanding and will experience permanent separation of person who is already and temporarily separated from the family.
SINCE…the 3rd house falls in the star of Uttarapalguni, ruled by Sun, besides i!s planetary karakas, as it is also the lord of the 3rd house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will need press publicity, will use intelligence in writing, will express own ideas, will participate in debates and discussions, will write to boost the confidence and courage of the readers and will have stable mind with courage and confidence.
Mercury for Gemini Ascendant in 4th House Lord:
VIRGO/KANYA the sixth ZODIAC sign is in the fourth house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna.
VIRGO is ruled by MERCURY…hence MERCURY will be the lord of this house.
Since Virgo, the 6th house of the Kaalpurusha is the 4th house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns are more interested in their education; they tend to learn many languages and may do excellent work in the fields of medical, diet, costumes, textiles and chemicals etc.,
Since Virgo is an earthy and common sign, the Gemini ascendant borns tend to help the society with their education; they excel in their education despite fluctuations; they become debtors for the cause of their education.
Since Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the Gemini ascendant borns have natural interest in mathematics.
Virgo the 6th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 4th house to Gemini. Hence the Gemini ascendant borns will mostly live in rented-houses; they may face litigations in their properties; loans and borrowings against lands, vehicles and properties are inevitable.
Since this 4th sign is an earthy and common sign, the Gemini ascendant borns tend to gain profitable returns from their lands, vehicles and properties. They tend to make changes in their lands, vehicles and properties.
Mercury is the lord of this house. So the Gemini ascendant borns could hold double natured lands, vehicles and properties and could be called as land lords. They may get ancestral properties.
SINCE… the 4lh house falls in the star of Uttarapalguni, ruled by Sun, the Gemini ascendant borns will live in or near government buildings and government offices, will be in possession of government vehicles and could handle government machinery, will encroach village common lands, will run educational institutions with due government recognition and will deal with government departments of vehicles, lands, forest and hills, grains, civil supply godown, water tanks, wells and ponds.
Sun is also the lord of 3rd house to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will get press publicity about their transfers and place of postings, will publish books on general knowledge, will leave their native places, will confidently involve in the production processes, will be knowledgeable persons and will behave according to their standards of education.
If the 4lh house falls in the star of Hastha, ruled by Moon, the Gemini ascendant borns will deal with water reservoirs, agricultural lands, dams, wells, ponds, boats, watery fruits and vegetables, rain water harvesting, refrigerators and vehicles.
Moon is also the lord of 2nd house to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will purchase costly and valuable articles, jewels and bungalows and will tend to keep things in excess at their personal possession and custody.
SINCE… the 4th house falls in the star of Chitra, ruled by Mars, the Gemini ascendant borns will show arrogance towards their education; will show strong interests in lands, vehicles, automobiles, machinery, agricultural farms, machinery for production of chemicals and fertilizers and may own huge industries.
Mars is also the lord of houses 6th & 11th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, have centres of competitive examinations, will organise medical camps, own medical laboratories, will do catering, tailoring, manufacturing of medicines and medical equipments, will finance against properties, will become accountants in purchase departments or milkmen in societies and will become lessors;
…..accumulate properties with greedily, will construct bungalows, will construct with assistance from societies, will purchase goods of their choice, will live in fortunate houses, will receive gifts as token of their successes, will make professional achievements and will have frequent visits of friends of their choice.
Venus for Gemini Ascendant in 5th House Lord:
LIBRA/TULA the seventh ZODIAC sign is in the fifthhouse to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna.
LIBRA is ruled by VENUS…hence VENUS will be the lord of this house.
Since Libra, the 7th house of the Kaalpurusha is the 5th house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns tend to gain wisdom and knowledge due to persuasions by opposite sex; they have the capability to entertain the society through arts and music.
Libra is a movable and airy sign; so the artistic and cultural movements of Gemini ascendant borns would always move in the path of development, in less than a reasonable time.
Since it is a house owned by Venus, the lord of houses 5th & 12th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns tend to make extravagant expenditures on behalf of their interests in the fields of arts and culture; they may also have to face troubles caused by their secret enemies.
