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Effect of 3rd House Astrology in Zodiac Signs

Aries in 3rd House Astrology
The native will have knowledge of several branches of learning. He will be honored by the government. He will have the ability to invent things but will be argumentative. He will have the ability to convey his ideas effectively through written or electronic media. He talks well but is not a good listener. He may not get along well with his younger brothers/sisters.
The owner of the third is also the owner of the tenth house here. Mars is an adverse planet for the native. Since the third house represents the self and the tenth represents the State, if Mars is placed in the first, second, tenth or eleventh house, the native will be associated with the affairs of the State and earn from it.
The native is likely to take up service in the military or a uniformed force. A weak and badly placed Mars will be the cause of death of younger brother/sister and the father. It can also cause a severe accident to his first child. The native’s younger brother/sister will be short-lived.
The third house is the house representing the younger brother/sister. If for these relatives of the native we take this house as the ascendant, the trouble in their limbs can be analyzed in the manner similar to Aries in the first house above. If Mars is located in the third house there is a possibility that the native may suffer the loss of younger brothers.
Taurus in 3rd House Astrology
The native will have very good relations with his colleagues and younger brothers/sisters. He can convince others of his point of view by talking to them. He cannot use his memory effectively and takes a lot of time learning things.
The native will be on good terms with the government. A powerful Venus in the horoscope will make the native have a good number of younger sisters, or female neighbors and colleagues. The owner of the third house is Venus which is also the owner of the eighth house. It will be the significator of the longevity of the native.
If strong and well placed in the horoscope, it indicates that the native will live long. It also indicates that the native’s children will have good vehicles and they will have a comfortable life. A weak Venus will make the native liable to face dishonor through younger brothers/ sisters, neighbors and colleagues. The younger brother/sister may suffer from the machinations of female enemies or suffer from diseases of the reproductive or urinary tract.
A weak Venus will cause loss to the mother through speculation or investments. She may also have a strong libido. She may have secret affairs. The native’s father may not be any better in morals. One of the children of the elder brother/sister of the native will rise high in life and will occupy an important position. The elder brother! sister will gain from speculation or entertainment.
Gemini in 3rd House Astrology
There will be a frequent change of residence and also work environment. The native will have good vehicles, be respected by all especially by women and will be generous. He will always tell the truth. The owner of the third house is Mercury which is also the owner of the sixth house.
A weak and badly placed Mercury will give diseases according to its karaka quality and if the third house is also badly afflicted the diseases so caused will be fatal to the native. The mother of the native will suffer losses through her younger brothers/sisters, neighbors and colleagues.
A powerful Mercury will make the firstborn child of the native earn wealth by trade. Such a Mercury will also make the father of the native rise high in society. His wife will go abroad. His younger brother/sister will possess the property and will be learned. Such a Mercury will make the native a successful author or publisher.
Cancer in 3rd House Astrology
The native will be popular, religious, and a musician or a painter. He will be a quiet person. The third is a house indicating the interests of the native. Since the Moon indicates the mind, its ownership of this house makes it a very powerful representative of the interests of the native.
The influence of such a Moon on a house can let us decipher as to the field in which the native is interested. For example, when such a Moon influences the fourth house by aspect or location, the native will be interested in the common man and people at large.
The native will keep changing his place of residence and also the people with whom he works. The income of his children will fluctuate. They will have good friends but their friends will not be long-lasting. His father will have smooth relations with his partners.
The native’s elder brother/sister will have more female children than male. The Moon placed in the tenth house will not be good for the longevity of native’s younger sister.
Leo in 3rd House Astrology
The native will be valorous but will keep bad company. He will be courteous, violent, arrogant and will talk rudely. He will be intelligent. The younger brother/sister of the native will talk rudely but, if the Sun is strong and well placed, will have the goodwill of the government and people in high places.
If the Sun, in this case, has a connection with the first, second, fourth or tenth house, the native will be closely associated with the government and persons in power. The Sun placed in the tenth house will deny the native younger brother/sister. His father will associate with highly placed persons or persons in government.
His children will be ambitious, have friends in high places and their earnings will be from lawful sources. The younger brother/sister of the native will be dignified in appearance. The children of elder brother/sister will join the government, and depending upon the strength and location of the Sun, are likely to have a high position in life.
Virgo in 3rd House Astrology
The native will excel himself in analysis, computation, in mathematics, computer science, and engineering. He will also be interested in writing and languages. He may even write books in a foreign language. He will be well behaved and will earn through the goodwill of friends.
He will be critical of not only those who come in contact with him but of himself also and will be given to bouts of depression. The younger brother/sister of the native will be well behaved. Mercury, the owner of the third is also the owner of the twelfth house.
