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8th House in Vedic Astrology
8th Lord in Different Houses will results in Hindu Astrology the danger to life up to the age of 8 years is called BALARISTA YOGA.
(a) A child may not survive this period if the Moon has no beneficial influence on it and is waning, weak, debilitated, and badly afflicted. If the ascendant also has similar drawbacks, the conclusion will be further confirmed.
(b) If the birth is during the day, the Moon, with malefic influence is waxing and placed in the eighth house, it forms Balarista; if the birth is during the night, the Moon, with malefic influence is waning and placed in the eighth house, Balarista is formed.
- If a child is born when the last degree or the first degree of a sign is rising in the ascendant, and the ascendant is occupied or aspected by malefic planets, the native will not live long.
- A child born with the last degree of Cancer or the first degree of Leo rising, or the last degree of Scorpio or the first degree of Sagittarius rising, or the last degree of Pisces or the first degree of Aries rising in the ascendant, and malefic planets aspecting the first house, will usually have a short life. If the native lives, he will have a prosperous life with high status.
When Balarista is indicated since the Moon has the disabilities mentioned above or otherwise but:
(i) the Moon also has a beneficial influence, is powerful or is placed in the drekkan of Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, or
(ii) the ascendant is powerful or its owner is very powerful having aspects of beneficial planets from angles and has no malefic influence, or
(iii) an angle is occupied by a strong naturally beneficial planet or by the dispositor of the Moon, or
(iv) a powerful Jupiter is placed in the first house, or
(v) the Sun for a day birth or the Moon for the night birth is in the eleventh house, or
(vi) Rahu occupies the third, sixth or the eleventh house aspected by at least one powerful beneficial planet, the Balarista will not be fatal but the child may have severe ailments in its infancy.
Generally, if there is severe Balarista, and there are no redeeming features, the time of death of the infant can be fixed in the following manner:
(A) First.determine whether the child is going to live for a few years or death is likely to take place within the course of months of birth, For this consider as follows:
(i) If the owner of the first house or the disposition of the Moon, is weak and placed in the sixth, eighth or the twelfth house, the native will live for as many number of years as the serial number of the sign in which the above owner or disposition is placed. For example, if the owner is placed in Libra, the native will survive for 7 years (the serial number of Libra being seven).
(ii) If the owner of the drekkan in which the cusp of the ascendant is placed, or the owner of the drekkan in which the Moon is placed, is in the condition and placement mentioned in (i) above, the serial number of the sign so arrived at will indicate the number of months the native is going to live.
(B) The day of death can be determined to be the one when the Moon transits (a) the house where the most powerful planet causing the Balarista is located at birth, or (b) the house that it occupied at birth, or (c) the ascendant; is powerful there, and is aspected by powerful malefic planets there.
- The span of life has been categorized as short, medium or long. Short is up to the age of 32 years, medium from 32 up to 80 years and long from 80 up to 120 years. There are several complicated mathematical methods to compute the longevity of a native but in practice, it has been observed that these methods many a time do not work. They have been found to be quite accurate.
(a) For the purposes of longevity, the owner of the tenth house should be considered in the same maimer as Saturn.
(b) The first, third and the eighth houses, their owners and Saturn should be examined for strength. If all these factors are strong, the native has a long life. If 75% out of these factors are strong medium life and if only half is strong then short life should be predicted. It is also advised that the owner of the eighth house should be powerful but not as strong as the owner of the first house.
- If the:
(i) The owners of the first and the eighth houses, in the birth and navamsa charts, are friends; and,
(ii) the disposition of the Moon and the owner of the eighth house counted from the Moon, in the birth and the navamsa charts, are friends; the native will live long. If they are neutral to each other, the native will have a medium-term of life, and if they are enemies, the native will be short-lived.
- If:
(i) the owner of the first house is more powerful than the owner of the eighth house;
(ii) disposition of the Moon is more powerful than the owner of the eighth house counted from the Moon;
(iii) the owner of the first house is more powerful than the owner of the eighth house in the navamsa chart; and,
(iv) disposition of the Moon is more powerful than the owner of the eighth house counted from the Moon in the navamsa chart; the native will be long-lived. If they are equal in strength, he will have a medium-term of life. Otherwise, the native will be short-lived.