Since libra the 7th sign to Kaalpurusha is the 5th house to Gemini. Hence the Gemini ascendant borns have a chance to give birth to twins. They would love their life-partners very much.
This 5th house is an airy and movable sign. So the Gemini ascendant borns will have intelligent and beautiful children; they will love people with self-pride.
Since this 5th house is ruled by Venus, the Gemini ascendant borns will have to make huge expenditures on their lovers or daughters. The Gemini ascendant borns will be interested in the fields of arts, culture and cinema and may perform obscene roles; they may also be popular politicians, orators and astrologers.
SINCE… the 5th house falls in the star of Chitra, ruled by Mars, the Gemini ascendant borns will be arrogant during copulations, will be known for their obscene styles in the fields of arts and culture, will practice martial arts and will not have faith in god.
Mars is also the lord of houses 6th & 11th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, run competitive centres for arts, will become gynaecologists, nurses, costume designers, caterers., producers of natural medicines, laboratory technicians and workers in lodges, cinema halls and would reside in lodges.
…..learn arts greedily, will construct lodges and branches of union, will venture jointly with societies, will have sex with people of their choice, will enjoy fortunate opportunities, will always remain in the company of joyful friends and will make achievements in the production of livestock.
SINCE…the 5th house falls in the star of Swathi, ruled by Rahu, the Gemini ascendant borns will have sex with foreigners, will involve in gambling and prostitution at foreign places, and may become swimmers and sprinters.
Rahu would act as Jupiter as far as the significations of houses are concerned…. the Gemini ascendant borns may have faith in god, will be truthful in their love affairs, will adhere to religious practices and rituals, will become leaders in the fields of religion and politics and will perform arts with intuition power.
Jupiter is also the lord of houses 7th & 10th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, have cordial social relationships, will live in government quarters, will receive musical instruments as donation from the government, will enter into partnerships, will marry the lover and will associate with voluntary organisations;
….hold honour, name, fame and status as eminent artists, will become officers with administrative capacity, will manufacture artistic goods, will be responsible for temples that were undertaken by the government and will hold posts of easy jobs.
SINCE… the 5th house falls in the star of Vishakha, ruled by Jupiter, the Gemini ascendant borns will have faith in god, will be truthful in their love affairs, will adhere to religious practices and rituals, will become leaders in the fields of religion and politics and will perform arts with intuition power.
Jupiter is also the lord of houses 7th & 10th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, have cordial social relationships, will live in government quarters, will receive musical instruments as donation from the government, will enter into partnerships, will marry the lover and will associate with voluntary organisations;
…hold honour, name, fame and status as eminent artists, will become officers with administrative capacity, will manufacture artistic goods, will be responsible for temples that were undertaken by the government and will hold posts of easy jobs.
Mars for Gemini Ascendant in 6th House Lord:
SCORPIO/VRISHCHIK the eighth ZODIAC sign is in the sixth house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna.
SCORPIO is ruled by MARS..hence MARS will be the lord of this house.
Scorpio, the 8th sign of the Kaalpurushais the 6th sign to Gemini…hence they tend to suffer from stress and pain resulted by sudden illnesses and diseases. They may also have to face difficulties due to litigations. They also carry a desire to commit suicide due to excessive borrowings.
Since Scorpio, the sign in 6th house is a watery and fixed sign, the Gemini ascendant born may have to lead a life full of struggles due to permanent diseases caused by glands and in private organs. Since this house is ruled by Mars, the lord of houses 6th & 11th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant born would suffer from diseases caused by vitamin deficiencies.
Scorpio the 8th sign of Kaalpurusha’s, is the 6th house to Gemini. Hence the Gemini ascendant borns will gain success only after struggles. They could get double the amount as loans beyond their expectations.
Since it is a watery and fixed sign, the Gemini ascendant borns will have increased borrowings for their litigations and medical treatments. Their court cases, loans would last relatively permanently.
Since it is a house owned by Mars, the lord of houses 6th & 11th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns are to struggle for success in all walks of life. They will suffer due to muscle pains and high fever; will serve in industries, will become manual labourers, cooks, tailors and producers of medicine and food.
