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Number 9 Numerology

Number 9 Numerology Meaning based on Astrology

Number 9 Numerology people who are born on 9, 18, 27 dates of any month, have the basic number 9 numerology and if these dates fall on a Tuesday, in the time, the period between 21st March to 26 April and 21st October to 27th November then the person is all the more under the influence of the ruling planet Mars.

No matter where you do it, it would always come ‘9’ that means this number is so influential that it cannot be destroyed or finished and it also has the capacity to mingle all the numbers within itself.

Number 8 Numerology

Number 8 Numerology Meaning based on Astrology

The people who are born on number 8 numerology as 8, 17 and 26 dates of any month belong to the basic (Fadic) number ‘8’. If these, people a born in the time period of 21st December to 26th January then the effect of Saturn is all the more pronounced as this the period of Saturn.

The ruling planet of number 8 numerology is Saturn. The effect of Saturn can fast from 2 years 6 months to 30 years as it remains in each zodiac sign for two and a half years and in 30 years it is able to complete a round of all the zodiac signs.

Number 7 Numerology

Number 7 Numerology Meaning based on Astrology

Number 7 Numerology people who are born 7,16 25 dates of every month belong to the basic number ‘7’. The ruling planet of this number is Neptune. Neptune is the deity of water. Thus the people ruled by this planet are of cool temperament satisfied nature, patient and enduring. Around 75% of the earth is occupied by water. Neptune too is the second largest size after Saturn and likewise, it affects earthlings. Its movements are very slow, and so its effects too are far-reaching, deeply felt, and remain for a long period of time.

Number 6 Numerology

Number 6 Numerology Meaning based on Astrology

Number 6 Numerology people born on 6, 15 and 24 dates of every month belong to the basic number ‘6’. These people are ruled by the planet Venus. This is the most brilliant planet to ruled by Venus.

This is the most brilliant planet in the sky and can be seen without the help of a telescope, it also has a gravitational pull. That is one of the reasons why the people belonging to the basic number ‘6’ are able to attract others towards them. They are loved so much that they become extremely respected by their subordinates.

Number 5 Numerology

Number 5 Numerology Meaning based on Astrology

Number 5 Numerology person born on 5, 14, and 23 dates of every month belongs to the basic number ‘5’. This is a very important number of numerology. The people belonging to this number are of extraordinary capabilities in various fields and have courteous, wise, and thoughtful, intelligence, enjoyment and happiness and desirous of materially inclined personality

Number 4 Numerology

Number 4 Numerology Meaning based on Astrology

Number 4 Numerology people born on 4, 13, 22, and 31 of every month have the basic number- ‘4’. The ruling planet of this number is Rahu. This is a shadow planet and it is fiery, lustrous, and capable of causing a lot of disturbances in life. Resultantly, the person is affected by sudden progress, amazing happenings, and such incidents that may be considered impossible.

The people who belong to this number 4 numerology, their life is subject to such sudden ups and downs that it could not have been imagined. They can be suddenly promoted can get sudden monetary benefits jobs or all of a sudden become bankrupt too. Their life is full of contradictions.

Number 3 Numerology

Number 3 Numerology Meaning based on Astrology

The people who are born on 3, 12, 21, and 30th of any month, have the basic number ‘3’. The ruling planet of this number is Jupiter. In astrology, this is a very important planet. People belonging to the basic number ‘3’ are also as courageous as those ambitious. These people form strong relationships with people belonging to the same number, which also proves beneficial.

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