- We should find out which of the two owners is the more powerful the owner of the eighth house or the owner of the second. Then see whether the stronger of the two is in an angular, cadent or succedent house. If it is in an angle, the native will live long. If in a cadent house, the duration of life will be medium and if in succedent, short.
- The analysis laid down in the preceding and should be carried out for the stronger of the two planets- the owner of the eighth house from the Atmakaraka and the owner of the eighth from the seventh house from the Atniakaraka, i. e., the owner of the second house from Atmakaraka and result drawn with regard to the length of life accordingly.
- If beneficial planets for the chart and the owner of the first house are in:
(a) the angles, it indicates that the native will live long;
(b) the cadent houses (the second, fifth, eighth and the eleventh houses), it indicates that the native will have a medium-term of life; and,
(c) the succedent houses, short life.
If malefic planets for the chart and the owner of the eighth house occupy the:
(a) succedent houses, long life;
(b) cadent houses, medium life; and,
(c) angles, short life.
- (i) A very powerful owner of the first house in an angle, aspected by beneficial planets but having no aspect or association with malefic planets is indicative of long life and prosperity.
(ii) The owners of the first and the eighth houses together in a good house and aspected by at least a powerful beneficial planet promise a long life.
- Jupiter and the owner of the first house in angles, and malefic planets not placed in the angles, triangular houses and the eighth house will ensure long life.
- We should find out:
(i) the signs ruling the drekkans in which the cusp of the ascendant and the Moon are placed,
(ii) the signs in which the owner of the ascendant and the disposition of the Moon are placed in the navamsa chart, and
(iii) the signs in which the owners of the first and the eighth houses are placed in the dwadwasansa chart. Then it must be determined for (i) above whether:
(a) both the signs are movable, or one is fixed and the other common, or
(b) both the signs are common, or one is movable and the other fixed, or
(c) both the signs are fixed, or one is movable and the other common.
If (a) is true for (i) above, it is indicative of long life.
If (b) is true for (i) above, it is indicative of medium life.
If (c) is true for (i) above, it is indicative of short life.
Similarly, results should be drawn for (ii) and (iii) by applying (a) to (c) above.
If all the three results, or the majority of them, indicate the same length of life, it should be taken as confirmed.
- We should find out:
(i) the signs in which the owners of the first and the eighth houses are placed,
(ii) the signs in which the Moon and Saturn are placed, and
(iii) the signs in the first house and in the hora-lagna. Then it must be determined for (i) above whether:
(a) both the signs are movable, or one is fixed and the other common, or
(b) both the signs are common, or one is movable and the other fixed, or
(c) both the signs are fixed, or one is movable and the other common.
If (a) is true for (i) above, it is indicative of long life. If (b) is true for (i) above, it is indicative of medium life. If (c) is true for (i) above, it is indicative of short life. Similarly, results should be drawn for (ii) and (iii) by applying (a) to (c) above.
If all the three results or a majority of them, indicate the same length of life, it should be taken as confirmed. If the result is different in each case, we take the result that has been obtained by considering (iii). However, in case the Moon is in the ascendant or the seventh house and the three results obtained by analyzing (i), (ii) and (iii) differ, then take the result given by (ii).
When the life span is determined by one, two or three results according to the previous paragraphs, the maximum number of years for each span of life is as follows:
Life Span one result two results three results
Long 96 years 108 years 120 years
Medium 64 years 72 years 80 years
Short 40 years 36 years 32 years
However, the native will have a long life notwithstanding the span of life indicated by any other combination if:
(i) the owner of the first house or the Atmakaraka is in association with, in sambandha or aspected by a powerful naturally beneficial planet and another strong naturally beneficial planet is in an angular house, or
(ii) the owner of the first house, the Atmakaraka or Saturn is associated with an exalted planet, or
(iii) the owner of the first house or the Atmakaraka is placed in an angle associated with or aspected by Jupiter and Venus, or
(iv) the first house has a common sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces) and its owner is in an angle or a triangular house or is exalted anywhere in the chart, or
(v) the first house has a common sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces) and there are two malefic planets in an angle as counted from the powerful owner of the first house, or
(vi) the owner of the tenth house is exalted and a malefic planet occupies the eighth house, or
(vii) the Atmakaraka is the strongest planet in the horoscope. For the purpose of determination of longevity the strength of the Atmakaraka should be assessed on the following two principles:
(a) Whether there is another planet that has degrees in a sign very close to the degrees held by the Atrnakaraka in any sign, and the Atmakaraka is weak due to debilitation, etc? Thus if the Atmakaraka is at 25 degrees in a sign and the other planet is at 24 degrees in some sign, it can be a competitor for being the most powerful planet in the horoscope.