SINCE… the 6lh house falls in the star of Vishakha, ruled by Jupiter, the Gemini ascendant borns will serve in huge industries or banks, will become medical officers, lawyers, presidents offcasts and functions and bank cashiers, will suffer due to cholesterol in blood, will produce nutritious tablets and would be able to raise loans with recommendations of popular persons of the society.
Jupiter is also the lord of houses 7th & 10th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, serve in social service, voluntary and labour welfare organisations, will become labour contractors or agents to government officials and will act as marriage brokers;
….join in permanent service, will hold posts with easy jobs, will become officers known for administrative capacity to earn name, fame and status with promotion avenues.
SINCE…the 6th house falls in the star of Anuradha, ruled by Saturn, the Gemini ascendant borns will have sexual relationships with people belonging to lower strata, will be insincere and unfaithful in love affairs, may become prostitutes, security guards in temple ponds or priests, will perform sober roles in the fields of arts and will have lazy children.
Saturn is also the lord of houses 8th & 9th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, render hard labour under severe working conditions and dirty circumstances; will repair old goods and will have heavy workloads.
….serve as teachers, priests, researchers, scientists and in the fields of international trade, endowments, courts, panchayat boards, ancient monuments, temple tax collection offices and temple trusts.
SINCE… the 6th house falls in the star of Jyeshta, ruled by Mercury, the Gemini ascendant borns will serve at commercial centres or as accountants, labour contractors, tax collectors, nurses, compounders, office clerks, neurologists, computer operators and printers and in hire-purchase or instalment agencies,
Mercury is also the lord of houses 1st & 4th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, work with self-thoughts, improve their working capacity, will have successful acts, will have proper functioning of digestive and neurological system, will tend to depend on others in functioning, will lack in efficiency and will suffer due to loss of power of immunity;
…..have excessive power of immunity in the body, will serve in the fields of lands, buildings, housing, vehicles and machinery, will become caterers, maintenance staff of livestock, labourers on daily wages, school teachers, manufactures of house hold appliances and furniture and stage managers for dance and musical events.
Jupiter for Gemini Ascendant in 7th House Lord:
SAGITTARIUS/DHANU the ninth ZODIAC sign is in the seventh house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna.
Sagittarius is ruled by JUPITER..hence JUPITER will be the lord of this house.
Since Sagittarius, the 9th sign of Kaalpurusha’s, is the 7th house to Gemini; the Gemini ascendant borns will have very good social relationships with teachers, priests, temple trustees, lawyers and judges.
Since this 7th house is a common but fiery sign, the Gemini ascendant borns would meet persons with short-temper and wavering minds; their friendships would not last long.
Since this house is owned by Jupiter, the lord of houses 7th & 10th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns may lack love and affection towards their life-partners and are materialistically interested persons and will maintain relationships with many people in their profession.
Sagittarius, the 9th sign of Kaalpurushais the 7th house to Gemini. Hence the Gemini ascendant borns may become polygamists.They would have plump wives, belonging to different states.
It is a common and fiery sign. Hence the Gemini ascendant borns may have immoral spouses and opponents. They will have fluctuating relationships with their spouses, partners, opponents and persons they meet in the course of life, functionings of sensory organs and kidney in their body,will be that of fluctuating in nature. Since it is a house owned by Jupiter, the lord of houses 7th & 10th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns are money minded in their matrimonial affairs. They tend to gain partnerships with socially popular personalities and good natured people. They will have understanding, calm and responsible spouses, partners and business customers.
SINCE… the 7th house falls in the star of Moola, owned by Ketu, the Gemini ascendant borns will have dissatisfactions and dejections in their married life. They will have criminal minded spouses, business partners and customers.
Ketu would act like Mercury as far as the house significations are concerned. Mercury is the lord of houses 1st & 4th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will,
….have collective thoughts and joint efforts, will listen to others, will suffer due to contagious diseases and at abdominal regions of the body, will become weak due to loss of power of immunity, will lack independence in actions, will invite competitions and oppositions due to their activities and will become well known persons;
….marry among relatives, residents in the same compound or opposite houses and caretakers of house, land, organisations and vehicles.
