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Sagittarius Ascendant / Dhanu Lagna

Sagittarius Ascendant Lords / Dhanu Lagna

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Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanu Lagna) Characteristics

Sagittarius Ascendant Lords / Dhanu Lagna
Sagittarius Ascendant / Dhanu Lagna Horoscope Chart

General nature of the sign Sagittarius Ascendant or Dhanu Lagna

Sagittarius Ascendant sign is a fiery, common and mascendantuline sign; odd sign; red and gold in colour; long ascendant tension; anus in the body, semi-animal and semi-human, barren, dry sign, house of Jupiter, multi-storied buildings, arms go down, schools and colleges, temples, religious centres, courts, branch of a street, places surrounded by trees and plants, suburban areas, outskirts of a city or village, battle fields, angry in nature and delay in understanding, IX sign of Zodiac, north west in direction, nights of a day, Margashira in Saka or Margazhi in Tamil calendars.


(a) It is a fiery sign : Short temper, lack of affection, arrogance in appearance and character & self-pride.

(b) It is a common sign : Fluctuating body and mind, fast changing structure, appearance and colour, changing characters and acts, short-living anger.

(c) It is a house of Jupiter: Sincere, honest, self-thoughts, obedient, prestige, self-confidence, intelligence, calmness,’ adjustable to others.

(d) It is 9th house of Kaalpurusha’s: Honesty and credibility, fond of education, research capability, faith in god, trustees, ambassadors, interest in the fields of law, travels, undertaking visits to’outstations and foreign countries.

In the same manner, the remaining significations of Sagittarius could also be studied.

The sign Sagittarius extends over three stars leading to the following body natures.

  1. Moola: Owned by Ketu: Excessive acidity in the body
  2. Poorvashada; Owned by Venus: Water-borne body
  3. Uttarashada: Owned by Sun: Strong body with calcium. If the ascendant falls in the star of Moola, ruled by Ketu, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will have appearance with lean body or hunch-back, acidity in the body, criminal and greedy natured.

Since the ascendant falls in the star of Moola, ruled by Ketu, the Sagittarius ascendant born will have appearance with lean body or hunch-back, acidity in the body, criminal and greedy nature.

Ketu would act like Mercury, the lord of houses 7th  & 10th  to Sagittarius.So the Sagittarius ascendant born will have multiple social relations duly recognized by the society, abide by laws and have legal bondage, tend to depend on others.

….. gain status and prestige as senior officers, will be leaders with administrative capacity, hold honorary posts and as responsible counselors, have dissatisfaction and earn name and fame.

SINCE…  the ascendant falls in the star of Poorvashada, ruled by Venus, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will appear as attractive^beautiful, sexy and handsome, attract others through their activities, have self-pride, like self-beautification, fond of cosmetics and collection of gold and other valuables.

Venus is also the lord of houses 6th  & 11th to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will gain success, face separation in marital life, have sound health, faith in labour, extra-ordinary sense of taste in dressing and patience in nursing.

They might be greedy and selfish in nature, happy and harmonious, counsellor to societies, have fortunes, successful, make achievements, adapt to the requirements of situations and towards others.

SINCE…  the Ascendant falls in the star of Uttarashada, ruled by Sun, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will be majestic in their appearance, proud, generous, have strong bones, commanding in nature with leadership qualities.

Sun is also the lord of 9th  house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will win confidence of others; earn name, fame; have capabilities of undertaking research work, faith in god, will be trustees, educationists, obedient to laws, god and to society; conservationists; affinity towards foreigners; ambassadors, have changes in physique and would like to contribute for endowments.


if the native born between….00 degree…

to ..13 degree 20 minutes of SAGITTARIUS

His LAGNA nakshatra will be… MOOLA

the lord of MOOLAnakshatra is…. KETU

His janama LAGNA sign will be… SAGITTARIUS

The lord of  SAGITTARIUS sign is …..JUPITER


if the native born between….13 degree 20 minutes …

to ..26 degree 40 minutes of SAGITTARIUS

His LAGNA nakshatra will be POORVA ASHADA

the lord of POORVA ASHADA nakshatra is VENUS

His janama LAGNA sign will be… SAGITTARIUS

The lord of  SAGITTARIUS sign is …..JUPITER


if the native born between….26 degree 40 minutes …

to 30 degree of  SAGITTARIUS

LAGNA nakshatra will be… UTTRA ASHADA

The lord of UTTRA ASHADA nakshatra is… SUN

His janama LAGNA sign will be… SAGITTARIUS

The lord of  SAGITTARIUS sign is …..JUPITER

Saturn for Sagittarius Ascendant in 2nd House Lord:

CAPRICORN/MAKARA the tenth ZODIAC sign is in the second house to SAGITTARIUS/ DHANU. Capricorn is ruled by SATURN…hence SATURN will be the lord of this house.

Capricorn, the 10th house of Kaalpurushais the 2nd  house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born tends to speak in a proud  and  commanding  tone;   excel   in   professional conversations; their eyes will be fleshy.

