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7th Lord in Different Houses

7th lord in different houses

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7th House in Vedic Astrology

7th Lord in Different Houses as in Horary Astrology the seventh house should be examined for a query relating to lost property. This house describes the thief. The first house of Prasna (query) chart represents the owner of lost property, the fourth the place of property, and the seventh the thief. If the owner of the seventh house or its occupier is weak or combust, it can be predicted that the thief would be apprehended.

  • Rahu or Ketu here makes the native psychically sensitive. This location of these shadowy planets can cause abnormalities in native’s relationships.
  • As general rule planets, except Jupiter or a well placed Moon, in this house are not conducive to smooth personal relationship. Mercury causes the relationship to be quick or superficial; Venus makes the nature sensual; Mars causes conflict but gives power; Saturn also tends to give power through it causes separation, selfishness, and detachment, and the Sun gives a tendency to dominate.
  • Any relationship of Mars with Venus, the seventh house, and its owner makes the native oversexed. The same result can be expected if there is an exchange or close relationship between the seventh house and the twelfth. Participation of the fifth house in these relationships aggravates matters further.
  • It should be seen as to which planet is the most powerful among the owners of the second, seventh, and eleventh houses. Such a planet is likely to not only describe the spouse but also in its major or sub-periods give marriage.
  • If the Sun is the owner of this house one gets married at the age of 25 years. For the Moon, it is 21, Mars, Mercury, and Venus ends to make the native set married by the age of 20 years. Jupiter ? 4, and Saturn 29 years. This is true for male nativities. For example, a female horoscope each of these values should be reduced by 3 years. These are subject to the following amendments:

   (a)        Whenever a malefic planet for the chart occupies the house or gets in sambandha with the owner of the seventh house or the karaka for the spouse (Venus for the male and Jupiter for female nativities), marriage is delayed by two years. For every such malefic influence, two years should be added to the probable age of marriage.

   (b)        If beneficial planets for the chart are associated or they aspect the above factors, marriage is hastened by the same number of years as are indicated above.

   (c)        It is repeated that for each factor so influenced the number of years mentioned above has to be added or subtracted as the case may be.

               This is a rough method. The age worked out in this manner should then be verified by the Vimshottari Dasa system.

  • The time of marriage can be determined through transit by the use of the following rules, once the major, sub and inter-periods have been determined in which marriage is likely to take place:

   (i)         Add the longitudes of owners of the first and the seventh houses. Marriage is likely when Jupiter transits the point so obtained.

   (ii)        Marriage is likely when Jupiter transits the point ob­tained by adding the longitudes of the owners of the house in which the Moon is located and the seventh house.

   (iii)       Marriage is likely during the major or sub-period of a powerful owner of the seventh house when Jupiter tran­sits the sign in which the owner is situated or through the houses which are triangular to it.

   (iv)       Marriage is likely during the major or sub-period of a powerful owner of the navamsa in which the owner of the seventh house is located when Jupiter transits the sign in which the owner of the navamsa is situated in the birth chart or through the houses which are triangu­lar to it.

   (v)        Marriage is likely during the major or sub-period of the Moon or Venus, whichever is more powerful when Jupiter transits the sign in which the owner of the seventh house is situated or through the houses which are triangular to it.

   (vi)       Marriage is likely during the major or sub-period of the owner of the seventh house which is associated with Venus or if the two planets are in sambandha with each other in any other manner.

   (vii)      Marriage is likely during the major or sub-period of a planet in the seventh house which is associated with the owner of that house.

   (viii)     Marriage is likely when Jupiter and the Moon transit the sign next to the one in which the dispositor in the navamsa chart of the owner of the first house is located. For example, let Mercury be the owner of the first house in a nativity. Let it be placed in Leo in the navamsa chart. Let the Sun be in Pisces in the birth chart. Marriage can take place when Jupiter transits Aries along with the Moon.

   (ix)       Marriage is likely when Jupiter transits the sign in which the owner of the seventh house or Venus is situated.

   (x)        Marriage is likely when in transit Jupiter is in an angular house and the Moon joins it there.

  • (a) Early marriage is indicated if the owners of the first and seventh houses are linked.

   (b)        If the owner of the seventh house is placed in a sign owned by Venus or Saturn and is aspected by a naturally beneficial planet which is also favorable for the chart, the native will have liaison with many women or will have more than one wife. The same result may be expected if the owner of the seventh house is exalted.