The degrees held by any other planet in the horoscope cannot be more than the degrees held by the Atmakaraka by virtue of the definition of Atmakaraka, as given earlier.
(b) Whether a planet is located in its sign of exaltation, mooltrikona, sign owned by it, or friendly to it. When the Atmakaraka is weak, and the planet that is close in degrees to the Atmakaraka is powerful due to its being exalted, etc., it is possible that the Atmakaraka will not be the most powerful planet.
We will now study a method by which we can arrive at the exact number of years the native is likely to live.
Let us presume that longevity is medium in a horoscope determined on the basis of two out of three results. Let us presume that the results for (i) and (ii) above contribute to the finding that the native is likely to live for a medium span of life.
To clarify matters, if the life span comes out to be short or medium and subsequently we raise it too long due to the exceptions, the maximum number of years to be taken for the purpose of following calculations will be taken as before according to the number of results on the basis of which the life span has been determined to be long, medium, or short.
Thus, if the span of life on the basis of two results comes out to be medium and due to some of the above seven exceptions, it is raised to long life, the maximum number of years that the long life is expected to last will be, on the basis of two results, i.e., 108 years.
If the ascendant is Leo, the planets involved in (i) shall be the Sun and Jupiter. The planets involved in the (ii) are the Moon and Saturn. Thus the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn shall contribute to the determination of a number of years that the native is likely to live.
Let us presume that the Sun, the owner of the first house is at 10 degrees 20 minutes 28 seconds (=10. 34 degrees) in Leo, Jupiter, the owner of the eighth is at 20 degrees in Pisces. Further, let the Moon be at 12 degrees in a sign and Saturn at 16 degrees in some sign.
Any planet shall contribute its maximum mite when it is at the beginning of the sign and shall contribute zero years when it is at the end of the sign.
The native is likely to live for a medium span of life. Therefore he will complete the maximum span for short life and live some number of years after that. The maximum number of years for short life on the basis of two results is 36 years and for medium, it is 72 years. The difference in years in the two spans is 36 years.
Each of the four planets can travel for 30 degrees from one end to the other in a sign. Therefore for each degree traveled by the planet in a sign the number of years to be reduced from the above difference of 36 years will be 36/30=1. 2 years. Thus when the planet is at 0 degrees in a sign it will contribute 36~O*1. 2=36 years. When it is at I degree, it will contribute 36-11. 2=36-1. 2=34. 8 years, etc. We can, therefore, calculate the contribution made by each of the four planets to life as below:
Planet Degrees in sign Contribution in years
Sun 10.34 36-10. 34*1. 2=23. 592
Jupiter 20 36-20*1. 2=12
Moon 12 36-12*1. 2=21.6
Saturn 16 36-16*1. 2=16.8
The first set on an average contributes (23. 392+12)/2=17. 796 years. The second set on an average contributes (21. 6+16. 8)! 2=19. 2 years.
Average contribution, taking into account both the sets, is (17. 796+19. 2)12=18. 498 years. These are the extra years that the native will live over and above the short span of life of 36 years. Therefore the age for the native works out to be 36+18. 498=54.498 years.
- The methods to determine the cause of death of the native:
(a) The most powerful planet that occupies or aspects the eighth house will be the cause of death of the native.
(b) If there is no planet that occupies or aspects the eighth house, then the sign placed in this house will rule the cause of native’s death.
(c) The sign in which the owner of the eighth house is placed in the navamsa chart also gives the cause of native’s death.