The native will travel from time to time and life away from his home. He will be in a profession where he may have to communicate with persons abroad or those living in jails, hospitals or asylums. Mercury will not be a good planet for the native or his children. It will be neutral for his father. It will be good for his mother and for his elder brother/sister.
It will be excellent for his younger brother/sister. On this basis, when it is placed in a good house from the ascendant for any of these relatives or the native, the prospects will be damaged for the affairs of that house if it is adverse for that ascendant and enhanced if it is good. For clarifications see Aries under the second house.
Libra in 3rd House Astrology
The native will have good relations with his younger brothers/ sisters. He will be interested in, and do well, in the field of fine arts, dramatics, and poetry. Here Venus, the owner of the third is also the owner of the tenth house.
However, since the mooltrikona sign is placed in the third house, the third house results will predominate. Therefore the native will excel in his profession. His younger brother/sister and the children of his elder brother/sister will be good looking and polished.
The native can be a radio or television artist. His father may have close contact with females in his profession. His mother may be sensual. This can further be analyzed in the manner similar to Aries above. He will be a good public speaker. He will be fickle minded. He will keep bad company and spend heavily on his comforts.
Scorpio in 3rd House Astrology
The native will be greedy, friendly with the poor, unreliable and will cause hurt to others. He will come in conflict with his brothers/sisters. He will be logical, intelligent and analytical. The owner of the third is Mars which is also the owner of the eighth house. Mars, therefore, becomes a significator for the longevity of the native.
A powerful and well placed Mars will make the native live long but he will not have wealth since the houses for poverty, i.e., the third and eighth houses will get strengthened. The kind of influence Mars and the eighth house will have will decide the nature of native’s death.
The native will be dependent on his wife who may have a golden touch since her ninth and the second houses will be strong. If Mars is located in the third house there is a possibility that the native may suffer the loss of younger brothers.
Sagittarius in 3rd House Astrology
The native will be popular among friends and neighbors and will be liked by his brothers/sisters. He will like traveling and will have an interest in religion and philosophy. He may also work in association with his maternal uncle or may even be in his service.
The owner of the third is Jupiter which is also the owner of the sixth house. The younger brothers/sisters will be learned and wealthy but may suffer from ill health in the major or sub-periods of Jupiter if it is weak and badly placed; the native may have to incur debts during this time. The wife of the native may travel abroad during the major or sub-periods of such a Jupiter.
A strong Jupiter will be inclined to confer wealth on the children of the native during its major or sub-periods. He may talk in hyperbole or be very forthright. He will have good relations with the government.
Capricorn in 3rd House Astrology
The native will be happy, at peace and live in comforts, but these benefits will come to him later in life. A well placed and powerful Saturn will make the close of life comfortable for the native. He will be religious, learned and rich.
He will have a deep interest in geology, agriculture or birds. He will be aloof from his neighbors, brothers/sisters and colleagues as he will find it difficult to communicate with them. Saturn, the owner of the third is also the owner of the fourth house. He will like to work in a group.
If Saturn has the separative influence of at least two out of the owner of the twelfth house, Rahu, the Sun and their dispositors, the native will change his residence. The partner of the native will prosper in life if Saturn is powerful and located in the third or the fourth house.
The native will live long. The native will have his friends from among the common people and will work in a profession which will involve his coming in contact with the masses. If Saturn is located in the third house there is a possibility that the native will suffer the loss of younger brothers.
Aquarius in 3rd House Astrology
The native will have an interest in music and dance, will be forgiving and truthful. He will have a talent for writing. He cannot get along well with his brothers/sisters, neighbors or colleagues as he will consider himself superior to them.
The owner of the second is also the owner of the third house. His younger brother will leave his native place and settle away from home where he will do well in life.
The native will gain from younger brothers/ sisters and neighbors and will be long-lived in case Saturn is strong and well placed. Such a Saturn will also be conducive to wealthy children who will earn well from their profession.
If Saturn is located in the third house there is a possibility that the native may suffer the loss of younger brothers.
Pisces in 3rd House Astrology
The native will be born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His wife will love him. She will be well behaved. He will have children and friends. The owner of the third is Jupiter which is also the owner of the twelfth house.
If Jupiter is powerful and placed in the third, or the ninth house the native will not only live longer and have good younger brothers/sisters, neighbors and colleagues but will travel abroad during the major/sub-period of Jupiter.
He will be interested in philosophy and religion and will have good relations with his brothers/sisters, neighbors and colleagues. An afflicted Jupiter will give losses to the native caused to him by his younger brother/sister. This can be further analyzed in the manner similar to Virgo above.
If you are looking for more insights about 3rd House in Vedic Astrology then go through with 3rd lord in different houses.
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