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Rahu in Different Houses

Rahu in Different Houses

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Effects of Rahu in Different Houses

Rahu in Different Houses
Rahu in Houses

Rahu in 1st house

Rahu in the first Home will result as the health of the native could be bad unless there’s a beneficial impact on the ascendant or Rahu is positioned.

Rahu in the first House will likely result to suffer from headaches and ailments in the top part of the body. He can have an unhappy marriage.

His attitude towards life and behavior could be unconventional behavioral and positioned Rahu will create the native increase to a position and be distinguished and wealthy.

Rahu here related to the strong owner of an angle along with a triangular home, or aspected by the proprietor will form a Rajyoga.

The native will get increasingly more prosperous as he progresses in life. If Rahu is heavily placed within an angle, there will be a sudden gain of wealth for the native.

Rahu in the first home of Aries, Taurus, or Gemini confers health and prosperity.

This type of location of Rain will ward off all evil. Rahu is a significant beneficial planet for the natives here if it’s placed in Aquarius or Pisces. In Virgo or Gemini, it can make the native God-fearing and kind, and he may have all of the conveniences.

If Rahu is in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Aquarius the native will be slim. The native will be rich and prosperous if Rahu is in Leo.

In the event the 5th or ninth house has an indication inimical to Rahu, the native could either suffer from having kids or their longevity could be poor, along with the native could face hindrances. The kids might not be close to the natives and can be irreligious.

They can play well in gambling or speculation: his younger sister/brother can be long-lived and wealthy but might have a hearing defect.

His mother might not be of good conduct. He’ll succeed in litigation. His elder sister/brother could be efficient, great at work, and wealthy.

Rahu in relation to a strong Maraka proprietor of the second or seventh home here will destroy the wealth of the native and can lead to his death.

Rahu in 2nd Houses

The native might not be capable to express himself well. He might tell lies and might talk to mislead others. He’d be tenderhearted and will face opposition. He might not have relations with his family. He can have diseases from the mouth or face.

He’ll have a flaw in his eyes, whether the Moon or the Sun can also be involved with malefic planets. When the owner of the very first, 5th, or ninth house is in relation to Rahu here, it is going to make the native prosperous.

Rahu here in relation to the owner of the 3rd, 6th, 8th, or the eleventh house will reduce the longevity and might lead to death during his big or sub-periods.

Nevertheless, a positive Rahu placed in the second home with the owner of the eleventh will be effective at earning the native get wealth.

If Rahu is connected with Saturn, then the owner of the eighth home or their dispositors, the native might not be capable to accumulate a bank balance. This may be further confirmed in the event the owner of the second home can be connected with this combination.

He’ll have problems with banks along with other financial institutions. A nicely placed and strong Rahu here will confer status on the native and gains from the government.

In case the disposition of Rahu is heavily placed within an angle, there shall be a surprising wealth gain for the native.

The native may have disorders that come up or he might meet with unforeseen misadventures.

In case the 8th house is strong, Rahu is a strong beneficial planet for the ascendant, and connected with the 8th house in any fashion, the native will obtain a heritage.

He might be raised in a high position by such a Rahu however his conduct might not be great.

He might earn wealth. This might be the main cause of his fall. His younger sister/brother may dwell in a remote land. His kids might rise to high positions, but they won’t be of good behavior and their transactions won’t be above board.

Rahu here, with the owner of the home strong and well-positioned, is a sign that the native is likely to obtain wealth suddenly.

Rahu in 3rd house

The native will be efficient and bold. Rahu in this home in relation to a useful planet eliminates all other adverse signs in the horoscope and makes the native long-lived, however, if it’s affected it destroys brothers and causes a disease in the neck or the throat.

An adverse Rahu will cause problems for the native as well. The native will stay in good health throughout the major or sub-periods of Rahu.

Normally, this location of Rahu from the graph makes for a relationship with younger brothers/sisters. The native will be the leader of men. He’ll be strong-willed. The news may be received by him suddenly and might be criticized for his views.