Since Capricorn is an earthy sign, they tend to talk in a commanding but pleasing tone with affinity towards others. It is also a movable sign. So they tend to speak slowly and steadily.

Since it is a house of Saturn, the lord of houses 2 & 3 to Sagittarius, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will talk what they think. They never hesitate to tell lies and exaggerate things.

Capricorn, the 10th  sign of Kaalpurushais the 2nd  house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will make financial and monetary gains in their professional ventures and by way of their prestige, promotion and status.

Since Capricorn is an earthy sign, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will develop their financial position and would preserve their income through savings.

Capricorn is a movable sign; so financial status and flow of income of the ‘Sagittarius’ ascendant borns would always be in an upward trend. Diamonds, documents, costly and valuable articles and paper currency of the Sagittarius ascendant borns will be of multiplying nature.

Since it is a house of Saturn, the Sagittarius ascendant borns are basically misers; the amount and denomination of income would remain low; they will not hesitate to seize belongings of others.

SINCE… the 2nd house falls in the star of Uttarashada, ruled by Sun, the Sagittarius ascendant. borns will deal with and gain from financial institutions, government orders, savings and financial details of the nation.

Sun is also the lord of 9th house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will benefit out of ancestral properties, credibility, higher education, leadership, research, foreigners, information and communication, devotional services, endowments and through transplantation of organs, legal departments, agreements, ancient monuments and from life at foreign countries.

SINCE…  the 2nd house falls in the star of Shravana, ruled by Moon, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will have frequent income, act as advisers to financial institutions, and hold pearls and silver goods.

Moon is the lord of 8th house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will derive benefits out of thefts, harassments, robbery, rapes, murders, cheatings, forgery, magic, threatening, bribery and all other illegal and anti-social means; gain from insurance, wills, old goods and scraps, service at dirty places or accident wards or mortuary in hospitals.

SINCE…  the 2nd house falls in the star of Dhanishta, ruled by Mars, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will hold valuable ornaments made up of ruby and costly metals. They become spend-thrifts, dishonest and tell lies for financial benefits. They use rough and filthy language to threaten others for financial gains.

Mars is also the lord of houses 5 & 12 to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will make financial gains from devotional services, arts and culture, sports, intelligence, imagination, religious rituals, prostitution and in love affairs.

……secret activities, investments, money lending, savings and hoardings. Further the Sagittarius ascendant borns will be able to regain their lost goods and to reunite with separated member of their family.

Saturn for Sagittarius Ascendant in 3rd House Lord:

Aquarius/Kumbha  the  eleventh ZODIAC sign is in the third house to SAGITTARIUS/DHANU. Aquarius is ruled by SATURN…hence SATURN will be the lord of this house.

Aquarius, the 11th  house to Kaalpurushais the 3rd house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will work in the fields of their interest with enthusiasm. They are courageous and confident in fulfilling their desires and actively involve themselves in the fields of communications and entertainments.

Since Aquarius is an airy sign, they have wavering minds but with imagination and enthusiasm. It is also a fixed sign. So they have the will and strength in spite of mental oscillations.

Since Aquarius is a house of Saturn, the ruler of houses 2nd & 3rd  to Sagittarius, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will have fluctuating minds and are doubtful in nature. They are mostly pessimistic,

Aquarius, the 11th  house of Kaalpurushais the 3rd  house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant boms will feel happy through information and communication, agreements and travels.

Since Aquarius is an airy sign, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will have to make repeated attempts to complete a work. They are tension-borne and get confused while undertaking travels.

Aquarius is a fixed sign. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will be firm, clear and concrete in their communications and publications.

Since Aquarius is a house of Saturn, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will undertake frequent short-journeys, often have to walk, frequently change their stands, write anonymous letters and forge documents.

SINCE… the 3rd house falls in the star of Dhanishta, ruled by Mars, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will communicate on behalf of his organisation or serve in information and communication departments such as posts & telegraphs, telecom, AIR, television, statistical departments, field publicity offices or in advertisement agencies.

Mars is also the lord of houses 5th  & 12th  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will communicate and publish about share market, religion, sports, politics, arts & culture and will like to perform obscene and filthy dances.

They will communicate through secret sources, lose evidences, gain documents against loans, lose savings documents, permanently lose their goods, get permanent separation from their family and gain information for their secret plans.

SINCE…  the 3rd house falls in the star of Shathabisham, ruled by Rahu, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will work as clerks in embassies, become as mediators, enter into agreements with foreigners, establish international contacts and will be fond of foreign goods and articles.

Since Rahu does not own any house, the significations of houses owned by Jupiter could be included as RAHU will act as JUPITER…hence the Sagittarius ascendant borns may involve and deal in stamps,documents, legal agreements, legal orders, legal notices, true and correct information and negotiations on financial matters.

Jupiter is also the lord of houses 1st  & 4th  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant boms will record their thoughts, do as they wish, have independent thoughts, tend to show their strength, will have proper functioning of their neurological and blood circulatory system.