SINCE…the 7th house falls in the star of Poorvashada, ruled by Venus, the Gemini ascendant borns will have attractive spouse and business partners, will often meet with happy and joyful persons and women as customers in their business.
Venus is also the lord of houses 5th & 12th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, often meet with their lovers, artists, painters, singers, astrologers, teachers, religious servants, priests, prostitutes and pimps;
…..often meet with secret planners, thieves, people who threaten them by knowing their secrets and who lead to losses to them and people who assist them in investments.
SINCE…the 7th house falls in the star of Uttarashada, ruled by Sun, the Gemini ascendant borns will have spouse or business partners who are authoritative with self-pride, will often meet with officers of public welfare departments.
Sun is also the lord of 3rd house to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will get press publicity about the assistance received by them, will publish books on public service, will meet with advertisers, will spend their energy for the cause of others, will write recommendation letters and petitions for others, will work as registrars, will gain confidence through others and will have spouse or business partners from neighbours.
Saturn for Gemini Ascendant in 8th House Lord:
CAPRICORN/MAKARA the tenth ZODIAC sign is in the eighth house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna.
Capricorn is ruled by SATURN…hence SATURN will be the lord of this house.
Since Capricorn, the tenth house of Kaalpurusha’s, is the 8th house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns would face mental stress in their profession; they may also have to meet with accidents in their professions.
The Gemini ascendant born tends to face the problems quietly, because their 8th house is a movable but an earthy sign.
This house is owned by Saturn, the lord of houses 8th & 9th to Gemini. Hence the Gemini ascendant borns would face difficulties while undertaking long journeys; they may face deadlocks in reaching agreements; they would find it difficult to reach their destination as desired.
Capricorn, the 10th Sign of Kaalpurusha’s, is the 8th house to Gemini. The Gemini ascendant borns may have to meet with accidents at their places of profession; they may also have to serve with excessive workloads; they could come up in their life only by way of hard work.
Since it is a movable and earthy sign, the Gemini ascendant borns will be troubled by natural calamities.
Since it is a house owned by Saturn, the lord of houses 8th & 9th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will have to face a series of problems. They will be humiliated, annihilated, threatened, alleged and sued with false charges and they may abscond sometimes; they will behave like cowards; they will suffer due to forgetfulness and frequent fears of death; they may meet with cruel accidents and they will involve in modification old goods.
SINCE…the 8th house falls in the star of Uttarashada, ruled by Sun, the lord of 3rd house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns could get into troubles by sudden communications from government; they would also be troubled by anonymous letters. Their properties may be seized by the government; they may steal government documents, will quit politics, will involve in criminal activities, will meet with fire accidents and will be punished by the government.
Sun is also the lord of 3rd house to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will get notorious press publicity, will publish books on criminology, spread rumours, make mistakes in accounting, suffer due to forgetfulness, misplace belongings, suffer due to wear and tear of body organs, will have adverse remarks in service and will face troubles in the service as clerks and in communications.
SINCE…the 8th house falls in the star of Shravana, ruled by Moon, the Gemini ascendant borns will suffer due to mental depression, forgetfulness and unconsciousness, lack proper knowledge, meet with accidents in water, lose their mental balance and will involve in anti-social thoughts and activities.
Moon is also the lord of 11th house to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will enjoy frequent income, clear speech, pearl ornaments and silver articles; they will be consultants in financial companies, orators; their acts will be quick through money.
SINCE…the 8Ih house falls in the star of Dhanishta, ruled by Mars, the Gemini ascendant borns will involve with quarrels, riots, struggles, terrorism, seizures, false allegations, police and military actions, use of weapons, bomb blasts, cruel accidents, forgery, cheating, suicide squads, murders and robbery; they will be troubled by brothers.
Mars is also the lord of houses 6th & 11th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will,
….have problems in competitive examination centres, would suffer due to medical treatments, negligence of nursing staff, side effects of medicines, allergy and acidity, will meet with accidents during preparation of medicines and will face discomforts in lodges;
….struggle with greediness, will be harassed in lodges, will misappropriate in clubs, will face no-confidence motions in societies, will experience the fortunes turning as misfortunes, will have unfortunate employment opportunities and will be dejected in the fields of their choice.
