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Mars Sign Calculator - Know Your Sign Compatibility with Mars

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Mars Sign Calculator - Know Your Sign Compatibility with Mars

Mars in Aries (Mooltrikona from 0 to 12 deg)

The native will probably occupy a position of authority or would be connected with the affairs of the government. He’d be energetic, sensual and fond of traveling.

The native would be courageous, have honest martial qualities. He will be wealthy and profit from the government. This hint location is great for Mars since this hint not only is the mooltrikona and own sign of Mars, but the part of the signal is also the same as that of the planet.

Mars isn’t comfy in its other signal Scorpio as the component is watery there. This location of Mars for Cancer and Sagittarius ascendants is superb. Mars in Aries for Cancer ascendant will give wealth and create the natives do well in service. Mars in Aries for Sagittarius ascendant will also give wealth but is very likely to maintain the native stressed because of his children. The aspect of the Sun or Jupiter on Mars would be excellent for the ascendants.

Mars in Taurus

The native would be idle, fond of company, sensual, shy and intrigued in beautiful things. He’ll be well dressed, but maybe not wealthy. He’ll lack self-confidence. He will be unstable, adorable and talkative in life. He’ll not have social happiness. He may have trouble from his children along with enemies.

He might do badly at litigation. A native can face dishonor because of his love affairs or liaisons with girls. This location of Mars for Leo and Cancer ascendants is fantastic.

The native will collect wealth, in the event the ascendant is Cancer, this will probably be done unscrupulously. Mars will give the native power, wealth and higher position in the event the ascendant is Leo. The aspect of Jupiter on Mars for the ascendants will probably be good. The aspect of Saturn on Mars would be useful if the ascendant is Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius.

Mars in Gemini

The native could have some gift for music. He will be fine, without anxiety and of a useful nature. He will have vitality and endurance also would be capable of taking a great deal of strain.

He’ll be rich, have a number of buddies and son and will be fond of traveling. Himself will participate in a wide range of occupations. He may have an impulse and a sharp intellect to employ himself to educational pursuits a lie can get into trouble because of his subordinates. He’ll have a weakness for females and there might be one or more marriage or liaison. There can also be changes in tasks or vocations.

When the major or secondary period of Mars runs to get a native having Pisces ascendant, he’ll have learning and wealth. The aspects of the Sun, Moon or Jupiter on Mars will be beneficial. The aspect of the Moon will make that the native will have an influence on the women in his life.

Mars in Cancer

He’ll travel and reside abroad. He’ll suffer from enemies, a strong woman or stomach troubles. He will be smart, but self-centered. A native is likely to receive a scholarship in his youth, but his youth might not be happy.

His wealth and wellbeing will wax and wane. He might not have a lot of pleasure from his mother. The native will be domesticated. He will be worried and may confront sorrows. It’s positioning in the 3rd drekkan of Cancer will be the best when the native will be inoffensive, sober, peaceful and silent.

Such a Mars will be quite bad for ascendants possessed by Mercury. Much depends on the potency of the Moon as well as the aspects on Mars. The aspect of Jupiter on Mars will be the best.

Mars in Leo

The native will be physically strong. He will be brave, impatient with others, hardworking and fond of visiting forests and hunting. He won’t be rich. His life will be unsatisfactory. His wife might predecease him. He’ll be fond of his kids a lie will face problems from subordinates. He may benefit from his relation to the authorities and may reach a responsible position.

He might work until his departure. There won’t be formal retirement. Wealth will come to him. Mars will provide religiousness if it’s in the second drekkan of the sign. Mars in this sign will provide wealth in the event the ascendant is Cancer or Leo, but for Cancer, it is also going to cause a miserable family life, and for Leo conveniences.

Scorpio ascendant is also great for wealth, but the native may have severe setbacks in his health and education. The aspect of Jupiter on Mars will be great. The aspect of Venus will be good for marital well-being, but additionally, it’ll make the person lascivious.

Mars in Virgo

The native will be bashful, avoid rich, educated, cultured, enmity and respected. He’ll speak pleasantly and may have a number of kids. He will enjoy happiness from wife and house. He might go overseas or away from his place of birth, at work.

He might in international trade or in goods produced abroad. He can be knowledgeable about stocks and shares and can profit from speculation. Mars will give the best results in the second drekkan of the signal.

When the ascendant is Sagittarius, the native can write books and will earn celebrity therefrom. He’ll also be rich and may have land. But, Saturn or Venus also needs to be powerful. The aspects of the sun, moon or Jupiter on Mars will be useful. The aspect of the Moon will make that the native will have an influence on the women in his life.