They may lose physical energy, will be certified in education, do business in the fields of fruits, vegetables, farms, livestock, seeds, nurseries, trees, educational goods, stationery, aewspapers, vessels, furniture, groceries, lands, vehicles, hardware, machineries and accessories and will take lease of ponds and bridges.

SINCE…  the 3rd house falls in the star of Poorvabadra, ruled by Jupiter, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will involve and deal in stamps,documents, legal agreements, legal orders, legal notices, true and correct information and negotiations on financial matters.

Jupiter is also the lord of houses 1st  & 4th  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will record their thoughts, do as they wish, have independent thoughts, tend to show their strength, will have proper functioning of their neurological and blood circulatory system.

Jupiter for Sagittarius Ascendant in 4th House Lord:

Pisces/Meena  the  twelvth ZODIAC sign is in the fourth house to  SAGITTARIUS/DHANU. Pisces is ruled by JUPITER hence JUPITER will be the lord of this house.

Pisces, the 12th house of Kaalpurushais the 4th  house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns could not get benefits out of their studies and academic qualifications. They may face difficulties in their primary education or they may lack needed inclination towards primary studies. They may be benefited through undue investment on their education in an unusual manner,

Since Pisces is a watery sign, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will grasp things quickly with their academic qualifications and they will not be reluctant to share their knowledge with others. Pisces is a common sign meaning that the Sagittarius ascendant borns will undergo frequent changes, ups and downs; they have a fair chance of studying at far-off places or abroad. Since Pisces is a house of Jupiter, the lord of houses 1st & 4th to Sagittarius, they will have dissatisfactions in their studies and would be worried by their first child.

Pisces, the 12th  sign of Kaalpurushais the 4th  house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will like to invest in lands, house, vehicles, machineries, and manufacturing. They will like to reside in bungalows with all comforts. They will live in individual houses in the end part of a main road or a street.

Pisces is a watery sign. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will change their residences to occasions, will excel in education and teaching and will involve in agriculture and water reservoirs.

Pisces is a common sign. The properties, lands, houses, vehicles and machineries would not last long with Sagittarius ascendant borns.

Since Jupiter is the lord of Pisces, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will legally own properties such as big industries; will become real estate owners or manufacturers of food items, silk, cotton materials, turmeric and livestock.

SINCE…the 4lh house falls in the star of Poorvabadra, ruled by Jupiter, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will legally own properties like big industries; become real estate owners and manufacturers of food items, silk, cotton materials, turmeric and livestock.

Jupiter is the lord of houses 1st  & 4th  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will produce with own ideas, have surplus energy production in the body, purchase things on their own, increase their strength and have proper functioning of lungs and heart.

They have excessive energy production in the body, act according to their academic qualifications, involve in manufacturing fruits, vegetables, farms, livestock, seeds, nurseries, trees, educational accessories, stationery, newspaper, vessels, furniture, groceries, lands, vehicles, hardware, machineries and spares.

SINCE… the 4th house falls in the star of Uttarabadra, ruled by Saturn, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will usurp village common lands; own mines; possess old buildings, scraps and old goods, wooden or clav articles, oil seeds and black coloured materials.

Saturn is also the lord of houses 2nd & 3rd to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will own valuables and utility-oriented goods, old bungalows, keep things as their own or at their personal custody and like to store things in excess.

They might leave their native places, have information about production processes, limit his production and publish books on manufacturing methods.

SINCE… the 4th house falls in the star of Revati, ruled by Mercury, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will possess micro instruments like computers, calculators, printers, electrical & electronic goods, spares, tiles and lathes etc; may assemble parts of machineries; may serve as ticket’inspectors in transports.

Mercury is the lord of houses 7th  & 10th  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will  reside in government quarters, will become members of ration cards, purchase properties by acquiring loans from banks and will be members of societies and clubs.

They render honorary service, will be landlords, industrial owners, will be responsible for government documents and earn name and fame.

Mars for Sagittarius Ascendant in 5th House Lord:

Aries /Mesha  the first ZODIAC sign is in the fifth house to SAGITTARIUS/DHANU. ARIES is ruled by MARS…hence MARS will be the lord of this house.

Aries, the first sign of the Kaalpurusha is the fifth house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will show pride and authority in the fields of arts, culture and religion. They are dominant and possessive in their love affairs. Since Aries is a fiery sign, they tend to show arrogance with anger and dissatisfaction towards their first child and in their love affairs. They will carry dissatisfactions in the fields of arts and culture.

Aries is a movable sign. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will have a mind to indulge in unnecessary expenditure for making frequent changes in the fields of arts, culture and religion; they are extravagant in their love affairs and for the cause of their first child.

Since Aries is a house of Mars, they are fast and arrogant during copulation and they are bold in disclosing their love affairs but will also face troubles and dejections.

Aries, the first sign of Kaalpurusha is the 5th  house to Sagittarius. So the love affairs of Sagittarius ascendant borns will be full of struggles with ego-clashes. They will give birth to first child by Caesarean; they tend to make extravagant expenditures in the fields of arts and culture.

