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Effect of 6th House Astrology in Zodiac Signs

Aries in 6th House Astrology
The native will be susceptible to cold, cough, headache and fever and is liable to get hurt from time to time. He will also have ulcers and boils. The head and forehead will be the vulnerable parts of the body. He should be careful of fire, weapons, and poison. He will have violent, combative and rash enemies. His maternal uncle will be indiscreet and a man of a quick temper.
The native is likely to suffer losses or theft of his material wealth and cattle. Mars, the owner of the sixth is also the owner of the first house. The native will constantly face trouble from enemies and thieves. His children will be wealthy.
His wife may face separation from him due to the violent and bad behavior of the native towards her. His father will have a high position which can be with the armed or uniformed forces. This can be further analyzed in the manner similar to Scorpio in the first house.
He will gain from milch cattle and foreigners or people of other religions, especially Muslims. They will always assist him in his endeavors.
Taurus in 6th House Astrology
The native is best suited to be a surgeon. He will have tenacious enemies. They will become inimical to him because of constant provocation by him. He will be a victim of highway robbers. He will have a strong constitution and will rarely fall ill. The parts of the body that are likely to get diseased are gums, throat, eyes, face and the neck.
The diseases may become chronic and he will take a long time recovering from them. His maternal uncle will be a well and the stockily built person engaged in banking, agriculture or medicine. He will be slow and steady in his job. The owner of the sixth house is Venus, which is also the owner of the eleventh house.
The eleventh house is the sixth house from the sixth. Therefore the eleventh house will also represent those matters that the sixth house represents. Thus Venus is a strong significator for accidents, disease, and injuries.
Venus will cause injuries, accidents, and diseases in its major or sub-periods. The injuries will be sustained by part of the body or by the relative indicated by the house which is influenced by such a Venus. If Venus is joined by Mars or Ketu, the karaka for injuries, the results will be more pronounced.
If Venus is joined by Saturn, the karaka for / diseases, the results again will be pronounced in respect of 7/ disease. This can be further analyzed in the manner similar to Gemini in the first house, and Scorpio in the sixth house.
He will be given to overeating and heavy drinking. He is likely to get diseases due to over-indulgent habits of his. He will not be on good terms with his children and relatives.
Gemini in 6th House Astrology
The native will have trouble in his arms and lungs and with his nerves. He will have more than an average number of enemies or opponents mostly among females, educated persons or traders. He will keep the low company.
His maternal uncle will be an intellectual person who will be impractical in worldly affairs and will dissipate his energy in fruitless pursuits. Here Mercury is the owner of the sixth and the ninth houses.
This makes Mercury have a strong foreign influence in it. If such a Mercury is closely connected with the seventh house, the native may marry a foreigner or a person who does not belong to his faith, region or caste.
The native will travel long distances in connection with his service. If Mercury is powerful the native will do well in service and will have good relations with his subordinates. The wife of the native will have to suffer losses due to her younger brothers/ sisters.
She may travel frequently over short distances and stay away from home. A strong Mercury is also conducive to the successful academic career of native’s children. His children will be attached to their family. Mercury under the malefic influence will make the native prone to losses due to the failure of banks.
If Mercury influences the seventh house with Venus or the Moon, the younger brother or sister of the native will have a female child as the firstborn. An afflicted Mercury will cause losses to the native through his enemies.
Cancer in 6th House Astrology
His son will be the cause for his enmity with government, politicians, scholars and highly placed persons. The enemies will not be able to harm him physically because they will be timid but they will try to harm him clandestinely.
His maternal uncle will be demagogic and may be in a job involving people at large. The son will be handsome and dignified. A weak and badly placed Moon will make the mind of the native sinful and he will contract enmity with females.
The native will suffer from digestive disturbances and troubles in his chest. A female native may suffer from cysts, tumors, and cancer in the breast. There will be an imbalance of fluid in the body.
Leo in 6th House Astrology
The native will be prone to heart stomach and spinal disorders, largely due to his hearty and immoderate ways of living. He may also have to suffer from bone trouble. The native will have highly placed enemies.
His uncle will be generous and dignified and have impressive appearance who may be particular on family honor.
The native will be antagonistic to his maternal uncle and may be instrumental in the death of his brother’s daughter. He will have to suffer the loss of wealth due to women. He will be antagonistic to his relatives, people in government or highly placed individuals.
Virgo in 6th House Astrology
The native will have no enemies worth the name but he will squander his wealth over women of easy virtue or prostitutes. He will not be steady in his job, will change it from time to time and strive to be self-employed.
