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9th Lord in Different Houses

9th lord in different houses

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9th House in Vedic Astrology

9th Lord in Different Houses, being seventh from the third house it is complementary to the third house and therefore should also be examined for younger brothers/sisters,

  • If there is a link between the first and the ninth houses the native becomes fortunate and religious. Take the house in which the Moon is situated in the first house. We call this house the Moon ascendant. We define the Sun ascendant similarly.
    If the yoga is true simultaneously for the Sun and the Moon ascendants also, the above result can be taken as confirmed. The element of spiritualism in this yoga gets a boost if Saturn simultaneously influences the fourth house, its owner and the Moon as it will make the native dispassionate.
  • The fifth house represents devotion and the ninth religious­ness. Jupiter is the karaka for religion. A person will be religious if:

   (i)         The fifth and the ninth houses and Jupiter are strong, or

   (ii)        (a)        Jupiter is strongly placed in the first, third, fifth or the ninth house, or

               (b)        Jupiter is in the same sign as the Moon, or

               (c)        Jupiter aspects the fifth or the ninth house or both as counted from the sign occupied by the Moon.

               (d)        Jupiter is not an adverse planet for the chart and influences the fourth house or the Moon.

   (iii)       Saturn is not an adverse planet for the chart and influences the fourth house or the Moon,

  • If the owner of this house is powerful it indicates divine assistance and sudden gain. The form that this assistance will take will depend upon the house in which the owner is located. For example, if the owner is in the tenth house the native will get ruling powers or help from the government and its employees through chance, coincidence or luck. If it is in the fourth house he will so get conveyances etc. or assistance from the mother.
  • If there is a debilitated planet in this house or if its owner is debilitated or combust, it makes the native a hypocrite in religious matters.
  • If this house is strong there is a possibility of sudden and pleasant gains. If Mercury is the owner of such a strong ninth house, the possibility of such gains becomes very strong as this planet has a similar effect. If a strong ninth house owned by Mercury is tenanted by Rahu or Ketu this result is bound to occur because in such a situation all the elements that govern sudden gains will be influencing this house. Similar will be the result if Mercury joins or is aspected by a lunar node here.
  • A person would like to keep exalted and spiritual company if the owners of the first and the third houses are connected with this house.
  • This house is fifth from the fifth house. Therefore when considering matters pertaining to children this house has also to be examined.
  • The probable years in the life of a native can be fixed from the owner of this house in which the native may gain well and fortune may smile on him. Following is the tentative age which may prove fortunate for the native, to be deduced from the owner of the sign in which the owner of the ninth is located. The owner of the sign should be powerful and free from affliction:

   The              owner of the Sign                        Years of age

   (i)                 The Sun                                      22

   (ii)                The Moon                                  24

   (iii)               Mars                                           28

   (iv)               Mercury                                     32

   (v)                Jupiter                                        16, 32, 42, 50

   (vi)               Venus                                        25

   (vii)              Saturn                                        26, 36, 42

  • (i) The rules for determining the relationship between the native and a relative of his are recorded in paragraph 32 under the FIRST HOUSE in Chapter Four. If we wish to determine the relations that are likely to exist between the native and his father, we should apply these rules to the ninth house.

   (ii)        (a)        If the sign placed in the sixth, eighth or the twelfth house in the horoscope of the native becomes the ascendant sign in the horoscope of his son/daughter, the relations between the two will not be cordial.

   (b)        On the other hand, if the sign in the ascendant of the son/daughter of the native is one that is placed in the second, third, fifth, ninth or the eleventh house of the native, the relations be­tween the two will be good.

   (c)        If the sign in the tenth house of the native is placed in the ascendant of the native’s son! daughter, the latter shall be abler and more talented than the native. In fact, this principle could be applied to any two charts provided the sign involved is strong in the chart when placed in the first house.

Effects of 9th Lord in Different Houses

9th lord in different houses

9th Lord in 1st House

9th House Lord in Different Houses will results in 1st House as the native will be respectful to his preceptor and will be god fearing. The native will be religious. The nature of his religious propensities will be determined by the owner of the ninth house. He will be well behaved and keep away from sinful conduct a lie will be given to thinking deeply on matters.

He may be knowl­edgeable in legal matters or philosophy. He may have close interaction with foreigners or may have links abroad. He will be in the service of the government. He will be rich but miserly. If the owner of the ninth house is a friend of the owner of the first, the father and the younger sister/brother of the wife of the native will be attached to him.

His marriage will bring luck to him and he will have beneficial partnerships. He will have very good, well behaved, learned and successful children. His mother may also be employed and earning independently.