He might travel about a lot. The journeys might be by air, especially so if Saturn influences Rahu here. Rahu here associated with a strong owner of the corner and triangular home will form a Rajyoga.

Rahu in relation to a strong Maraka owner of the second or seventh home here will ruin the wealth of the native and might lead to his death.

This isn’t a good show for mother native. She’ll be extravagant and she’ll carry on activities secretively which can’t be called great.

The native kids will probably be long-lived and prosperous unless a strong owner of the eleventh house is affecting Rahu in any way when the results will probably be the reverse.

His wife won’t be spiritual and of good behavior, however, when Rahu is in Gemini or Virgo or else it’s aspected or connected to the owner of the house or Mercury, she may have sudden and unexpected benefits.

If Rahu has a relation with or aspected by a strong owner of the 8th or first house, it’ll decrease the longevity of the spouse. The native’s father could possibly be a guy to lose morals. His elder sister/brother might be childless or might suffer from troubles from the belly.

Rahu in 4th House

This Rahu has a propensity to make the native orthodox. He’d not have an open mind and his relationship with his mother won’t be satisfactory. His mother will probably be long-lived, but normally unhappy. It’ll give results of its positioning in the very first house to her.

However, the native will have conveyances, land, home, and high status. Rahu with Mars at the 4th house is a sign which the native is of temperament and liable to be incarcerated in his lifetime.

The event might be timed to the entire year for which the yearly horoscope has Rahu alone at the property that was fourth.

Rahu is a significant beneficial planet for the indigenous if it’s put in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Aquarius, or Pisces. When it is put in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, or Virgo here, it’ll get advantages to the indigenous from the government.

When Rahu is only in a friend’s sign, and not negatively viewed or associated, it will be helpful to the indigenous.

Rahu here in relation to a strong planet owning an angle along with a triangle will form a Rajyoga. Rahu in relation to a strong Maraka proprietor of the second or 7th house will ruin the wealth of the native and might cause his death.

A poorly positioned Rahu will adversely impact native education. His thoughts might be constantly disturbed or he can be minded that is petty and low. In case the 4th house, its owner, and the Moon or Mercury are affected by Rahu.

The native might suffer from nervous disorders, mental aberrations, fear, epilepsy, or even some kind of phobia. This combination can also be indicative that the native will need to take care of riots or popular upsurges.

A badly placed Rahu can cause disease in the native at the major or sub-periods of the adverse owner of the second, 6th, 7th, 8th, eleventh, or the twelfth house. It’ll give results of its positioning in the second house to the younger sister/brother of the native.

His children might be extravagant plus they’ll live away from their native country. If a Rahu influences the owner of the eleventh house or Venus together with Saturn or the Sun.

The eldest kid of the native will either lose his partner because of death or their marriage can get dissolved. The native’s wife can be an influential person, who might lose the sway later.

Rahu in 5th House

An exalted or even a Rahu here will cause a problem for children. It’ll give the results of its positioning in the very first house to the kids of the indigenous. A native will face problems in love affairs and will suffer from stomach troubles.

If Leo and the Sun in the horoscope are affected, the native might suffer from heart trouble. In case the owner of the home can also be involved, the native might succumb to it.

In case the twelfth house is so concerned the native may need to be hospitalized. There can be a defect in his speech. He’ll have a good desire to speculate or indulge in gambling, lotteries, or horse.

If a benevolent mood of Rahu is powerfully placed within an angle, there will be a sudden increase in wealth for the indigenous via gambling, games of chance, or speculation.

When the Moon is with Rahu in the house, the native may have a fast temper and will be likely to lose his kids or face problems due to them. An adverse Rahu will be bad for the older sister/brother of the native.

This type of Rahu connected with the seventh home will signify a love affair, and, connected with the twelfth shows the propensity to sexual promiscuity which can cause problems for the native.

