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Sun Sign Calculator

Sun Sign Calculator - Know Your Sign Compatibility with Sun

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Sun Sign Calculator & Compatibility with All Signs

Sun Sign Calculator in Aries

The native is very likely to be rich, clever, very clever a competent physician, arms dealer or manufacturer and will shine himself. The native will be long-lived. He’ll be a leader of men, ambitious, competitive and confident, but his health is going to be poor. The native may have a fantastic bone structure. He will need to travel a lot and can be intrigued by exploration. He’ll get assistance from extremely placed persons. That is a position to get an achievement of political ambitions. The native won’t be averse to religion. His attitude towards life will be positive.

This location is great for Sagittarius, Leo, Libra, and Cancer ascendants. For Aquarius ascendant, it can make the wife religious and blessed since the owner of the 7th home becomes exalted in the darkened house from it. The native may be blessed after his marriage. The aspect of Saturn on the Sun, except for ascendants possessed by Venus, might not be good.

Sun Sign Calculator in Taurus

The native might earn from the production of garments, perfumes, and comparable luxury things. He can get wealth from his father, speculation, shares and similar resources. He can be rather cautious with his money. He’ll be a skilled craftsman and a connoisseur of music.

He won’t be close to his wife. She is really capable of hard work and will be very likely to be handsome, slender, and wise. He is going to be predisposed towards suffering from ailments of eyes, face and the mouth. He may have musical ability and will face the danger of water. It is fantastic for Cancer, Leo, and Aquarius ascendants.

The aspect of the Moon on the Sun will make the native come in contact with a number of guys, either by means of liaisons or at the discharge of their responsibilities. The aspect of Saturn on sunlight and will be of a high order and his head will be capable of working in won’t give good results. 

Sun Sign Calculator in Gemini

The native is going to be a mathematician, fantastic writer, educated, blessed, and smart be well behaved and fond of his many areas at the exact same time. He’ll like change and might travel about. He’ll be economically well off.

His father might marry more than once. He’ll be well behaved and fond of his kids. Good for your father, for Scorpio, the Sun quite shortens the life of the native, for Sagittarius, the native will shorten the life of the native, for Sagittarius, the native may have a well-behaved spouse, along with the native might become lucky native will come out successful in litigations.

The native will come out successful in litigation, and the number of kids will be seriously restricted. The aspect of the Moon or even Mars on the Sun. Except For ascendants possessed by Venus, won’t give excellent results.

Sun Sign Calculator in Cancer

He’ll be in the service of others and will need to work hard. His financial status will be ordinary and will wax and wane. He’d be great looking, and unpredictable minded, but of disposition and of bad stamina. He’ll oppose his father and the elders of his loved ones. He’ll be close to his mother and loved ones.

He’ll be easy going. He will be honorable. The native is very likely to make through shipping, water jobs, or people, including stage performances intended for the general public.

He might get property and wealth away from his parents. The native is very likely to live near the water from time to time. When the moon is weak, the wife will either be only looking or the wedded life will be unsatisfactory. He’ll enjoy intoxicants. When the ascendant is Scorpio or Sagittarius, it reduces the longevity of his father. The aspect of Mars or Saturn on the Sun won’t give excellent results.

Sun Sign Calculator in Leo

The native will be famous, of stamina, courageous, competitive, ambitious and powerful. He’ll be able to man responsible positions and take on significant leadership assignments.

He’ll be cautious of his habit. This position tends to make persons who need to appear before the people, like those who’re the rulers, teachers, supervisors or directors. He’ll be wealthy, generous, ambitious, intelligent, talkative and will occupy a good position in life. But an aspect of Saturn on the Sun will lessen these qualities to a massive extent. He would enjoy nonvegetarian and go to the woods and hills. He’ll overcome his enemies.

The father will be blessed and long-lived. The Sun won’t give excellent results in this particular sign for Virgo ascendant. A situation of the Sun will, nevertheless, be conducive to remain abroad.

Sun Sign Calculator in Virgo

The native may have chances to travel. He may have the capacity to write well and will show ability in arts. He’ll also be mathematically inclined. He’ll have traits. He’ll be good at repair of vehicles. He’s very likely to work in a poor capacity. He can have trouble from subordinates or servants.

This problem will be there in a step if the Moon or Mars aspect the Sun here. An aspect of Jupiter will give the best results. The native can be a physician or a scientist. He can find almost impossible to assert himself make up his mind.

The Sun for ascending Virgin will be a factor for expenditure that is heavy. When the ascendant is Sagittarius, positioning of the Sun in Virgo will be an important Rajyoga.

