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Moon Sign Calculator

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Moon Sign Calculator & Compatibility with All Signs

Moon Sign Calculator - Know Your Sign Compatibility with Moon

Moon Sign Calculator in Aries

The native would be haughty, independent, sensual, head of an enterprise, twisted minded, brave, and fond of traveling. He’ll be wealthy but will spend whatever money he’d earn. A complete Moon will give superb results with respect to wealth if it’s in the ascendant or a second home in this sign.

He’d keep bad company. He’ll have a ruddy complexion. He’d have bad nails, knees, and hair. There will be marks of boils and wounds on his entire body and he’d be scared of water. He might suffer from troubles from the head and fevers.

The spouse and mother will be ruling and that he wouldn’t pull along nicely with his brothers. In case the Moon is situated in this sign hemmed in by two malefic planets, the native will die of bums or harms inflicted by weapons. He’ll be scared of water. The Moon in this sign from the ascendant is great.

When the Sun aspects the Moon, the native may have a temper and he’ll be eager to join the military or police. An aspect of Jupiter or Venus will be welcome as it’ll create the native rich and placed.

Moon Sign Calculator in Taurus

The native is patient, generous, handsome, broad-chested with a thick neck has curled hair, has a developed aesthetic sense, and prefers feminine company. He’ll be conservative and might resist change. He might acquire property and friends. He might involve himself in his family business. He might be prosperous. He might talk nicely and possibly an interesting conversationalist. He’ll be happier in the center and end of life.

For Aries ascendant, a strong Moon will give riches, but some illness as well. The aspect of Mars is bad for the morality of the native. When Jupiter aspects the Moon the native will be rich. He will be heard and good if Mercury aspects it. The aspect of Saturn will create the native possesses a financial status.

Moon Sign Calculator in Gemini

The native has developed intellect. He will be quite fond of books and reading. He’s learned, funny, witty and will express himself well. He’s fond of feminine company and likes to travel. He’ll have a dominant nose. He’ll think of the welfare of all, will do good deeds, will be popular among girls, and will be respected for his gentlemanliness.

A powerful Moon in this sign with Virgo ascendant will make a native quite rich and extremely placed. The aspect of Jupiter on the Moon, placed well in Gemini will make the native quite learned.

The aspect of Venus is great for wealth. Moon in Cancer. The native will be under the influence of the mother. He will be normally susceptible to influence that is female. He’d be rich, owning property fond of flowers, water, and traveling bodies. He may have an interest in astrology and the occult. His family life will be joyful. He may have a house that is good.

His career could have periodic ups and downs. He might live abroad. It’s not good from the perspective of longevity for Gemini ascendant, particularly so when Mars influences it. If with such a combination,

Mars and the Moon have their key period and sub period current in the childhood of the native, he might not survive it. When the ascendant is Scorpio, a combination of the Sun with Moon in Cancer will take the native high in life and make him prosperous. Even aspect of the Sun on the Moon will create results.

The aspect of Jupiter or Venus will likewise create results, but the aspect of Venus on the Moon in Cancer might create the native lustful and he might not have a very good moral character.

Moon Sign Calculator in Leo

Although the native will be attached to his mother and his will honor her, the main cause of the majority of his problems will be females and his wedded life might not be satisfactory. He’d be a person of principles and could have an air about him, but he’d be of nervous and vindictive character. He’d be generous in nature.

He’d have a wide chest and face. He’d suffer from tooth and stomach trouble. This position of the Moon for Aries ascendant isn’t good. The native will, with fantastic difficulty, be capable to have a daughter. When the ascendant is Leo, the native may possess some defect in his eyesight.

An aspect of the Sun on the Moon will make him an extremely placed person. When Mars aspects the Moon in Leo, the native is likely to be a booming and senior military officer.

Moon Sign Calculator in Virgo

He’d be truthful, handsome, learned, eloquent, preserving, patient, helpful, rich, instructor of Vedas and compassionate. He’d have more girls than sons. He’d be partial to female company. The native will be fortunate. When the Moon is situated in this hint hemmed in by two malefic planets, the native will die of blood ailments.

The native, with Taurus ascendant and the Moon, put in Virgo, may have a daughter who’ll be very wealthy.

This placement of a complete and strong Moon in the ascendant will create the native very rich and handsome. An aspect of Jupiter or Venus will be further enhancing matters.