When the owner of the twelfth house is so attached, the indigenous will probably find life hard and be lonely and friendless. He’ll not be intelligent and not intrigued by the finer things of life.

Rahu in the house in association or aspect with the owner of the second or the seventh home will cause the death of the indigenous in its own sub or major periods if the life span has come to a conclusion. Rahu here with the owner of the house strong and well-positioned is a sign that a native is likely to gain wealth suddenly.

Rahu in 6th House

When Rahu is placed in a favorable indication, the native may have the skill to subdue his enemies, will maintain decent health, be rich, and may have a high status.

The native will work well in his career and his financing is going to be in a good state if the nature and state of Rahu are beneficial.

If Rahu is in a negative poorly placed or is under the adverse indication, poorly placed or is under the adverse effect, poorly placed or is under the adverse scandalous personal life. He’d be misunderstood by others.

Rahu put at the sixth home is bad in character and if it’s the main period of a bad planet effect, the main period of a bad planet own sub-period at the main period of a bad planet. Not have a connection with such a Rahu, is a fantastic planet that will not have a relationship with such a Rahu, is present,

The sub-period of Rahu could be troublesome. Rahu put in the 6th house in Scorpio or Capricorn, or associated with or aspected by an adverse Saturn here will be a trigger for the disease.

Saturn would additionally be a planet to cause diseases in such a situation as Rahu if there’s a connection between Rahu and Saturn. Any house affected by this a Rahu or even Saturn will attest issue or disease from the portion of the body indicated by the home or signal.

Likewise, if the owner of the 6th house occupies the home With Rahu or facets it, the native will fall ill throughout the sub or major periods of Rahu.

The father of the native can be placed and powerful although his behavior will be bad and he’ll be accused of breach of trust. The older sister/brother of the native will face humiliation and critique and will suffer from problems from the anus or genitals.

Rahu in 7th House

This isn’t a fantastic position for Rahu. The native will be self-willed and won’t have reassurance. A Node malefic planet in nature and under adverse effect here reduces the marital happiness and makes the native or his spouse predisposed towards improper behavior.

She’s very likely to suffer from a disease in his reproductive system. The death of the partner can happen. Separation from the family members is signaled.

The native might squander his wealth on women of losing morality to gratify his senses. A Rahu affected by Saturn or Mercury is very likely to turn into a guy impotent.

Rahu here associated with the owner of the 6th, 8th, or the twelfth house will decrease the longevity and can cause death during its sub or major periods.

The association with or aspect by the owner of the 5th or the house on Rahu here will make the native long-lived and rewarding.

Rahu associated with or aspected by a strong owner of the second or 7th house here will destroy. The wealth of the native and can cause his death.

Rahu here associated with the strong owner of an angle along with a triangular house, or aspected by which owner will form Rajyoga. Rahu in association or aspect with the owner of the triangle will become highly beneficial.

An unfavorable Rahu here will make the natives poor or will make him earn through means. His brother/ sister will also have a tough time in life.

His younger sister/ brother can have trouble from or because of his kids and the elder sister/brother may be unlucky and irreligious.

His father will be well off but might suffer from throat or ear trouble. His mother will be disturbed emotionally and will stay unhappy throughout the sub or major periods of Rahu.

It’ll give the results of his placement in the first house to the second kid of the indigenous.

Rahu in 8th House

This isn’t a fantastic position to get a badly placed Rahu. When Rahu is in a sign. It will give good results in its sub-period at the major period of a positive planet. Its association with a fantastic planet will also be useful. When it’s positive the native will be capable to discharge his debts and he will get property.

A Rahu will create the native wealth following the age of 42 years. Rahu in this home with the owner of the 8th house induces fevers like typhoid.

In case the owner of the 8th house occupies the 8th home with Rahu or facets it, the native will probably fall ill throughout the sub or major periods of Rahu.

Rahu in this home tends to make confront difficulties that are native to his kids, and with respect to his loved ones and wellness. He might mismanage his finances.