(d) The owner of the 22nd drekkan as counted from the drekkan in which cusp of the first house is placed is also indicative of the cause of death.
- When the owner of the eighth house is a malefic planet and the house is occupied by at least another malefic planet, the native will be killed by reptile bite, by being mauled by a wild animal, by burning or by use of a sharp-edged weapon.
- When two malefic planets, placed in angles, aspect each other fully, the native is done to death by the order of the government, or by the use of fire, weapons or poison.
- The native’s end will be peaceful:
(a) If the owner of the twelfth house is:
(i) A naturally beneficial planet, or
(ii) placed in the sign of a naturally beneficial planet, or
(iii) placed in the navamsa of a naturally beneficial planet, or
(iv) placed anywhere in the horoscope, is joined or aspected by a naturally beneficial planet.
(b) The twelfth house is occupied by a naturally beneficial planet.
(c) An analysis carried out on the lines similar to the above on the fourth house will also be conducive to reaching the correct conclusion.
- Following are the marks in descending order of strength and will kill during their major or sub-periods if the life span determined earlier is coming to an end:
(a) A malefic planet for the horoscope determined in accordance with the rules laid down by Parashar, in sambandha with the owner of the second house in the second or seventh house.
(b) A malefic planet as determined above, in sambandha with the maraka owner of the seventh house in the second or seventh house.
(c) The owner of the second house.
(d) The owner of the seventh house.
(e) A malefic planet determined as above, situated in the second house.
(f) A malefic planet determined as above, situated in the seventh house.
(g) A naturally beneficial planet owning two angular houses in sambandha with a maraka planet.
(h) (i) A node of the Moon placed in the second, or seventh house in sambandha with a maraka planet; or,
(ii) placed in the seventh house from a significator of death, or placed with it.
(i) The owner of the twelfth house.
(j) A malefic planet as determined above, which is in sambandha with the owner of the twelfth house, or placed in the twelfth house.
(k) The owner of the third or eighth house weak and badly placed in the chart.
(l) The owner of the sixth or eleventh house.
(m) Any malefic planet as determined above.
- The owner of the eighth house in sambandha with a malefic planet with Saturn or with the owner of the tenth house becomes a maraka provided it is not placed in the eighth house. If it is the owner of the first and eighth houses, it should not occupy its own house, to remain a maraka.
- If Saturn is a malefic planet for an ascendant and has sambandha with a maraka planet it becomes the most powerful maraka. When Saturn is Karaka it will supersede all other marakas and end the life of the native during its major or sub-period.
- Add the longitudes of the owners of the sixth, eighth and the twelfth houses. Whenever Saturn transits the point in a sign so obtained or signs triangular to it there is a danger to life.
- For day births add the longitudes of the Sun and Saturn. This joint would be in some constellation. The major or sub-period of the planet that rules the constellation can be fatal. For night births add the longitudes of the Moon and Rahu and proceed as above.
- Add the longitudes of the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn. We will get a point the longitude of which will be the result of the addition. If the life span has been determined to be short, the native will pass away when Saturn transits over this point the first time in the life of the native.
If the life span is of medium length, the death of the native will occur when Saturn transits over it the second time, and if the life span is long, the third time. However, since the well-known rule is that the transit results will be subservient to the results indicated by major or sub-periods, therefore, the results indicated by the transit of Saturn must conform to the major or sub-periods results. - The influence received by the first and the eighth houses and their owners determine the nature of death. For example, if the owner of the sixth, or eleventh house, Mars or Ketu is influencing these factors, or even the eighth house and its owner only, the man would die due to injury or violence.
- If there is a movable sign on the cusp of the eighth house in the birth or navamsa chart, the native will die in a foreign country; if it is a fixed sign, death will take place at home, and if it is a common sign, on way to home.
- If the third house is connected with the eighth house, death is likely to occur during a short journey.
- If the third and the twelfth houses are both connected with the eighth house, death will be caused by native’s younger brother/sister.
- If only the twelfth house is connected with the eighth house, death will take place in a hospital, nursing home, etc. or at an unknown place away from home.
- If the eleventh house is connected with the eighth house, death will occur at a friend’s or elder brother’s house.