Aries is a fiery sign. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will forcibly involve in love affairs, sexual pleasures, rapes, prostitution, obscene dances; their first child will be vigourous in sexual pleasures.

Aries is a movable sign so the Sagittarius ascendant borns will develop themselves day by day in intelligence, knowledge, arts and culture, religious faith and with increasing number of red blood cells.

Mars is the lord of Aries. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will show arrogance in sexual affairs; they may become atheists, painters of vulgar drawings, sculptors, dancers or singers of filthy and obscene dances or songs, boxers and folk artists and may have children with excessive interest in sexual affairs.

SINCE… the 5lh house falls in the star of Ashwini, ruled by Ketu, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will involve themselves in magics, mythical stories and prostitution. They are criminals in politics and would gain commissions through illegal trades.

Ketu would act like Mercury, w.hich is the lord of houses 7 & 10 to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will have harmonious relationships in societies and clubs, live in quarters for artists, get musical instruments as government donations, own guest houses, serve in voluntary organisations and marry persons of their choice.

They might hold honorary posts as artists, manufacture artistic goods, become responsible for temples, become administrators in artistic fields and earn professional name and fame.

SINCE…  the 5th  house falls in the star of Bharani, ruled by Venus, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will show interest in the fields of arts and culture, will excel as orators, politicians, astrologers, will act in vulgar roles and will perform glamourous dances.

Venus is the lord of houses 6th  & 11th  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will run competitive examination centre for arts and crafts, become gynaecologists, lab technicians, nurses, feast-cooks, tailors and costume designers, producer of herbal medicines; commission agents and servants in lodges and cinema halls.

They will learn arts with commitment, construct lodges, form branches of unions, make joint ventures with societies, enjoy fortunes and favours, make achievements in production of livestock and like to be in the company of friends for pleasures.

SINCE… the 5th house falls in the star of Krittika, ruled by Sun, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will serve in government temples, government auditoriums, government sports functions, will become politicians, like to play the game of chess and provide details of government subsidy and welfare schemes. Sun is the lord of 9th house to Sagittarius.

So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will enter into contracts for artistic performances, earn name and fame in higher education of arts and culture, hold responsible and honorary posts in the fields of arts and culture, become teachers of arts and culture, import artistic goods, run institutes of arts and culture, maintain temples, become members of village panchayat, protect ancient monuments, collect taxes for temples, will do clowning and have illegal affairs with foreigners.

Venus for Sagittarius Ascendant in 6th House Lord:

Taurus /Rishaba  the second ZODIAC sign is in the sixth house to SAGITTARIUS/DHANU. Taurus is ruled by VENUS…hence VENUS will be the lord of this house.

Taurus, the 2nd sign of Kaalpurusha is the 6th house to the Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will have diseases in eyes, teeth and mouth.

Taurus is an earthy sign; so the Sagittarius ascendant born will suffer due to climatic changes, diseases caused by environment or allergy and in neurological system. They will win over others by way of their affectionate attitude and love towards them. Since it is also a fixed sign, their ailments and sufferings would last long; they have a steady approach towards success.

Since it is a house of Venus, the lord of houses 6th & 11th to Sagittarius, the Sagittarius ascendant born will suffer due to vitamin deficiencies; they will succeed in their life through their self endeavors.

Taurus, the 11th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 6th house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will serve in the fields of finance, gold, silver, mortgage shops, banks, treasury, documents and litigation.

Taurus is a fixed sign. So their service, borrowings, litigation, diseases, consumption of medicines, food, dresses and the digestive system are of permanent nature with steady and slow progress. Taurus is an earthy sign; so the Sagittarius ascendant born will serve in the departments of health. They love to serve with devotion and commitment

Taurus is a sign ruled by Venus. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will serve in the fields of arts and culture, weaving and tailoring and in vegetable stores, fruit stalls, paint shops, cosmetic stores, glassware, plastic industries, silk stores, and sweet stalls.

SINCE… the 6th  house falls in the star of Krittika, ruled by Sun, the Sagittarius ascendant born could avail government loans and help from government servants, face court cases filed by government, get government uniforms and’Serve in employment exchanges, food cells, poultry and departments of agriculture and health.

Sun is the lord of 9th house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born wilt win contracts in ports, work in personnel and training departments, research centres, import sections, temples, endowments, courts, panchayat offices, ancient monuments, trusts and international organisations.

SINCE… the 6th house falls in the star of Rohini, ruled by Moon, the Sagittarius ascendant born will serve as daily labourers in water reservoirs, ships, and in the departments of fisheries, plumbing and in grain fields. They may suffer due to diseases caused by water and will soon lose physical energy due to diseases.

Moon is the lord of 8th house to Sagittarius, The Sagittarius ascendant born will have to render hard physical labour, serve under poor working conditions with heavy workload and work in repair shops. Their diseases may later lead to surgery.

SINCE… the 6th house falls in the star of Mrigasira, ruled by Mars, the Sagittarius ascendant born will suffer/ due to muscle pains and heat-borne diseases, serve in factories or in hospitals, will become hard laborers in the fields of tailoring and catering and will produce food and medicines.