Sun Sign Calculator in Libra

He’ll be inconsistent minded, indulge in excesses, might have a liaison with some other girls and won’t be confident of himself.

The propensity to seek other girls would be highlighted if the Moon aspects the Sun. He would be unfortunate, dishonorable, will face frustration and might need to leave his native place due to difficulties. He would be persecuted by the authorities.

The aspect of Saturn is going to make matters worse. When the Sun is at the ascendant it gives quite adverse results the man loses his kids and has to confront poverty. The weak Sun in the horoscope at 10 deg at Libra is effective at countermanding all the other good indications in the chart. The aspect of Jupiter will improve matters.

Sun Sign Calculator in Scorpio

He would be irascible, obstinate, energetic and untruthful. Service may be joined by him, especially so if the Sun has the aspect of Mars here. He’ll lack intelligence and suffers from weapons, fire, and poison.

The foregoing won’t come to pass in case the Moon aspects the Sun here. He would be unfortunate with respect to parents. This position is especially dying early or the connections between might be bad and he can lose his wife early the native might be soured. The native isn’t likely to increase in life. His life would be involved in a low class. 

He would be involved with a low-class girl. He might meet with accidents. The native would be long-lived and full of the case the ascendant is Capricorn. Similar results would be given from the Sun if it’s aspected by Jupiter. In this case, the native might be a judge.

Sun Sign Calculator in Sagittarius

The native would be fond of reading the scriptures, interested in medicine, and religious activity. He’ll prize his liberty and would be wealthy. He will have a good relation with persons in power, he would be useful, skillful in the use of arms, peaceful, honorable, and will have a good physique.

However, in case Mars aspects the Sun, he keeps getting annoyed with his family members. He can be a first thinker and might become renowned for a discovery that he’d make. He’d be prepared to travel and change his residences. The Sun at Sagittarius for Aquarius, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aries ascendants would be particularly good.

The Moon or Jupiter will further enhance matters attain a position throughout the Moon or Jupiter will further enhance matters. To get Pisces ascendant, this positioning will give fame and higher position. Aspect from the moon or Jupiter will further improve matters.

Sun Sign Calculator in Capricorn

The native would be unforgiving, of means, intrigued in low-class girls, timid, hold a job, and greedy. He’ll lose due to conflict with his relatives. In case moon aspects the Sun, the reduction will be due to females. He’s might have no persons intimate or loyal to him. He would be conservative, gloomy and reserved and might be lacking in energy.

A face of Mars on the Sun will enhance the disposition referred to in the previous sentence however it might lead to the problem from the enemies and make the native vulnerable to injuries.

An aspect of Jupiter or Saturn will improve things substantially insofar as material well-being is concerned. He’ll have a great appetite. The Sun will give reasonably good results in this sign for Aries and Taurus ascendants.

Sun Sign Calculator in Aquarius

He can have a heart problem. He’ll be physically strong, but for ascending cancer, this positioning of the Sun can cause the departure of the native at his main period or sub-periods.

He’d be miserly and won’t have wealth. For Aries ascendant, the Sun in its important period or sub-periods might give buddies or a male kid and confer a lot of wealth on the indigenous.

An aspect of Jupiter or Saturn will improve things substantially insofar as material well-being is concerned. He’s a responsible attitude to his responsibilities and may, therefore, be relied upon. He’ll not be a business friend, but he is going to be popular and sociable. He’ll like to be his own master. His life might have influence or involvement of masses inside it. He’ll be unhappy with his kids.

Sun Sign Calculator in Pisces

The native will make through goods related to water. He’d be fond of a company that is female, be rich, a speaker, reputed friendly, happy and learning. He’d tend to amass wealth. In case the ascendant is Taurus, the native would be prosperous in making lots of money.

He is going to be honorable if the ascendant is Gemini. He’ll defeat his enemies and would be prosperous in litigation. He’ll have a very good spouse, kids, and servants. He’d be capable to communicate well but would be untruthful. He might have a disease in his private parts. Aspect by the Moon or Jupiter will improve things.

If you are looking for more information About Mercury in your Horoscope then you may refer to SUN IN DIFFERENT HOUSES.


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Maha Dasha

Maha Dasha and the team have been researching Vedic astrology and Nadi Shastra. With our research, our team Astrologer has also written many books like Vivaha, Samay, Phalit Sutram, and many more. After long research, Astrologers has also developed a revolutionary formula for calculating the probable DATE OF MARRIAGE of any individual from his Birth Details. Our research on Birth Time Rectification can rectify the Time of Birth to fractions of a second. Vivaha Sutram & Samay Sutram, are based on this research.