- If the ninth house is connected with the eighth house, the native will die while on a long journey, abroad or at a far off place.
- The owner of the first or third house in the eighth house, or occupier or owner of the eighth house in the constellation of the owner of the first or third house, or the owner of the eighth house in conjunction with the owner of the first or third house is indicative of suicidal tendencies in the native.
- When the owner of the first, third or the eleventh house (these are indicators of the self) influences the eighth house and Saturn, the person commits suicide.
- If the Sun is located in the eighth house, is weak in an inimical sign and has the aspect of Mars and Rahu (Rahu aspects the fifth, seventh and the ninth signs from the sign occupied by it) it destroys the eye of native’s father. It can also cause bone troubles to the native.
- This is a watery house. If this house and its owner are connected with the twelfth house and are under the influence of malefic planets it indicates that the native would go on sea voyages.
- If the eighth house has adverse influence, the native will go to sea in search of livelihood. If the ninth house is more powerful than the eighth, he will do well abroad and will be prosperous.
If the tenth house is also more powerful than the eighth house, the native will make a mark for himself and will have a high position there. - The Sun and Moon do not become malefic planets by their ownership of this house.
- If there are three or more malefic planets in this house there is a likelihood of the native suffering from the disease in the genitals.
- If Mars or Ketu occupies this house and is aspected by a malefic planet, it causes boils.
- The owner of the first house does not become a malefic planet if it is also the owner of the eighth house and is placed in a house owned by it.
- Rules for getting a legacy:
(A) The eighth house and its owner are powerful, and,
(B) (i) the owner of the eighth house is closely connected with, or placed in the second, ninth, tenth or the eleventh house, or
(ii) a powerful owner of the second, ninth, tenth or the eleventh house is placed in or is closely connected with the eighth house.
Effects of 8th Lord in Different Houses

8th Lord in 1st House
8th Lord in Different Houses will results in 1st House as If the owner of the eighth house is Saturn and is located in the first house, it makes the native long-lived. Any planet that owns the eighth house and is well placed in the first will tend to give a long span of life to the native.
The owner of the eighth in the first house will also give rise to illness and worries. The native will be argumentative and will face obstacles in his endeavors. He may also get hooked on drugs. He will earn his livelihood by being in government service. This location makes the owner of the eighth house a powerful significator of death of the wife.
The native’s mother will enjoy high status in life. She may be an ardent practitioner of religious rites. The native’s children will be learned and will have the facility of good conveyances and comforts in life.
The owner of the eighth house here will be dangerous for the welfare of native’s younger sister/brother. His elder brother may have a brother, younger than him but elder to the native, connected with the government. His father will not be wealthy and his success in speculation and investments is doubtful. The native’s father will have a strong libido.
8th Lord in 2nd House
8th Lord in Different Houses will results in 2nd House as the native and his wife will be short-lived in case the owner of the eighth house is debilitated or afflicted. He will have troubles with his family and may not get wholesome food. He is likely to have eye and teeth troubles. He will be engaged in bad deeds and will not be rich if the owner is malefic.
If the owner is a beneficial planet it will yield good results but the government will be the cause of death of the native. The mother of the native will gain from her children. His first child will attain the position of high status and will have conveyance and residence by virtue of his position.
He will have his place of work also at home. The native’s father and younger sister/brother are likely to rise to a high position if the owner of the eighth house does not have any beneficial influence. The native will be secretive or harsh in his speech.
8th Lord in 3rd House
8th Lord in Different Houses will results in 3rd House as if the owner of the eighth house is Saturn and is located in the third house, it makes the native long-lived. Any planet that owns the eighth house and is well placed in the third will tend to give a long span of life to the native.
The same will be the result if the owner of the eighth house is strong and placed in a friend’s house in the third. He will speak harshly if the owner of the eighth is in the third house and will be either without younger brothers/sisters or will be opposed to younger brothers/sisters, neighbors and colleagues. The wife will gain without much effort. She will also talk of religious matters. His elder sister/brother will do well in life.
The native will find it difficult to communicate with his father. The owner of the eighth house placed in the third, in an afflicted condition is likely to lead from one death to the next in its major or sub-period causing the native extreme grief.