   (c)        The native will have several wives if the owner of the seventh house is powerful and Venus is placed in Gemini, Sagittarius, or Pisces.

   (d)        The native may marry more than once due to some wish of his remaining unfulfilled, such as not having a child or a male issue, if:

               (i)         the owner of the seventh house is placed in the sign of a naturally malefic planet which is also an adverse planet for the chart, is associated with a planet that is adverse for the chart, and the seventh house in the birth or navamsa chart has a sign owned by Mercury or Saturn; or,

               (ii)        the owner of the seventh house is debilitated, and the seventh house in the birth or navamsa chart has a sign owned by Mercury or Saturn.

  • A naturally malefic planet which is also an adverse planet for the chart, in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or the twelfth house will disturb the married life and may make the wife short-lived. This will be neutralized if the spouse’s horo­scope also has a similar malefic planet in one of these houses.
  • If the owner of the seventh house in a male chart is a planet that denotes aristocracy, e. g. the Sun or Moon, and is influenced by a beneficial planet for the chart, which is indicative of worth, e. g. Jupiter, or the owner of the second or eleventh house, the man marries into a high-class family.
  • If the seventh house, its owner and the karaka (Jupiter for the husband and Venus for the wife) are influenced by separative planets it indicates a divorce.
  • The native will gain financially from his wife if the owner of the seventh house and Venus in a male chart are in sambandha in the fifth, seventh, or eleventh house.
  • When the second, seventh, and eleventh houses are, connected with beneficial planets for the chart, it would mean that not only the partner would be from a respectable family but that the married life would be happy and the partner would be virtuous.
  • The wife will be long-lived if the owner of the seventh house and Venus are strong in a male chart.
  • If Jupiter is the owner of the seventh and tenth houses and is powerful, it means that the native will enjoy ruling powers and will be in the good books of the government (the seventh house is tenth from the tenth house).
  • This house is the badhakasthan for ascendants having com­mon signs. During the major or sub-period of a planet owning the badhakasthan, or of a planet occupying the Badakhsthan, the native may suffer from bad health or there may be anxiety about his health. Badhakadhipati (the owner of the house that is a badhakasthan for the ascendant) is not bad for other aspects of life.
  • A good aspect to the occupier or the cusp of this house indicates good relations with persons indicated by this house. So this house is also to be referred to if it is to be examined whether a person can mix freely in the company.
  • If the cusp of the seventh house is in the first drekkan of a sign along with malefic planets, the native is to have deformed and bad teeth. The rule of the thumb would, therefore, be that if a person has bad teeth it is likely that his spouse would be sickly, troublesome or short-lived.
  • A movable sign in the seventh house will let the native earn through his reputation.
  • If we wish to determine the relations that are likely to exist between the native and his wife, we should apply these rules to the seventh house.
  • The owner of the seventh house from the ascendant or from the Moon when placed in the Vargas of a naturally beneficial planet and aspected also by naturally beneficial planets is indic­ative of the fact that the native will have a beautiful wife.

Effects of 7th Lord in Different Houses

7th lord in different houses

7th Lord in 1st House

7th Lord in Different Houses will results in 1st House as the native will have liaison with other women besides his wife or he may marry more than once. He will be sensual and love his wife dearly. He may marry someone whom he knew since childhood. The wife will have all the comforts and will be of good conduct.

He will have successful partnerships and goodwill of the government. If the owner of the seventh house is friendly with the owner of the first, the native’s spouse will be very attached to him and helpful in his progress.

When the owner of the seventh house is placed in the first house, one of the native’s brother will settle down abroad and will help him. The native’s second child and the children of his younger brother/sister will be long-lived and will prosper well in life. His maternal uncle will be wealthy. His mother may have a property and may lead a comfortable and peaceful life.

7th Lord in 2nd House

7th Lord in Different Houses will results in 2nd House as a malefic owner of the seventh house in the second house is indicative of the fact that the wife of the native will be bad-tempered and will waste the native’s money. A beneficial or friendly owner of the seventh in the second house will ensure that the native gets wealth through his wife or marriage.

She will either not have children or have only daughters in spite of her desire for a son. She will be rich. If the owner of the seventh house is a friend of the owner of the second house, the native’s wife will get along well with the family of the native, and she will cook according to the native’s taste. There will be separation from the wife for long periods.