Mars is also the lord of houses 5th  & 12th  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will  serve in stock exchanges, cabaret clubs, liquor bars, prostitution dens, marriage registration offices or sports centres, chant mantras in religious rituals, produce sports goods and become pimps, proof-readers of political or sports articles.

They acquire loans through secret plans, repay loans by further borrowings, liquidate investments, serve in hospitals, will be break-even with income and expenditures, become inactive due to ailments and diseases and will face litigation filed by the separated life/business partners.

Mercury for Sagittarius Ascendant in 7th House Lord:

GEMINI/Mithuna the third ZODIAC sign is in the seventh house to  SAGITTARIUS/DHANU. Gemini is ruled by MERCURY…hence MERCURY will be the lord of this house.

Gemini, the 3rd  house to Kaalpurushais the 7th  house to Sagittarius; they are communicative in their social relations. They will maintain harmonious relationships in married life with an open mind.

Since Gemini is an airy sign, they gain more information by way of their public relations.

Since Gemini is also a common sign, they frequently make changes in their attitude towards others.

Since it is a house of Mercury, they tend to be friendlier with families of their spouses and in the course of their self and professional ventures.

Gemini, the 3rd sign of Kaalpurushais the 7th house to Sagittarius. So the spouse of Sagittarius ascendant born will be of generous attitude with interest in the fields of information & communication and are cautious with pre-planning in all walks of life.

Gemini is an airy sign; so the spouses, business partners or customers of the Sagittarius ascendant born will be intelligent. It is also a common sign; there may be fluctuations in the relationships with spouses, business partners and customers; Sagittarius ascendant born may also suffer due to problems in kidneys.

Gemini is a house of Mercury; so the spouses of Sagittarius ascendant born will be witty in nature with cunningness and research capabilities. They will often meet well educated and intelligent persons.

SINCE…the 7th house falls in the star of Mrigasira, ruled by Mars, the Sagittarius ascendant born will have undisciplined spouses/business partners; they will often meet with liars, anti-social elements and arrogant bank-officials. They will be forced to request assistance of others.

Mars is also the lord of houses 5th & 12th to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will often have to meet with lovers, artisans, painters, singers, astrologers, teachers, religious servants, priests, saints, prostitutes and pimps.

……often meet the following persons: secret planners, subversive activists, thieves, collectors of loan installments; will be raided or threatened by others by knowing the secrets of Sagittarius ascendant born to cause losses to them.

SINCE…  the 7th  house falls in the star of Arudra, ruled by Rahu, the Sagittarius born will marry non-relatives and persons who may  be lesbians/homosexuals or impotent and show arrogance in copulation.

Since Rahu does not own any house, the significations of houses owned by Jupiter could be included as RAHU will act as JUPITER…hence the Sagittarius ascendant born may marry persons who are calm, quiet, responsible, adjustable nature. Their business partners and customers would also be of same nature.

Jupiter is the lord of houses 1st  & 4th  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will abide by collective thoughts, listen to others, become successful in joint ventures, suffer due to diseases in kidneys, uterus and abdomen regions, face oppositions, lack ability to make independent decisions, invite troubles by way of their actions from well-known persons.

They may live with relatives, marry among relatives or persons living in same compound or apartments and often meet persons who manage the properties of the Sagittarius ascendant born.

SINCE… the 7th house falls in the star of Punarvasu, ruled by Jupiter, the Sagittarius ascendant born will marry persons who are calm, quiet, responsible, adjustable nature. Their business partners and customers would also be of same nature.

Jupiter is the lord of houses 1st  & 4th  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will abide by collective thoughts, listen to others, become successful in joint ventures, suffer due to diseases in kidneys, uterus and abdomen regions, face oppositions, lack ability to make independent decisions, invite troubles by way of their actions from well-known persons.

Moon for Sagittarius Ascendant in 8th House Lord:

CANCER/Karka the fourth ZODIAC sign is in the eighth house to SAGITTARIUS/DHANU. Cancer is ruled by MOON…hence MOON will be the lord of this house.

Cancer, the 4th  sign of Kaalpurushais the 8th  house to Sagittarius; the Sagittarius ascendant born will get injured in chest. The organs in the thoracic regions may fail or would lead to sufferings due to malfunctioning.

Since Cancer is a watery sign, the Sagittarius ascendant born may suffer due to water-borne diseases. They may meet with accidents in water or caused by liquids.

Since Cancer is a movable sign, the troubles to Sagittarius ascendant born would get multiplied. Since it is a house of Moon, the karaka planet for mother, the Sagittarius ascendant born will be troubled by their mother. They will suffer due to cool articles and liquids.

Cancer, the 4th  house of Kaalpurushais the 8th house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will get into troubles and worries caused by their mothers, properties, lands, vehicles, household appliances and in accidents.

Cancer is a watery sign; so the Sagittarius ascendant born will meet with accidents in water reservoirs and in rainy seasons and suffer due to urinary infections.