8th Lord in 4th House
8th Lord in Different Houses will results in 4th House as the native will not have comforts and peace of mind. In fact, the mind will have sinful tendencies. He may be divested of his property by circumstances beyond his control. His vehicle may cause trouble for him. His mother may fall seriously sick.
The parents of the native will face troubles. His younger sister/ brother may be indebted or lose his wealth due to the machinations of his enemies. If the owner of the eighth house is a beneficial planet and the owner of the fourth house is friendly to the owner of the eighth, the younger sister/brother may earn with the help of his maternal uncle.
The native’s mother will be a pleasant and likable person. She may be religious and god fearing. His eldest child may go abroad for studies. The children are likely to suffer the loss of property.
In an extreme case and if other indications support, one of the native’s children may suffer from mental trouble and may have to be admitted to an asylum. His wife is likely to be a working lady having an independent income.
She may come from a highly placed family connected with the government. A weak and afflicted owner of the eighth house has no beneficial influence here is indicative that during the major or sub-period of the owner of the eighth house, the father of the native may reach a high position.
The elder sister/brother of the native is likely to have badly behaved and may suffer reverses in his profession in the major or sub-periods of the owner of the eighth house. The native will get the accumulated wealth of his father. The native’s father may be ailing.
8th Lord in 5th House
8th Lord in Different Houses will results in 5th House as a malefic owner of the eighth house in the fifth will be dangerous to the longevity and health of native’s children. The native’s father will frequently undertake long journeys and may go abroad, or he may give up worldly concerns for a secluded religious life.
The native may not be intelligent or may have a mental disorder and have no interest in culture or religion. He is likely to suffer losses in speculation. He may gamble away whatever wealth he has. His wife will earn to maintain the family on her meager income.
His younger sister/brother may be in a uniformed service. The native will not keep good health either. The evils will be lessened to a large extent if the owner of the eighth house is placed in the eighth navamsa. The native may die of stomach or heart trouble.
8th Lord in 6th House
8th Lord in Different Houses will results in 6th House as if the owner of the eighth house is afflicted and placed in the sixth without any beneficial influence, it will confer on the native power and wealth. However, the native may have bouts of ill health and his maternal uncle may face a critical time during the major or sub-periods of the owner of the eighth house.
His father may lose his job or may have to go away on official duties in these major or sub-periods. This location is good for the wealth of native’s children. If the Sun is the owner of the eighth so placed, it will make the native opposed to the government; if it is the Moon or Jupiter he will be ailing; if it is Mars he will have a quick temper; if it is Mercury he will be timid and will have diseases in his mouth, and if it is Saturn he will face all kinds of troubles.
The wife of the native will spend heavily and may also earn from abroad or through institutions like hospitals or asylums. The native will be able to keep his enemies in check and may even win them over. He will be successful in litigation. He may face danger from water and reptiles in his childhood. His health may not be good but he will be long-lived.
The major or sub-periods of the owner of the eighth house may be adverse for the profession and status of the elder brother of the native who may face severe reverses in these fields during this time.
8th Lord in 7th House
8th Lord in Different Houses will results in 7th House as this location is not good for the physical welfare of the native’s wife. She will earn well. She will be ill-behaved. The native will suffer from stomach troubles, will be ill-tempered and not of good conduct.
If the owner of the eighth house is a malefic planet, the native will not like his wife and she will be the cause of his death. His father will have limited income and may be dependent on his friends and acquaintances.
The native may travel abroad on secret assignments. The native’s mother will be intelligent and well read. She will be interested in spiritual matters and the occult. His children may change their residences several times.
They will be courageous. His younger sister/brother may remain worried on account of the health of his children. A powerful owner of the eighth house in the seventh is a very good indication of the prosperity and high status of native’s elder brother or sister.
8th Lord in 8th House
8th Lord in Different Houses will results in 8th House as if the owner of the eighth house is not afflicted, the native will keep very good health and will be long-lived. He will be prosperous and travel over water for enjoyment. He will be hard working but will not be reliable.