Mars in Libra

The native is going to be sensuous, timid, fortunate and fond. He’ll be talkative and given to the consumption of intoxicants. This location of Mars makes the natives lose their spouse ancient.

The native may have to face heavy cost and trouble. He may have several buddies and will be prosperous in partnerships. The native will have kids if Mars has been set in the second drekkan of the signal.

This placement of Mars in Libra is good for the Cancer and Capricorn ascendants; however, he can be sexual in case of the prior. The aspect of Jupiter, Venus or Saturn is going to be excellent.

Mars in Scorpio

The native is going to do well in a company or as head of an institution. He’ll be rich, happy with his spouse and kids, and also have the support of the government. His integrity will probably be in doubt. He’ll be competitive, intrepid, to be able to suppress his own enemies and will be vindictive.

He’ll suffer from fire, injuries, and poison. He can become involved with litigation or intrigues. He might function as a leader in a plot. This placement is conducive to the confinement of the native. He might go overseas, especially so if the planet is in the next drekkati.

His conclusion may be violent. Mars in this sign will probably be good for Cancer, Leo, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants. The aspect of the Sun or Jupiter on Mars will be beneficial.

Mars in Sagittarius

The native will become eminent in his chosen area. He might work for the government. He’d be courageous. The native will suffer declines because of his temper, and spontaneous and unpleasant speech. He can be rash and will have to face dishonor or slanderous charges. He may work hard to gain success. He can be fond of the outdoors and sport. His spouse will be obedient and loving.

He may have to face trouble. He will get a better life after marriage. He can be intrigued in weapons and might attempt to be a marksman. This planet, when put in the next drekkan of the signal, will create native law, compliance and upright. The location of Mars for Aries, Leo, and Pisces ascendants are excellent. The aspect of the Sun is going to be excellent.

Mars in Capricorn

The native will belong to a family that is good. He’d be active in society, hardworking, a leader and rich. He’ll be a dependable person and could be entrusted with responsibilities. He’ll be bold and may have success over his enemies. He’ll occupy a position and will be useful to his relatives.

The native might join the military or armed service and might increase into the highest position there the next drekkan of. He might possess the immovable property and might have put younger sister/brother.

Mars will bring benefits from speculation, and the signal will bring benefits from speculation, and at the next, it is going to make the native a businessman or an individual having good scientific knowledge.

It’ll When the ascendant is Aries, an. For Virgo ascendant, it is going to be at the 5th house, where it might lead to loss of trouble throughout the children. When the ascendant is Aries, an owner of the ascendant at the 10th house will ensure a high standing and fame to the indigenous.

For Cancer, a strong Mars, being the owner of the 5th and 10th houses and for that reason, an extremely beneficial planet with this ascendant, based in the 7th house in Capricorn, will without be good for the longevity of the strong Rajyoga, but won’t be good for the longevity of the partner. The aspect and well-placed Mars in this sign is going to be excellent.

Mars in Aquarius

A well-placed Mars in this sign miserable. He might indulge in gaming and horse racing. And well-placed Mars in this sign might look older. He’ll be miserable on account of a son and poor health. He’ll be also malicious, an alcoholic and unkind. An excellent and well-placed Mars in this sign might turn indigenous into a scientist if the planet is put in will bring benefits from speculation, and signal. He might work vigorously in group activities for the public welfare.

When the ascendant is Leo, a strong Mars, being the owner of the ninth and fourth homes and therefore an extremely beneficial planet with this ascendant, based in the 7th house in Aquarius, will without be good for the longevity of the strong Rajyoga and will give advantages to the indigenous through his partner and marriage, however it might make the native’s partner sensuous and irritable.

This description of the partner might not be true if the drekkan wherein the planet is put is the next one. The aspect and well placed Mars in this sign will tone down the adverse results. When Mars in this sign aspect Jupiter the native is very likely to be childless.

Mars in Pisces

The native will grow to a position in life, will soon be courageous, reputed and will reside away from his birthplace. The native will go overseas wherein the planet is put in the third.

His kids won’t do well in life, or even 1 or two might pass away early. He can get married late in life, will have liaisons outside union or he could be jilted in love.

In case the ascendant is Pisces and the major period of Mars isn’t the first major-period after birth, the native might have all of the wealth and position that he might desire. In case the major-period is the very first after birth, there’s a danger of Balarista.

The native might die in infancy. The aspect of the Sun on Mars will be excellent for reputation and popularity. The aspect of Venus on Mars will also be great but there’ll be the apprehension which the native could be sensuous and wayward.

If you are looking for more information About Mercury in your Horoscope then you may refer to MARS IN DIFFERENT HOUSES.


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