Cancer is a movable sign; so the life of Sagittarius ascendant born are long but with prolonged troubles like accidents, pains, stress, disrespect and disputes etc.

Moon is the lord of the 8th  house. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will suffer due to mental rejections, loss of consciousness, loss of memory, lack of education, accidents in water and due to anti-social thoughts.

SINCE…  the 8th house falls in the star of Punarvasu, ruled by Jupiter, the Sagittarius ascendant born will be punished by law, do illegal activities, have to face lawful threatening, face seizures and fines by court to lose properties and valuables.

Jupiter is also the lord of houses 1st  & 4th  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will lose self-thoughts, become inactive and have to struggle; face stress and pains, get dejected, suffer due to allergy, inability to take independent decisions and have to face heavy workload.

….. suffer due to loss of organs in the body, meet with accidents, face troubles in lands, vehicles and in buildings, hurdles in education and frequent troubles in house-hold appliances and furniture.

SINCE…  the 8th house falls in the star of Pushyam, ruled by Saturn, the Sagittarius ascendant born will suffer due to disrespect, will be threatened, will become cowards, suffer due to loss of memory, abscond, have fear of death, mental oscillations, face false charges, modify old goods and involve in cruel activities.

Saturn is the lord of houses 2nd  & 3rd  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will lead to controversies during talks, suffer due to allergy, unexpectedly gain gold and valuables and donate money or valuables beyond their capacity.

……. become notorious, publish books on crimes, make mistakes in mathematics, spread rumors, suffer due to loss of memory and bone erosion, lose belongings, face hurdles in transfer orders, punishment in service, earn bad name and face troubles in service in communication and information departments.

SINCE…  the 8th house falls in the star of Ashlesha, ruled by Mercury, Sagittarius ascendant born will face troubles in negotiable instruments, documents, electrical and telephone connections, negotiations, anonymous letters, surety, absence of mind and neurological system.

Mercury is also the lord of houses 7th  & 10th  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will  show indiscipline and do corruption in social and voluntary organisations, invite opposition of government officials, face dejection in married life, will be cheated and threatened and put into disrespect by opponents and partners.

….. face allegations in profession; become corrupt in profession and responsible posts, face disrespect in profession, and will be deprived of promotions.

Sun for Sagittarius Ascendant in 9th House Lord:

LEO/SIMHA the fifth ZODIAC sign is in the ninth house to  SAGITTARIUS/DHANU. LEO is ruled by SUN…hence SUN will be the lord of this house.

Leo, the 5th, sign of Kaalpurushais the 9th house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will excel in their higher education especially in the fields of arts, culture and religion. Since Leo is a fiery sign, they would show strong commitment towards their higher studies. They may suffer from irritations during long distance travels.

Since Leo is a fixed sign, their faith in god and higher education would remain unchanged. They may live at a foreign place for long.

Since Leo is the house of Sun, they may study in government institutions by getting scholarships; will be inclined towards politics. They are best counselors.

Leo, the 5th sign of Kaalpurushais the 9th  house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns may have illegal affairs; their ancestral properties will be passed on to their children; their fathers will have a long life; they will win benefits through international relations and research attempts.

Leo is a fiery sign. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will have needed intelligence for higher education, have strong faith in their religions, become polygamists and may lack in administrative capability.

Leo is a fixed sign; so the Sagittarius ascendant born will have stability in their foreign life; win confidence and credibility; have permanent ties in illegal affairs; have smooth journeys and trouble-free higher education.

Leo is ruled by Sun. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will have faith in religious rituals and practices; involve in embassies and foreign organisations, government departments of research and finance.

SINCE…  the 9th house falls in the star of Makha, ruled by Ketu, the Sagittarius ascendant born will become judges in criminal courts, forensic researchers, investigators in criminology, involve in subversive activities in foreign nations, trainers for illegal activities and smugglers.

Ketu would act like Mercury as far as significations of houses are concerned. Mercury is the lord of houses 7th  & 10th  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will become disciplined and sincere workers in social service or voluntary organisations, gain friendships with government officials, get due recognition from government for their voluntary organisations; marry second time, may have affairs with the younger sister of wife and have illegal or extra-marital affairs.

……involve or serve in communication, transport, imports & exports, mines, ports, electricity, plumbing, oil wells, personnel departments, teaching, research centres, international relations, temples, endowments, courts, collection of temple taxes, trusts, panchayat offices and ancient monuments

SINCE…the 9lh house falls in the star of Poorvapalguni. ruled by Venus, the Sagittarius ascendant born will involve in research fields of arts and culture, higher education, transport and feast halls; may have illegal affairs and have relationships with foreigners or teachers.

Venus is the lord of houses 6th  & 11th  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will become supervisors of competitive exam centres, nurses, medical examiners, suffer due to increase in hereditary disorders or side-effects of medicines or excessive consumption of food and due to acidity, successful in joint ventures in medicines, get separated from second wife, get rid of illegal affairs, get employment opportunities on heir-ship, face allegations in lodges, enter into mutual agreements in international organisations and find themselves amidst illegal affairs during research assignments.