His younger sister/brother may gain from writing or taking up a job in the field of publishing, transport or communication. His elder sister/brother will be very happily married.

9th Lord in 2nd House

9th House Lord in Different Houses will results in 2nd House as the native will be truthful and well behaved but will face troubles caused by animals. The native will earn easily and will be wealthy. Higher learning or research could be a source of earning.

If the owner of the ninth is well placed in the second house, i. e., the owner is in its own, friend’s, exaltation or mooltrikona sign and is powerful there, the native’s wife will be long-lived. For fixed sign ascendants this placement becomes dangerous since the badhakasthan owner will be in a maraka place.

A badly placed owner of the ninth house in the second will make the father ailing. The father will be wealthy. The younger sister/brother of the native can be sensual. They may settle abroad or travel abroad frequently. Their spouses may find trouble from enemies or may fall ill frequently. Their sex life may be inadequate.

The native’s elder brother/sister will do well at the university in studies and will earn well later in life, maybe through property or vehicles. His children will reach high posi­tions in life.

9th Lord in 3rd House

9th House Lord in Different Houses will results in 3rd House as the native will be fortunate, wealthy and successful in life. He will travel a lot. He may do well in writing or communication field. His success may be related to his younger sister/brother. His children or elder brother/sister may earn through specula­tion, drama, music or entertainment.

His first child will have very good, long-lived and successful children. The father of the native will be long-lived. If the native takes up a profession where he has to deal with foreigners he will flourish. He will be fond of his younger brothers/sisters, neighbors and colleagues.

A young­er brother or sister will do well in life. The native will also be fortunate and will gain from long journeys. His mother will prosper if the owner of the ninth house does not have any beneficial influence. These indications will also apply, mutatis mutandis, to the native’s wife.

9th Lord in 4th House

9th House Lord in Different Houses will results in 4th House as a weak owner of the ninth house will be detrimental to the longevity of the father. If the two owners are friendly and the owner of the ninth house has a beneficial influence on it, the parents will have good relations between them.

The wife of the native will find employment through her own efforts. Her younger sister/brother may hold a high position. The native may be an agriculturist. He will be reputed. He will be attached to his father and will assist his father in various matters.

The native will be learned, may carry out research in some branch of human knowledge and may write theses. He will have all comforts in life, be happy and may own vast landed property as well as vehicles.

He is likely to get a high position and ruling powers in life through the masses. His children are likely to suffer losses if they gamble or speculate. The eldest child may have a clan­destine love affair.

9th Lord in 5th House

9th House Lord in Different Houses will results in 5th House as this is a very favorable location. It sets up contact between the two triangular houses. The children of the native and his father will be lucky, prosperous and reputed. The native will start doing well in life after the birth of his first child. His children will help him in furthering his interests.

The native will dress expen­sively. He will be religious and will honor the learned and intellectuals. His wife’s younger brother/sister may benefit through television, radio, journalism, etc. and may be wealthy.

His mother may suffer from eye trouble or her family members may turn against her. The elder sister/brother of the native may gain through his partner or spouse. The gain may also accrue from long journeys. One of the younger sister/brothers may many through advertising in the newspapers.

9th Lord in 6th House

9th House Lord in Different Houses will results in 6th House as the native will not be fortunate. He will suffer losses through his servants. His enemies will prosper. He will face criticism and physical troubles. It is possible that during the major or sub-periods of the owner of the ninth house in the sixth, the native may get involved in disputes that may drain away his wealth and the root of these disputes may be traced to his father.

The native’s father will reach a high position in life and may have power and prestige from the government but is likely to have frequent illnesses or trouble from his enemies. The native’s maternal uncle will be wealthy and will do well in life.

The native will also be bothered and put to loss by the younger sister/brother of his wife. The spouse may travel frequently and stay away from the native for a while. His elder sister/brother will be financially in a difficult situation.

9th Lord in 7th House

9th House Lord in Different Houses will results in 7th House as the native will have a beautiful, loving and wealthy wife. She will be from a far off place. She may be attached to her younger sister/brother or may like to write or perform on the radio or television.

The native will do well in life after his marriage. He will get full satiation of senses. He will succeed in international trade or prosper abroad. He may be sent on diplomatic assign­ments.

The native’s father will be attached to friends if the owner of the seventh and the ninth houses are friendly. The father will have his ambitions fulfilled.

The native’s elder sister/brother will be very rich and well placed in life. His second child will be fortunate. His children will take to the field of entertainment on screen or write stories or novels.