Saturn for Gemini Ascendant in 9th House Lord:
Aquarius/Kumbha the eleventh ZODIAC sign is in the ninth house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna.
Aquarius is ruled by SATURN…hence SATURN will be the lord of this house.
Since Aquarius, the 11th house of Kaalpurusha is the 9th house of Gemini, the Gemini ascendant born are more interested in higher education and could study in the fields of their own interest. They have a liking for illegal sexual affairs.
Since this 9th house is an airy and fixed sign, the Gemini ascendant borns tend to gain intelligence and research interest through their academic education.
Since it is a house owned by Saturn, the lord of houses 8th & 9th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns may have breaks in their higher education-and discontinue their higher studies.
Aquarius, the 11th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 9th house to Gemini. Hence the Gemini ascendant borns will gain success in their research efforts; they may face hurdles in undertaking foreign journeys.
Since this house falls in an airy and fixed sign, the Gemini ascendant borns may undertake frequent air journeys; they will show keen interest in their research efforts.
Since it is a sign owned by Saturn, the lord of 8th & 9th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will have to face hurdles and hardships in all their research efforts. Gemini ascendant borns would be able to steadily study science. They may lack needed mental inclination for higher education; and they could study about oil wells, natural gas and medical research.
SINCE… the 9th house falls in the star of Dhanishta, owned by Mars, the Gemini ascendant borns would win in competitions in the fields of research, higher education and contests for honorary posts. They may study agriculture, geology, mechanical engineering, history, archaeology and criminal law; they may become criminal judges, transport owners, head masters and politicians.
Mars is also the lord of houses 6th & 11th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, serve as supervisors in competitive examination centres, will suffer due to hereditary disorders, excessive intake, allergy, acidity, and the side effects of medicines, will study nursing courses and medical research, will make joint efforts in medical fields and will have illegal affairs in research fields.
…study diploma courses, will hold honorary posts with easy jobs, name and fame, will make success and achievements in research ventures, will always remain joyful, will gain in all fields, will have cordial relationships in societies, will get fortunate opportunities of accords, will be able to find the right way of doing things and will be fond of fatty food.
SINCE…the 9th house falls in the star of Shathabisham, ruled by Rahu, the Gemini ascendant borns will become researchers of drugs and intoxication, will become surgeons of transplantation and fitting artificial organs, will associate with religious research centres and international friendship clubs and will teach foreign languages.
Rahu would act like Jupiter as far as the significations of houses , are concerned….i.e., the Gemini ascendant borns will have higher education in the field of teaching, will become financial controller, administrators of*’ temples, trustees, exporters and ambassadors and will modify the fields of religion, law and social discipline.
Jupiter is also the lord of houses 7th & 10th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, face discomforts in lodges, will detach from illegal affairs, will behave in a disciplined manner in social service institutions, will remarry, will have illegal affair with the sister of spouse and will make friendships with government officials, work in the fields of transport, communication, embassy., international trade, electricity, water supply, teaching, research fields, religious endowments, courts of justice, panchayat boards, ancient national monuments, oil wells, gold mines and trusts.
SINCE…the 9th house falls in the star of Poorvabhadra, ruled by Jupiter, the Gemini ascendant borns will have higher education in the field of teaching, will become financial controller, administrators of*’ temples, trustees, exporters and ambassadors and will modify the fields of religion, law and social discipline.
Jupiter for Gemini Ascendant in 10th House Lord:
Pisces/Meena the twelvth ZODIAC sign is in the tenth house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna.
Pisces is ruled by JUPITER hence JUPITER will be the lord of this house.
Since Pisces, the 12th sign of Kaalpurusha’s, is the 10th house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will not hesitate to undertake secret activities like adulteration etc. They gain status and honour through two different types of profession. They carry needed inclination for research and innovation.
Since this 10th house is a common and watery sign, the Gemini ascendant borns will have fluctuations in their professional life. They venture in multiple professions in the fields of liquids.
Since it is a house ruled by Jupiter, the lord of houses 7th & 10th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will excel in partnership deeds. But these partnership ventures would have to face breaks.