The native may marry more than once. He will get wealth through partnership. The owner of the seventh house when powerfully placed in the second house will make the second child of the native or his ‘wife, depending upon the strength of the karakas, live long.

The native’s mother will have vehicles and comforts and she may have income from the property. His children will be self-made and will be in a profession that involves writing.

7th Lord 3rd House

7th Lord in Different Houses will results in 3rd House as the native will be friendly with and kind to his brothers/ sisters, neighbors, and colleagues. He may get married through advertising in the newspapers. The wife will be beautiful and from a good and wealthy family but if the owner of the seventh house is a malefic planet, she will not like him and may even have liaison with his brother, neighbor, friend, or his colleague.

The native may marry more than once. His wife will be a major influence on his religious beliefs. If the owner of the seventh house is friendly to the owner of the ninth house, the native’s spouse will like his father and will be a help to the native in his progress in life.

The spouse will prosper after marriage. A naturally beneficial planet owning the seventh house which is also a beneficial planet for the chart, when placed in the third house may make the spouse religious. There is a danger of the loss of a child.

His children, particularly the first child, will earn their livelihood by writing. His elder brother/sister will have good and fortunate children, and if other indications support, the elder brother/sister may have wealth earned through entertainment or speculation.

7th Lord in 4th House

7th Lord in Different Houses will results in 4th House as the native may study abroad. He may do well in collegiate studies. If the owner of the seventh house is a male planet and is located in the fourth house it indicates that the native will get married with difficulty and he will have extramarital relations.

An owner of the seventh house that is friendly with the owner of the fourth house will ensure that the wife of the native will have cordial relations with his mother.

The native will speak harshly, he will not like his father but the wife of the native will look after his father well. The wife may leave the native from time to time and live at her father’s house. There will be a marked improvement in comforts in native’s life after his marriage and he may get vehicles and property from it.

This location of the owner of the seventh house also indicates that the native will serve under a female boss and will do well in his profession. He may travel during the major or sub-periods of the owner of the seventh house. His father will be wealthy and will be well-liked due to his soft and dignified speech.

His first child will travel a lot in connection with his job. His mother may have mental trouble if the owner of the seventh house is afflicted and weak. The native may be looking for partnership in business in property or vehicles.

7th Lord in 5th House

7th Lord in Different Houses will results in 5th House as the native may marry late and may have difficulty in having children. The wife of the native will love her children dearly but may not like him. She will advise the native on important matters. She will predecease him.

She will have her independent source of income and her ambitions will be fulfilled. The native is likely to marry his beloved if the owner of the first, third or the eleventh house is also involved, or may have several long-standing love affairs.

His children will like to write and will be good at it. They will also be self-made. The native will be courageous, tough-minded, and fortunate. He will have good business acumen and will have comforts and vehicles through partnership and business.

He may have a successful business partnership with a female or her mother. He may be close to powerful people. Women in high positions will be kind to him.

His father will find sources of income without much effort and his income will be only through rightful means. His elder sister/brother will find that his status in life improves considerably after his marriage.

7th Lord in 6th House

7th Lord in Different Houses will results in 6th House as the native may not get married if married his wife may be ailing or there may be unhappy married life. He may marry a cousin, a foreigner, or someone who is from an entirely different region or cultural background.

The native may if the owner of the seventh house is weak and badly placed in the sixth house, suffer from the disease in the genitals and may not be able to have sexual intercourse.

There may be separated from the wife due to interference in affairs by the maternal uncle of the native. The maternal uncle may be wealthy but the owner of the seventh house is a significator of death and will, therefore, during it’s major or sub-periods, will pose danger to his longevity.

During this period the native may have to face lawsuits causing debts to him. If the owner is a naturally beneficial planet it becomes a maraka for the native and the cause of death could be women.

The native may contract tuberculosis from a woman. His children will accumulate wealth by their own efforts or may earn by writing. His younger brother/sister may be very intelligent. His elder brother/sister may find life difficult.

7th Lord in 7th House

7th Lord in Different Houses will results in 7th House as the native and his wife will have all the happiness and comforts of married life and will have excellent children. He will be long-lived. His partnership will prosper and he may occupy a high position in government. He will be known for his good conduct.

The native will have an attractive personality for the opposite sex. His brother/sister will be intelligent god-fearing, well placed in life, and happy with their children. His mother will be happy and comfortable.