Moon Sign Calculator in Libra

The native may have land, be a generous, active, a trader in cows rich, religious, intrigued in philosophy, intelligent help fond of traveling. He can be tall and slim and will have a nose. He’ll have liaison with one or more woman. The Moon in Libra for Aries ascendant might not give good results. Here, the native will be ailing and might succumb to diseases in the significant period or sub-periods of the Moon.

For Taurus ascendant, this type of Moon will bring about the native to become involved with litigation as well as debts. A strong Moon in Balance will be excellent for Virgo Gemini or Ascending Balance, provided that Venus is strong and the Moon isn’t associated with the Sun.

Moon Sign Calculator in Scorpio

The native could fall ill differently in his childhood. He can be greedy, miserly, and fickle minded and might not be capable to express himself satisfactorily. He may need to live away from the family. He’d be clever and capable at his work. He may need to endure displeasure of the authorities from the shape of fiscal penalties.

The native will be overbearing, of disposition and won’t get along well with his relatives. He’ll gamble away his money. He could have a painful death. Service may be joined by him. When the Moon is situated in this hint hemmed in by two malefic planets.

The native will probably die of injuries or bums inflicted by weapons. A complete Moon in Scorpio will probably be quite Good up to marital happiness is concerned for Taurus ascendant. A weak Moon in Scorpio is good for Aquarius ascendant. An aspect of Mars on the Moon will make the native wealthy and powerful.

Moon Sign Calculator in Sagittarius

The native can convey his ideas nicely. He can have an oval face and elongated neck. He’d be strong, generous and learned. He can be short-statured or he can have height, but the weight if Jupiter is powerful from the horoscope He’ll live near water.

He’ll be well built, brave and eloquent. He will be wealthy, but misery. The native will triumph at speculation nicely if the ascendant is Gemini however his life can cause sorrow to him. With this Ascendant, the native can have difficulty within his teeth.

Cancer at the ascendant and the Moon weakly is a bad combination. The native can be of bad behavior and might indulge in taking and giving of gambling, womanizing and he can be in the habit of carrying alcohol. A waning Moon in Sagittarius might bring about separation from partner for ascendant, also give ailing kids to a native with Aquarius ascendant.

If strong, it will Be Excellent for Pisces ascendant. The aspect of the Sun, Venus or Jupiter will give good results. The aspect of Mars on the Moon in Sagittarius will create the native a rich and well put military officer. The aspect of Saturn will create the native upright and a speaker.

Moon Sign Calculator in Capricorn

He could be unforgiving. He’d be a worker. He’d like traveling, but he’s essentially a family man. He would be lean and tall in appearance. He can have musical ability. He will be unexcitable, honest, exceptionally sensual and ruthless. He’ll look for a company of young women.

He’ll be susceptible to cold. In case the moon is located in this sign hemmed in by two planets, the native might die of bums, hanging or fall from a height. The Aries and Libra ascendants with the Moon in Capricorn are good for power and the pelf. The aspect of Mars, Jupiter or Venus on the Moon is good.

Moon Sign Calculator in Aquarius

He’s developed aesthetic sense however will have a bad temper. He’d not be spiritual and may enjoy intoxicants. He’d be lazy, inimical to good people and would be poor.

His build will be large. In case the moon is located in this sign hemmed in by two planets, the native will probably die of bums, hanging or fall from a height.

The native will make whether the planet is beneficial for the ascendant. A strong Moon in Aquarius will give good results for Scorpio and Gemini ascendants. The aspect of Jupiter on the Moon would be auspicious.

Moon Sign Calculator in Pisces

The Moon is usually good in this particular sign. The native will be generous, fond of young women, well educated, balanced, handsome and wealthy. He could be prosperous in the arena of fine arts. He may have an unforeseen temper, taste for music, and also a fascination with matters foreign.

He can get or inherit wealth suddenly or can encounter upon buried treasure. He’ll be fond of journeys abroad and may benefit from them. The Moon in this sign for Libra, Leo, Aries and Aquarius ascendants might yield poor results. The aspect of the Sun on the Moon will create the native unite the military.

He will have a frame of mind. The aspect of Mercury or Jupiter would be excellent for wealth and learning.

If you are looking for more information About Mercury in your Horoscope then you may refer to MOON IN DIFFERENT HOUSES.


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