Pisces, the 12th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 10th house to Gemini. Hence the Gemini ascendant borns will do their profession in the fields of research centres, investigation & customs departments, adulteration, secret planning, shoe makers, hospitals and imports and exports etc. They may work in foreign countries.
Since the 10th sign is a common but watery sign, the Gemini ascendant borns may undertake business through sea ports, work in the fields like transport, boats and ships, may do fishing and may use liquids in their profession.
Since it is a house of Jupiter, the lord of houses 7th & 10th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will excel in partnership ventures; they may have to face unexpected breaks in their professional life. They will become responsible officers in big organisations, will serve in child welfare organisations, currency printing division of banks, gold mines, national monuments and will hold honorary posts.
SINCE…the 10th house falls in the star of Poorvabhadra, ruled by Jupiter, besides its planetary significations, Jupiter being the lord of houses 7th & 10th to Gemini.
The Gemini ascendant borns will, work in the social service or national service organisations, will enter into partnerships, will become labour contractors or marriage brokers and will represent the nation in international bodies; hold responsible but easy posts with name and fame and will serve in customs and sales or income tax departments;
SINCE…the TENTH house falls in the star of Uttarabhadra, ruled by Saturn, the Gemini ascendant borns will work as assistants in office and would come up in their life from the lower level especially in the departments of police or military; they will respect socially downtrodden people and they may sell old goods.
Saturn is also the lord of houses 8th & 9th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, be professional criminals of all varieties and will sell and modify old goods;
… at social service institutions, voluntary organisations, offices of international trade, marriage registrar office, universities, colleges, communication and information departments, transport offices, religious institutions, trusts, courts, panchayat boards, ancient and’ national monuments, electricity departments, water supplies department, oil wells, mines, employment exchanges and will become professors, judges, negotiators, registrars and posts with honour and respect.
SINCE…the 10th house falls in the star of Revati, ruled by Mercury, the Gemini ascendant borns will do business, will deal with micro and measurement instruments, papers, stationeries, books, calculators, computers, wires and rods and will gain from greenish articles.
Mercury is also the lord of houses 1st & 4th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, work with self-ideas and thoughts, will become over active,will become industrialist,will do respectful independent acts, will suffer due to allergy, will improve their physical strength and will make suitable changes in their profession;
… manufacture goods, will work as agriculturalists, construction workers, carpenters and electricians, will work in the fields of automobiles, cleaning, water tanks, fertilizers, boilers, farms, fruit gardens and godowns.
Mars for Gemini Ascendant in 11th House Lord:
Aries /Mesha the first ZODIAC sign is in the eleventh house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna.
ARIES is ruled by MARS…hence MARS will be the lord of this house.
Since Aries, the first sign of Kaalpurusha is the 11th house of Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will get position of chiefs as desired by them; they tend to implement their plans immediately after assuming responsibilities as chiefs.
Since it is a movable and fiery sign, the Gemini ascendant borns are crazy and have a never-ending desire to gain name and fame. Since it is a house ruled by Mars, the lord of houses 6th & 11th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will gain success in their life only after struggles.
Aries, the 1st sign of Kaalpurusha is the 11th house to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will lead in all fields of life through self efforts. They have th,e quality of leadership; they will show their cleverness in politics.
Since the 11th house falls in a fiery and movable sign, the Gemini ascendant borns are adamant in nature; they never believe in religious rituals and conventions. They are more ambitious in fulfilling their personal desires.
This house is owned by Mars. Hence the Gemini ascendant borns will always carry the spirit of competition and will be forcibly fond of success. The Gemini ascendant borns will have friendships and relationships with sincere people, will gain success in desired things after struggles and will be greedy and arrogant.
SINCE… the 11th house falls in the star of Aswani, ruled by Ketu, the Gemini ascendant borns will purchase properties with litigations or encumbrances; they tend to opt for and would expect things in illegal means and they would carry on with criminal activities. They will have friendships and relationships with criminals.