He’ll face humiliation and criticism. He might suffer from smallpox, stomach difficulty, or difficulty from the rectum or testicles.

He may have an extremely developed sex urge and might gratify it by having liaisons with women of a bad reputation. He might contract sexually transmitted diseases or disorders that cannot be diagnosed or treated.

He might not survive long. He’ll suffer from trouble due to his own enemies and there’s a prospect of his getting incarcerated.

An opponent Rahu will bring down native with severe sick¬, ness. His younger sister/brother would be happy and prosperous unless the exceptions mentioned for the 6th house above exist.

It’ll yield results of its placement in the 4th home to the kids of the native. His wife is going to have some language defector she’ll talk untruthfully or rudely. His father won’t have a good married life.

Rahu in 9th House

A Rahu here makes the native profitable and religious. In case the disposition of Rahu is heavily placed within an angle, there will be a wealth gain for the native. A nicely placed Rahu here will probably be good for gains and material prosperity.

The native will travel over prolonged distances and might go abroad. Rahu from the ninth home in association or aspect with the owner of the second or the seventh home will get the death of the native in its own sub or major periods if the life span has come to a conclusion.

The native won’t be satisfied with his father and might give up his religion. His conduct might not be great. This place is also not good for the welfare of the kids.

His wife is going to be efficient, self-reliant, difficult, and nagging. It’ll yield results of its placement in the next home to the partner and at the 5th to the kids.

If the next house has a sign friendly to Rahu, the younger sister/brother of the native will probably be in good conditions with the native and progress well in existence throughout the sub or major periods of Rahu. His mother too is very likely to have a fantastic time in this major or sub-period.

Rahu in 10th House

The native could have a career, but his integrity cold is doubtful. The 2nd part of the lifestyle could be more prosperous and happier. He’d be ruthless, famous, a leader of men, and may have mass recognition.

He can also have proficiency in writing, might not have buddies, and might be close to individuals’ other religions and regions. The 42nd-year-old will probably be essential for the indigenous.

He might travel. He might have a few kids, but unless Rahu is totally free from all blemish, the native is likely to perpetrate irregular and bad deeds. He might hanker for sexual satisfaction and might have affairs with numerous women including widows.

It’ll give results of its positioning in the second home to his father. His mother might be mentally disturbed because of the affairs of his father and the indigenous. His children could have a comfortable and prosperous lifestyle. His wife will be ruling, irritable and troubled.

Rahu is an important beneficial planet for the indigenous here if it’s put in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Aquarius, or Pisces. Rahu here related to the strong owner of an angle along with a triangular home, or aspected by the proprietor will form a Rajyoga.

Rahu associated with or whoever owns the second or seventh with a strong proprietor of the second or seventh home it multiplies the number of friends might cause his death.

Rahu in 11th House

It’s bad for kids however, it multiplies the number of friends. The native will be wealthy, daring, and powerful. In case the disposition of Rahu is heavily placed within an angle or angle, there will be a sudden gain in wealth for the indigenous.

Similarly, Rahu is here with the owner of the eleventh house, strong and well placed, which is a sign that the native is likely to obtain wealth suddenly. Rahu here related to the strong owner of an angle along with a triangular home, Rahu in this house aspected.

Rahu associated with or whoever owns the second or seventh with a strong proprietor of the second or seventh home here will destroy the wealth of the indigenous and might cause his death.

Rahu in this house aspected with a beneficial planet removes other adverse indications from the research travel substantially and live abroad dwelt.

The native could develop a problem within his ear or could be hard of hearing if Jupiter is bad from the horoscope. He might be a number of people accompanying him on his journeys. There might be a number of people accompanying him on his journeys.

Rahu placed in the eleventh house is inherently bad in nature and whether another religion than their own. It’ll give results of its positioning in the very first home to elder sister/brother of the indigenous and in the ninth home to younger sister/brother.