They will study diploma courses, hold honorary posts, complete research process, earn name and fame, take oath of service, always remain happy and harmonious, have co-operation and win agreements with societies, have fortunate opportunities, make achievements in research fields, find right approach and will be fond of fatty food items.

If the 9th house falls in the star of Uttarapalguni, ruled by Sun, the Sagittarius ascendant born will have faith in religious rituals and practices; involve in the fields of foreign embassies and organisations, government research centres and finance departments. 

Sun is also the lord of 9th house of Sagittarius.  So Sagittarius ascendant born will become national leaders, excellent researchers, ambassadors, judges and involve themselves with embassies, religious institutions and government finance departments.

Mercury for Sagittarius Ascendant in 10th House Lord:

VIRGO/KANYA the sixth ZODIAC sign is in the tenth house to  SAGITTARIUS/DHANU. VIRGO is ruled by MERCURY…hence MERCURY will be the lord of this house.

Virgo, the sixth  sign of Kaalpurusha is the tenth house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will become successful in their professional fields. They can gain status and prestige in the fields of textiles, catering, drugs, chemicals, law and money lending.

 Since Virgo is a common sign, the status and prestige of the Sagittarius ascendant born would not remain stable and permanent. Since Virgo is an earthy sign, they tend to gain their status and prestige through proper means.

Since Virgo is a house of Mercury, they will be glorified by their spouses, the society and their business partners.

Virgo, the 6th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 10th  house of Sagittarius.  So the Sagittarius ascendant born will serve in the fields of dress, catering, chemicals, dyeing, medicines, and printing etc.

Virgo is an earthy sign; so the Sagittarius ascendant born will deal in the fields of medicine, food, dress, vegetables, agriculture and vessels for storing grains.

Virgo is a common sign; so the status, profession, prestige and posts of the Sagittarius ascendant born will see fluctuations.

Virgo is a sign of Mercury.  So the Sagittarius ascendant born will do business and deal with micro-instruments, scales, pipes, rods, wires, greenish articles, stationery, note books, calculators and computers.

If the 10th house falls in the star of Uttarapalguni, ruled by Sun, the Sagittarius ascendant born will become higher officials or hold honorary posts in the government and serve in government offices, industrial centres, vocational guidance institutes, employment exchanges and government commercial complexes.  Sun is also the lord of 9th house to Sagittarius;

So the Sagittarius ascendant born will serve in social service institutions or voluntary organisations or marriage registration offices, export organisations, educational institutions, research departments, religious departments, transport organisations, communication and information departments, electricity or water departments, oil wells, space research centres, trusts, temples, courts, panchayat offices, ancient monuments, foreign embassies and political parties, enter into agreements with government officials and will become leaders, honorary officials, judges and ambassadors.

If the 10th house falls in the star of Hastha, ruled by Moon, Sagittarius ascendant born will work in the fields of water and liquids, medicines, white coloured articles, retail sales, imports and exports, ships, ports, fishing, boats, pipes and wells.

Moon is also the lord of 8th house to Sagittarius.  So the Sagittarius ascendant born will do illegal and anti-social professions, modify old goods and become professional criminals.

If the 10th house falls in the star of Chitra, ruled by Mars, the Sagittarius ascendant born will work in industries, in the fields wherein fire is used or in construction fields or in the offices of police, military and administration; become responsible officers for government documents.

Mars is also the lord of houses 5th  & 12th  to Sagittarius.  So the Sagittarius ascendant born will serve in religious rituals, arrange pilgrimages, become pimps, priests, sanyasis, prophets, religious preachers, astrologers, actor, singers, poets, artisans, gynecologists and manufacturers of medicines.

They will do business through secret contact; work in two fields, spend or invest on profession, have secret contacts in new profession and do research work.

Venus for Sagittarius Ascendant in 11th House Lord:

LIBRA/TULA the SEVENTH ZODIAC sign is in the eleventh house to SAGITTARIUS/DHANU. LIBRA is ruled by VENUS..hence VENUS will be the lord of this house.

Libra, the 7th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 11th  house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will fulfill their desires through spouses; have sexual affairs as per their desires or with people of their choice,

Since Libra is an airy sign, they will have a generous attitude with mental satisfaction. Since it is also a movable sign, they tend to preserve their happy mind and show patience in attaining their goals.Since Libra is a house of Venus, the lord of houses 6th  & 11th  to Sagittarius, the Sagittarius ascendant born will get mental satisfaction by listening to music and by spending time in the field of arts.

Libra, the 7th  sign of Kaalpurusha is the 11th house of Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will fulfill their desires only through their spouses or partners; win in joint ventures and win friendship with love and flexibility.

Libra is an airy sign; so the Sagittarius ascendant born will always remain happy and free from worries and will be enthusiastic and joyful. Libra is a movable sign; so the ambitions, happiness and expectations of the Sagittarius ascendant born will always be on the increasing side.

Libra is a house of Venus; so the Sagittarius ascendant born will always be persons of joy and happiness; they will always expect happy things and occasions in their life; have cordial and harmonious relationships with friends, elder brothers, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law.