Ketu would act like Mercury as far as the significations of houses are concerned. Mercury is the lord of houses 1st & 4th. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, always think about themselves, will have a high percentage of vitamins, will show happy relationships, will be selfish with self-pride, will have independent opinions, will have imagination and will make new changes in their activities, will have a high sense of taste and will have proper body functioning, purcnase things of choice and will purchase properties with encumbrances; their vehicles and their belongings will get damaged.
SINCE…the 11th house falls in the star of Bharani, ruled by Venus, the Gemini ascendant boms will have friendships and relationships with happy and joyful persons and they would always expect happy and joyful events.
Venus is also the lord of houses 5th & 12th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant horns will, have happy and joyful relationships, will marry persons of their love, will enter into mutual agreements and will show interest in the fields, of arts and culture;
……enjoy happiness in secret contacts, will invest in the fields of their choice, will explicitly express hidden things, will have secret interests through friends and will gain success in the research fields.
SINCE…the 11th house falls in the star of Krittika, ruled by Sun, the lord of III house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will have highly selfish desires and would fulfil them through public relations. They will be part of government bodies, societies, friendship clubs, co-operative centres and they will be awarded with gold medals, mementos and subsidies by the government and they will associate with the feasts, festivals and monuments of the government.
Sun is also the lord of the 3rd house to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will increase their energy, will have press publicity about their good tidings, enter into sales agreements and communications, write books, receive messages, verify accounts and will improve power of memory.
Venus for Gemini Ascendant in 12th House Lord:
Taurus /Rishaba the second ZODIAC sign is in the twelvth house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna.
Taurus is ruled by VENUS…hence VENUS will be the lord of this house.
Since Taurus, the 2nd sign of the Kaalpurushais the 12th house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns tend to maintain secrecy in their investments and would not hesitate to undertake secret activities for financial gains.
Since this 12th house is a fixed and earthy sign, the Gemini ascendant borns would like to invest in immovable properties. Since it is a house ruled by Venus, the lord of houses 5th & 12th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will lose money and properties due to their love affairs.
Taurus, the 2nd sign of Kaalpurusha’s, is the 12th house to Gemini. So the expenditures of Gemini ascendant borns will in a way end up as investments; they will do very well in their second profession; they tend to conceal gold and other valuables; they may gain from hidden treasures.
Since it is a fixed and earthy sign, the Gemini ascendant boms.tend to make long term investments of fruitful returns inspite of delays
It is a house of Venus, the lord of houses 5th & 12th to Gemini. The Gemini ascendant borns will face dejections in their efforts to help others; they may be cheated by opposite sex. They will have secret activities in sexual relationships, will secretly marry, will enter into secret agreements with women and will tend to hide things.
SINCE… the 12th house falls in the star of Krittika, ruled by Sun, the lord of 3rd house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will invest on commercial and business ventures. They may also involve in the government departments of investigations, customs, excise, sales tax, auditing, prisons, hospitals, postmortem wards, punishments and seizures.
Sun is also the lord of 3rd house to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns willjose their memory and physical energy, will get press publicity about their sorrow, will face breach of agreements and communication, will make mfstakes in accounting and will sell things especially books.
SINCE… the 12th house falls in the star of Rohini, ruled by Moon, the lord of 2nd house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns would go on investing their money. They will make investments quickly, will undertake voyage, will hoard liquid articles and will have pleasant bed comforts.
Moon is also the lord of 2nd house to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will lose their savings, suffer due to eye diseases and indigestion, invest in gold articles and will possess black money.
SINCE… the 12th house falls in the star of Mrigasira, ruled by Mars, the lord of house 6th & 11th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will involve in money lending and would get reasonable returns from it. They would also involve in adulteration, smuggling, hoarding, secret, illegal and subversive activities, will work in prostitution homes, lodges or in investigation departments.
Mars is also the lord of houses 6th & 11th to Gemini. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, gain secret success, will fall unconscious due to allergic food, will change service of their choice, will suffer due to inability to diagnose the diseases and will gain success after making undue expenditure for the same;
……have secret activities in societies, will face breach of agreements in societies, will face troubles in fortunate opportunities, will fail in achieving and will keep new and modem methods in secrecy.
You may find more information about Gemini Ascendant sign by following this ‘Gemini Horoscope’.
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