Due to his sense of independence, he cannot work for anybody and will come into conflict with his superior.
The native will be highly strung. He will suffer from ulcers and stomach disorders. He will prefer to stay away from home. His maternal uncle will be slim and of fault finding nature who will show interest and ability in the study of languages.
The owner of the sixth here is also the owner of the third house. The native will be reserved with his younger brother/sister. This can be further analyzed in the manner similar to Gemini in the third house.
Libra in 6th House Astrology
The native will be involved in disputes with his brothers over the division of wealth. He will try to have good relations with his subordinates and colleagues. He will prefer a job like marketing, that puts him in touch with a large number of people.
His stomach and eyes will be liable to have troubles due to his excessive lifestyle. He may also have troubles in his genitals and part of his lower abdomen below the navel. He may have enemies among people in the field of fine arts or entertainment.
He may have some female enemies. His maternal uncle will be handsome and fond of good living, he may keep a good and luxurious house and he will prefer a peaceful and harmonious existence.
The owner of the sixth is Venus here which is also the owner of the first house. This cart is analyzed in the manner similar to Taurus in the first house.
Scorpio in 6th House Astrology
The native will suffer from diseases in the excretory, and reproductive systems. He will work much harder than usual and come in conflict with his subordinates due to his exacting nature and over-insistence on discipline.
There will be a partition of property and discord over it. His enemies will be violent persons given to extremism, immo4erate living, alcohol, and other vices. His maternal uncle will be the hard-hearted, hard working person who will set high goals for himself and then set about achieving them. The uncle may, therefore, be a tough taskmaster.
The native will be in danger from poisonous reptiles and insects, persons who carry tales, wild animals and thieves.
The owner of the sixth is Mars here which is also the owner of the eleventh house. This can be analyzed in the manner similar to Taurus above and Gemini in the first house.
Sagittarius in 6th House Astrology
The native will trap animals. He may suffer from diseases of the liver and pancreas. He can also have troubles in his thighs and hips and parts of the body in that region. He will be forthright with his subordinates and persons who come in contact with him.
His way of talking without mincing words sometimes offends people. He may take up a profession concerned with teaching, the legal field or the stage. He may travel in connection with his job but would be the happiest at home.
His maternal uncle will be a truthful and just person who will be very frank in his opinions which many a time people may not like. Jupiter is the owner of the sixth and ninth houses. His wife may travel over short distances frequently and stay away from home.
She may work in a hospital or asylum. His children will do well in their schools and at examinations and will be wealthy in life. This can be further analyzed in the manner similar to Gemini above.
Capricorn in 6th House Astrology
The native will have differences with his well-wishers over money. He will have problems with his bones, knees, skin, gums, and teeth. He will have to work hard at his job to attain success. His enemies will be men of wealth.
His maternal uncle will be a prudent, hardworking and thrifty man who will have an urge to do well in life. The uncle will be reserved who will give the impression that he does not care for his relatives.
The owner of the sixth house is Saturn which is here also the owner of the seventh house. This will make the wife the of the native shun company and live in seclusion.
Saturn is the karaka for illness. It is also the owner of the house of illness. It thus becomes a very powerful factor for causing illness. If it is badly located in the second or eighth house it is certain to cause physical troubles in its major or sub-periods.
Aquarius in 6th House Astrology
The native will spend money over wells, matters relating to water, flowers, etc. He will suffer from hypertension, heart trouble, and troubles in shins and joints. His enemies will be highly placed persons.
He will face danger from water and creatures that live in water. His maternal uncle will be handsome and involved in the group and social affairs. The owner of the sixth here is also the owner of the fifth house.
A powerful owner of the sixth house well placed in the chart will raise his father to a high position late in life. His mother will be extravagant. The first child will keep indifferent health and will be quiet. The children of the native will earn well if Saturn is located in the sixth house.
Pisces in 6th House Astrology
The native will be highly self-centered and this will lead to disharmony with wife, children, and other relatives and friends. Such discord is also likely over women. He will have trouble with his back, and feet. He may have edema.
At work, the native will prefer to be his own master in the form of a partnership where he can express his creativity. His maternal uncle will be a mild hearted, impractical and visionary sort of a person. Jupiter being the owner of the sixth is also the owner of the third house.
His father will have a powerful position in service. His elder brother/sister may not have any children or may lose a child. This can be further analyzed in the manner similar to Sagittarius in the third house.
If you are looking for more insights about 6th House in Vedic Astrology then go through with 6th lord in different houses.
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