SINCE…  the 11th house falls in the star of Chitra, ruled by Mars, the Sagittarius ascendant born will have insincere friends, elder brothers, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law; have to struggle for fulfillment of their desires and ambitions and will remain greedy. Mars is also the lord of houses 5th  & 12th  to Sagittarius.

So the Sagittarius ascendant born will have happy and harmonious relationships, have sexual pleasures with persons of their choice, enter into mutual agreements for peace and will be interested in arts and culture.

…… become happy in secret contacts, invest in desired fields, disclose and expose secret matters; succeed in research attempts and have secret interests through friends

SINCE…the 11th house falls in the star of Swathi, ruled by Rahu, the Sagittarius ascendant born will maintain friendships with foreigners, hide selfish motives in the name of public interest and they like sadistic pleasures.

Since Rahu does not own any house, the significations of houses owned by Jupiter could be included as RAHU will act as JUPITER…hence the Sagittarius ascendant born will expect things legally, limit their desires within the boundary of law, have true, sincere and intelligent friends, sons-in-law or daughters-in law.

Jupiter is also the lord of houses 1st  & 4th  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will always think about themselves, greedy, selfish, like to taste variety of foods, have independent thought and imagination and will make novel changes in their activities.

They might purchase things as desired, purchase properties with encumbrances; have frequent repairs in vehicles and their belongings would get damaged.

SINCE…  the 11th house falls in the star of Vishakha, ruled by Jupiter, the Sagittarius ascendant born will expect things legally, limit their desires within the boundary of law, have true, sincere and intelligent friends, sons-in-law or daughters-in law. Jupiter is also the lord of houses 1st & 4th to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will always think about themselves, greedy, selfish, like to taste variety of foods, have independent thought and imagination and will make novel changes in their activities.

Mars for Sagittarius Ascendant in 12th House Lord:

SCORPIO/VRISHCHIK the EIGHTH ZODIAC sign is in the twelvth house to SAGITTARIUS/ DHANU. SCORPIO is ruled by MARS..hence MARS will be the lord of this house.

Scorpio, the 8th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 12th house to Sagittarius, the Sagittarius ascendant born will be punished and troubled due to secret and illegal planning and for cruelty.

Since the Scorpio is a watery sign, the Sagittarius ascendant. borns will be troubled by liquors, liquid fuels and spurious medicines. Scorpio is a fixed sign. So they tend to get involved in secret criminal activities permanently.

It is a house of Mars, the lord of houses 5th  & 12th  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will behave arrogantly in their love affairs and towards their children.

Scorpio, the 8th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 12th house to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will lose money and valuables lent to others and will incur losses in investments. Scorpio is a watery sign; so the Sagittarius ascendant born will have the capability to find water sources through research and would like to invest on liquid articles.

Since Scorpio is a fixed sign, the Sagittarius ascendant born will permanently have links for secret activities, permanently lose money or capital, make speedy and unexpected expenditure and permanently become inactive due to diseases.

Scorpio is a house of Mars. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will involve in secret and illegal activities, adulteration, hoardings, surgery in hospitals, service at prostitution dens, investigation and smuggling.

SINCE…  the 12th house falls in the star of Vishakha, ruled by Jupiter the  Sagittarius ascendant born will get troubles and worried in legal surveillance, legal notices and threatening, income-tax raids. seizure of benami properties by government, legal imprisonment , printing of fake currency and secret financial auditing etc.

Jupiter is also the lord of houses 1st & 4th to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will lose physical energy, have inferiority complex, underestimate themselves, lack interest in materialistic things, suffer due to allergy, lack imagination and self-care, face hurdles in actions and carry memories of sad incidents for long.

They might invest in things of their choice, have excellent vehicles and tend to keep belongings in safe custody and in secrecy.

SINCE…  the 12th house falls in the star of Anuradha, ruled by Saturn, the Sagittarius ascendant born will take secret revenges, misappropriate and hoard things, undertake secret and subversive plans, do adulteration and go to the worst extent in their secret activities.

Saturn is also the lord of houses 2nd  & 3rd  to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will regain outstanding money, suffer due to eye diseases and digestive disorders; invest in gold and valuables and will have secret sources of income.

They might make false propaganda and damaging publications in magazines, lose energy, face breach of agreements and negotiations, sell books, make mistakes in accounting, lose memory power and will not get due information.

SINCE…  the 12th  house falls in the star of Jyeshta, ruled by Mercury, the Sagittarius ascendant born will improvise micro instruments through secret research, keep secret notes and accounts, possess secret documents and photographs and enter into secret agreements.

Mercury is also the lord of houses 7th & 10th to Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will choose foreigners as life/business partners, live in separation from relatives, hate others and keep away from opposite sex.

They will hold posts with secret responsibilities; undertake works with heavy workloads and jobs with dual nature (telephone operator cum receptionist for example).

You may find more information about Sagittarius Ascendant sign by following this ‘Sagittarius Horoscope’. 


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