9th Lord in 8th House

9th House Lord in Different Houses will results in 8th House as the native’s father may pass away early; he may be living abroad, in a secluded place; he may have things to do with hospitals or asylums, or he may be a member of secret societies or conspiracies. The family of the native will not be known for learning.

The native will also not enjoy a good reputation. The native will face obstacles in his profession. If the eighth house is powerful and the owner of the ninth house has beneficial influ­ence in this house, the native is likely to get ancestral property and wealth.

A weak owner of the ninth house is bad for the fortune of the native. There is a chance of the native undertaking long sea voyages. His children will be learned and intelligent. The eldest child may be elected to the post of a minister.

9th Lord in 9th House

9th House Lord in Different Houses will results in 9th House as the native will be highly religious and will be fond of his younger brothers/sisters, neighbors and colleagues if the owner of the ninth house is a friend of the owner of the third house. This location makes the native very fortunate and his father long-lived and prosperous.

The younger brothers and sisters of native’s wife and the native’s children will also prosper. His children will maintain good health.

The native will be of good conduct, learned, may be religious and contented. He may be raised by his maternal grandparents. He will travel abroad and gain by it. He will be in the good books of the government in power. He will be obedient to his parents and will look after them in their old age.

This position of the owner of the ninth house generally accords a high position on the native. If there are other planets involved, they will indicate the support to the native’s rise to power and the area in which he is likely to excel.

For example, if Mercury influences the owner of the ninth here, the native is likely to rise to the position of an eminent editor or writer or he may rise to greatness on the basis of his learning or power of speech.

It must, however, be clearly understood that if the planet influencing the owner of the ninth house is an enemy of the owner, the results will not be satisfactory.

When there is an adverse influence on the owner of the ninth house and the Moon is also weak and afflicted, the maternal uncle of the native may be mentally imbalanced.

9th Lord in 10th House

9th House Lord in Different Houses will results in 10th House as a powerful owner of the ninth house in the tenth is Rajayoga. The native will be connected with the government and will gain from matters related to it. This position of the owner of the ninth house generally accords a high position on the native. He will have a high stab. He will be attached to his parents.

If the owner of the ninth house is friendly with the owner of the fourth house, the native’s mother will love and regard his father. Such an owner of the ninth house will also give the native a good house, vehicles, and comforts through the government or his employer.

The native will be reputed for his competence and learning. His record in his association with the government will be spotless and he will be considered as an upright and straightforward person.

If the owner of the ninth house is not friendly with the owner of the tenth or is debilitated there, the native will find that the government/his employer has turned against him and he will suffer losses due to the government/employer.

His wife will be well known through her writings or appearance on television or radio. His elder sister/brother may find his financial condition unsatisfactory.

9th Lord in 11th House

9th House Lord in Different Houses will results in 11th House as If the owner of the ninth house is well placed in the eleventh the native will be immensely rich. His income will be from right sources if the planet owning the ninth house is a naturally beneficial one.

If the planet owning the ninth house is a malefic one, the income will be from sources which may not be termed fully legal. A further distinction can be made. If the owner of the ninth house is a naturally beneficial planet, but it is adverse for the chart, the income will appear to be from legal sources, but a part will be from such sources which have shades of illegality in them.

This position of the owner of the ninth house generally accords a high position on the native. He will have high status and will enjoy conveyances. His children will be fortunate and do well in life. He will be long-lived.

His friends will also be highly placed and his elder sister/brother will benefit from the government. His younger sister/brother will have a happy mar­riage and he will do well in life after his marriage.

The eldest child may marry for love, If the owner of the ninth house is weak, afflicted and has no beneficial influence here, the mother of the native will be rich and rise high in life.

9th Lord in 12th House

9th House Lord in Different Houses will results in 12th House as the owner of the ninth house, if a malefic planet will make the individual lack in intelligence and be badly behaved; a beneficial planet will give diametrically opposite results. The native will go abroad. He may have to face obstacles and bottlenecks in his career and may have to work hard for success.

When the owner of the ninth house is powerfully placed in the twelfth house, it will make the native religious and spiritually inclined. He will be generous to a fault and may spend lavishly on entertaining people.

He will be learned in the matters of religion and the occult. He may travel abroad. Some of his grandchildren may not live long or do well in life. There may be loss of father or father may be the cause of losses to the native, depending upon the state of the karakas.

There may be separa­tion from father. Parashar has made a statement which is being recorded for whatever it is worth. According to him, the native will lose his father in his 44th year of life if there is an exchange between the ninth and twelfth houses.

If you are looking for more insights about 9th House in Vedic Astrology then go through with 9th House Astrology in Zodiac Signs.


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