His father will be religious and may spend on religious matters and he will have good eyesight. The father will always be bothered by heavy expenditure. The younger sister/brother will lead a healthy life and the elder sister/brother may have a good status in life.
The native’s children will be mentally healthy and will have physical comforts, property, and conveyances. His wife will be earning and may help him financially in maintaining the family but the marital life may not be particularly cordial due to her fidelity being questionable. His mother will have talent in fine arts and music.
The owner of the eighth in the same house will act as a powerful significator of death for the spouse of the native. If the owner of the eighth house is weak, afflicted and has no beneficial influence here, the native will be rich and rise high in life but his longevity may be reduced.
8th Lord in 9th House
8th Lord in Different Houses will results in 9th House as the native will be cruel, keep the company of persons given to misdeeds and will not be friendly. He will neither be interested in higher studies nor can he be successful at it. Religion will not attract him and he will not be a person to respect either his elders or his preceptor.
He may write scandalous and libelous articles which may not be based on facts and may have the motive of blackmail behind them, His father may find partnerships unsuitable. He will either not have younger brothers or sisters or may fall out with them.
His opponents will fear him. He may have a disfigured face. Both the native and his spouse will be of suspect moral fiber. The native’s father may settle down abroad. The native may not have good relations with his father. The spouse of a younger sister/brother may be sickly.
The elder sister/ brother may earn well from his profession and his children may do well in life. If the Sun is badly placed in the eighth house, and the owner of the eighth house being in the ninth, the native’s father is likely to pass away within a year of his birth.
8th Lord in 10th House
8th Lord in Different Houses will results in 10th House as the native will not have a smooth career. The career will have obstacles and failures. The native may have to undergo huiniliating situations. He may also face charges of misappropriations and other irregularities. He may be punished by the government.
The native is not likely to be rich. If the owner of the eighth house is powerfully disposed of in the tenth house, the native is likely to gain a legacy. In such a situation the native is expected to live long. This location of the owner of the eighth house is not good for the native’s mother.
She may keep poor health, her conduct may not be above board and she may face problems from one of her daughters-in-law. The native’s father may have to incur heavy expenditure and he may find it difficult to save money.
The native will be an employee of the government. He will be lazy. His children will not do well at college level studies and at examinations. They may not have a comfortable life and are not likely to be happy. If the owner of the eighth house is weak, afflicted and has no beneficial influence here, the younger sister/brother of the native will be rich and rise high in life.
8th Lord in 11th House
8th Lord in Different Houses will results in 11th House as the native will have a difficult childhood but he will prosper and be happy later in life. Unless the owner of the eighth house is a naturally beneficial planet which is also beneficial for the chart, the native will be short-lived and keep bad health.
The owner of the eighth house in the eleventh with a naturally beneficial planet which is also beneficial for the chart will make the native long-lived. His friends are likely to be friends with fair weather. The friendships will not last long.
The native’s sister/brother will have a difficult life and the native may not pull along well with him. The native’s children will be given to deceit and bad conduct. They may not be long living. The native will be of average intelligence.
He will not gain in his ventures, and gambling and speculation are not likely to be beneficial to him. His maternal uncle is likely to be in a uniformed service. The bad results will be considerably improved if the owner of the eighth house is placed in the eighth navamsa.
8th Lord in 12th House
8th Lord in Different Houses will results in 12th House as the native will be deformed, ill-behaved may be a criminal and poor. He will have to face heavy expenditure. He may be short-lived and meet his death in unfamiliar circumstances and may not be given due to after-death treatment, or he may die in a hospital or asylum.
His children can also not hope to do well in life. Their education will also not be successfully completed. The native’s father may hold property abroad. His mother may be god fearing and religious.
If the owner of the eighth house is weak and afflicted and placed in the twelfth house with no beneficial influence, the native may prosper in life. If the owner of the eighth house is a beneficial planet for the chart, it is likely that the mother is well placed in life.
His younger sister/brother will face difficulties in his career and may not be successful in his undertakings due to the machinations of his enemies. His elder sister/brother may earn well from his profession but will be forced to spend heavily on family obligations.
If you are looking for more insights about 8th House in Vedic Astrology then go through with 8th House Astrology in Zodiac Signs.
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