His father could be a person with minimal Rahu placed in the eleventh house is inherently bad in nature and whether set in a sign here. Rahu placed in the eleventh house is inherently bad in nature and whether It’s an adverse influence.

It can prove to be somewhat troublesome in its sub-period in the significant period of a bad planet. Even when an important period of a planet that will not have a connection with such a Rahu, is current, the sub-period of Rahu could be troublesome.

Rahu in 12th House

It increases expenditure for bad or good causes depending upon the character of Rahu.

In case the owner of the twelfth house occupies the home with Rahu or facets it, then the native will fall sick throughout the major or sub-periods of Rahu. Rahu here in Leo, or in Capricorn or Aquarius, will impart to the Sun or Saturn respectively a separating power.

The native might live overseas, but he’ll be of nature. In case the sun or the Moon is either afflicted or correlated with the twelfth house where Rahu is located adversely, the native may have difficulty with his vision. He might suffer from a nervous breakdown of edema.

The native can be connected with secret societies and might invest in them. His sexual life will be unsatisfactory and a negative Rahu might make a native look for gender beyond the socially permissible parameters.

The native can have a head-on account of the financial standing and liaison with women and might contract debts and sexually transmitted diseases.

Such a Rahu will make the elder sister/brother of the natives have a flaw in his speech, particularly if Mercury can also be bad from the horoscope, and also be fiscally unsound.

His younger sister/brother will be nicely placed, but he’ll indulge in bad deeds and might have a sudden drop in the position of power. His children might have diseases in the genitals or in the rectum. His spouse may have a life that is secure and quiet.

If you are looking for more information about Rahu then you may refer to Rahu Mahadasha. Effects of Rahu.


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10 thoughts on “Rahu in Different Houses”

  1. In my lagna kundli, Rahu and Mangal are placed in the 6th house which is Gemini. What will be the resultant Rahu mahadasha be for me

  2. I have gone thru mars dasha already and currently in my Rahu dasha. Mars dasha i had brilliant stamina and could get the job done. Passionate, eager, energetic, yet on the coin turn if anything got in my way it caused irritation. My mars is in the ninth house. So i worked on higher education and had debts from it. As that indicates from the 6th house. (My) so anyway you’d most likely gain much debts from mundane work or business. Hospital bills bills or items of the 6th house that cause debts, or even enemies could take advantage of your credit and cause you debt. These are just ideas. Rahu in Gemini is in its exalted state and mixed with mars, to me it would make one so forceful you could easily go to jail as Rahu does aspect 12th bc of your passionate outbursts that will prob be at work. I’d think they’d prob have to do with your business life, anger aggressive tendencies would be an issue he sent causing the spike in enemies. They could steal from you. Or you make work so hard for bosses that do not pay you fairly. This is just my own ideas tho.

    1. Hello Christi,

      Thanks for sharing your experience with the Mars Dasha period. Your feedback could help any person who is facing Mars Dasha or Antardasha period or about to face that period so he/she can get ready and prepare accordingly.

      To add to this, the person should develop courage and initiate things without any self motive. He should learn to relax, calm down and practice non-violence, control anger and use of energy, physical and mental strength for defense of karmic principles alone. Also, best if he/she could practice meditation during this phase as it will allow them to divert this strong energy into positive vibes that could result in a very progressive approach in achieving the goals.

      People who are looking for more info about Mars Mahadasha, click on it and for Rahu Mahadasha click here.

      Nishikant Chandra

  3. My rahu is placed in second house for gemini ascendent and ketu and moon conjuct in 8th house. Rahu is in pushya nakshatra. Saturn in 11th house with jupiter. My rahu mahadasha is about to start next year, what result will i get? Also, moon is at zero degree and ketu ten degree.

  4. My rahu is placed 12th house virgo sign and I am a libra ascendant… Please let me know what are the effects of rahu mahadasa… Is it good or bad… Now I am going through this rahu mahadasa.. My Date of birth is 25/11/1996 @5:07 am

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