The native’s children will be capable of writing learned and large works on travel, law, or philosophical subjects. They will be religious. A powerful owner of the seventh house influenced favorably by beneficial planets will, in its major or sub-periods, give the native riches from abroad and status.

A weak and afflicted owner, on the other hand, will be dangerous to the native’s social standing, health and well being.

7th Lord in 8th House

7th Lord in Different Houses will results in 8th House as the native may not get married and prefer the company of loose women. If he does get married, he is likely to get monetary benefits from it. He will be unhappy and worried. Long journeys will not be happy and beneficial to him. His partner, second child or his wife will earn well. If the owner is a beneficial planet he will look after his wife well.

The native’s mother will be happy and pleased with life. A weak or afflicted owner of the seventh house in the eighth will cause the spouse of the native to meet with an accident, fall fatally sick, or may be dishonored.

It may also cause mental illness to the mother of the native. His first child may change his residence. His younger sister/brother will lose at speculation or may fail or do badly at qualifying or departmental examinations at which he had appeared.

7th Lord in 9th House

7th Lord in Different Houses will results in 9th House as the native and his wife will be well behaved and good persons. The native will prosper after his marriage. The wife of the native will be attached to her brothers/sisters, and neighbours­. If the owner is a malefic planet she will be ugly and badly behaved or he will be impotent.

The spouse may indulge in unnatural sex practices. The native may form a partnership with a younger sister/brother of his wife. If the owner of the seventh house is a friend of the owner of the ninth house, the native’s spouse will be affectionate towards his father.

The native may, if the twelfth house is also involved, travel overseas and benefit from these visits. He will also undertake journeys for religious purposes. His wife will be responsible for the good or adverse relations of the native with his younger sister/brother.

If the owner of the seventh house is a malefic planet for the ascendant or is weak and afflicted, the native’s father may pass away in its major or sub-periods. A well placed and powerful owner of the seventh house will be conducive to the progress and prosperity of the father.

7th Lord in 10th House

7th Lord in Different Houses will result in 10th House as If the owner of the seventh house is a malefic planet, the native will be punished and persecuted by the government; the father-b-law of the native will not be a gentleman and will misbehave with him, and his partners will bother him.

The owner of the seventh house that is a naturally beneficial planet, or a beneficial planet for the ascendant and powerfully placed in the tenth house will give the native honor and repute, and benefits from abroad. His profession will involve much traveling.

The native is likely to get house and conveyances due to his profession and standing with powers that be. The spouse will be learned and on the basis of his accomplishments may establish his independent source of income.

The native’s eldest child may develop the disease in his ear during, the major or sub-periods of the owner of the seventh house in the tenth. His wife may be self-willed.

7th Lord in 11th house

7th Lord in Different Houses will results in the 11th House as the wife of the native will be beautiful and devoted to him. The native will gain through his wife and partnership. He is likely to have good children but will have more female children than male. There can be lots of children. There will be a touch of sensuality in the native. His first child will have a dominant spouse.

The native’s spouse will be good at matters pertaining to entertainment and fine arts and may earn through these matters. If the owner of the seventh house is friendly to the owner of the fifth, the spouse will be very attached to her children.

A strong owner of the seventh house in the eleventh is indicative of the fact that the native’s sisters/brothers will be fortunate and will prosper well in life.

7th Lord in 12th House

7th Lord in Different Houses will results in 12th House as this is not a good location for the marital life of the native. If the karaka for the spouse is weak and afflicted and the owner of the seventh house is afflicted and badly placed in the twelfth house, the native’s spouse is likely to either pass away early (if maraka planets or an adverse Planet having its mooltrikona sign in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house or Ketu is involved), or there might be a separation.

With this location of the owner of the seventh house but a strong karaka for the spouse, the spouse is still likely to predecease the native but the death will take place after a long and full life. The spouse will be extravagant and the cause of discord in domestic life.

The spouse will be bad-tempered, sickly, sensual, is likely to have extramarital relations, and will leave the native to live separately.

The native will be sensual and is likely to have liaisons with members of the opposite sex secretly or abroad. If the owner of the seventh house is powerful and well placed in the twelfth house, the native’s eldest child will be long-lived but he may settle down abroad.

The native will form a partnership with foreigners and the business may have interna­tional connections.

If you are looking for more insights about 7th House in Vedic Astrology then go through with 7th House Astrology in Zodiac Signs.


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