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Aries Ascendant / Mesh Lagna

Aries Ascendant

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Aries Ascendant (Lagna) Characteristics

Aries Ascendant

Aries Ascendant with Mars Sign Lord

Mars, the lord of Aries is also the owner of Vrischika/Scorpio, the 8th house to the Aries. Hence, the Bhava Karakas (House significations) of the houses 1 & 8 of the planet Mars would combine to form the general nature and appearance of the Aries-ascendant borns.

1st House significations of Mars:

Bold and courageous, Short-tempered, Selfishness, Rough in appearance, Disregarding others, Assertive, Self-pride, Violent and Immoral.

8th House significations of Mars:

Quarrelsome, Faith in terrorism, Struggles, Riots, False allegations, Police and military actions, Accidents, Loss of chastity, Murders. Robbery, Suicide army, Abduction of other’s properties and belongings, Cheatings etc.

1st House significations in the 1st house:

Self-thought, Active, Capacity to act independantly, Show of strength.

8th House significations in the 1st house:

Loss of self-thoughts, Inactive, Loss of energy, Struggles in acts, Lameness of the body, Allergic, Difficulties in works, Pain and stress. Dejections, Disappointments etc.


General significations: Fluctuations in body structure, Character that could not be easily estimated by others, Criminal and greedy in nature, Lean in appearance, Acidity in the body.

KETU does not own any sign of Zodiac, KETU is like MERCURY . Mercury is the lord of GEMINI, the III house and VIRGO, the VI house to Aries. So, in the cases of ASHWINI-ARIES ascendant-births, in addition to planetary significations of Ketu for ASC, i.e., unpredictable in nature, unusual in appearance, slim or stooping in appearance, crafty and scheming, criminal thoughts, over-acidity in the body, greedy etc,  the significations of houses 1, 3, 6, & 8 would combine to determine the character.

3rd House significations meant for 1st house:

Written self-thoughts, Courageous thoughts, Active sensory organs, Nerves and Blood vessels. Doing things as per self-desires, Independent thoughts, Tendency to show the strength.

6th House significations meant for 1st house:

Self-thoughts, Disease that would lead to inactiveness, Disease-borne body, Successful actions, Active digestive organs, Lack of imEni lity, Developing the skills and workmanship etc., the combination of MARS and KETU denotes criminal and vindictive attitude.

Aries Ascendant with Venus Sign Lord

VENUS is the lord of TAURUS and LIBRA, the 2nd and the 7th houses to Aries. Hence, for BHARANI-MESHA ascendant-births, ….. houses 1, 2, 7 & 8 would combine together to form the character.

ASC – related (Planetary) significations of VENUS : Beautiful structure and handsome in appearance, Attracting others through activeness, Self-pride, Fond of cosmetics and ornaments.

2nd House significations meant for 1st house:

Money making through self-thoughts. Materialistic intentions, Active, Ability to express the thoughts, Show of status through money.

7th House significations meant for 1st house:

Team spirit, Listening to others, Diseases in Kidney, Uterus, Stomach, Successful team ventures, Increasing enmities, Dependence, Weakness due to lack of immunity. The combination of MARS and VENUS denotes excessive interests in sexual affairs.

Aries Ascendant with Leo Sign Lord

SUN is the lord of LEO, the V house to Hence for KRITTHIKA-MESHA ascendant-births, houses 1,5 & 8 would combine to form the character.

Planetary significations of SUN: Majestic in appearance and structure, Powerful bone-structure, Honesty, Leadership, Self-esteem, Authority and power.

5th House significations for 1st house:

Independant deep thoughts, Production of poultries, interest in politics, Inclination towards Arts and Music, Active heart, Lungs and high count of blood cells, Power of Immunity, Imagination skills, independant thoughts etc., the combination of MARS and SUN indicate power, authority and ability to command.

Aries Ascendant Taurus with 2nd House :

Speech is a signification of the II House that is meant only for supplementing the Asc. Taurus/Rishaba is  the second sign to Aries/Mesha. It is a fixed sign. Hence the Aries asc borns will stick to their words. Since Taurus is an earthy sign, Aries asc borns will maintain intimacy in conversations. They are usually fond of natural foods like vegetables and fruits.

Taurus is ruled by Venus. Hence the Aries asc borns will maintain love, affection and sweetness in conversations. They will have beautiful eyes and lips.

Aries is ruled by Mars and Taurus is ruled by Venus. The combined significations of Mars and Venus are: Vehicles, Opposite sex, Sexual interests, Glasswares, Plastic goods, Drugs etc. Hence, the Aries asc borns would like mostly to converse on these subjects; to be precise, Aries asc borns are better in delivering sexy jokes.

According to the starlord/sublord of the beginning point of the II cusp, a detailed nature of speech and other characters could be predicted.

Aries Ascendant Gemini with 3rd House :

3rd house supplements the Ascendant with the significations such as ”Courage”. Since Gemini, the III sign to Aries is ruled by Mercury, the Aries asc borns would lack in mental stability.

Since Gemini isanairy sign, the Aries asc borns tend to disclose confidential matters. They would be fond of undertaking short-journeys as Gemini is a Common sign.

Aries Ascendant Cancer with 4th House :

Aries asc borns are educated since their fourth sign, Cancer is a watery and a movable sign. They never hesitate to share their knowledge with others. They like to live in places which are cool in climate.

Since Cancer is ruled by Moon, Aries asc borns would like to gather knowledge in Mathematics and difficult & complex subjects.

Aries Ascendant Leo with 5th House :

Aries-borns would soon become addicted to smoking since LEO is a fiery sign. Since it is a fixed sign, Aries-asc borns like to practice martial arts. Since LEO is ruled by SUN, they like to attend Government festivals & functions and political meetings. They like vulgar and obscene dances. There may arise quarrels or misunderstandings in the course of occasions like festivals and feasts.

Aries Ascendant Virgo with 6th House :

Aries-asc borns would be consistent in the sense of dressing and would not control their diets since Virgo is a common sign. They would like to eat greenish and natural food items. Since Mercury, the Lord of Virgo is also the lord of Gemini, i.e., houses 3 & 6, Aries-asc borns naturally possess a high degree of writing skill.

Aries Ascendant Libra with 7th House :

Libra/Thulam, the 7th Sign to Aries is an airy and a movable sign. Hence, Aries-asc borns tend to remain in the company of intelligent and active people.

Venus, the lord of Libra happens to be the lord of 2 & 7 to Aries, it automatically means 1 & 8 to Wife/Partners. Hence, the Aries-asc borns would cause for fear and caution to their companions.

Aries Ascendant Scorpio with 8th House :

Scorpio/Vrischigam the 8th sign to Aries is a watery and fixed sign. Hence, Aries-asc borns would meet with accidents in Wells, Ponds, Overhead Water Tanks, Sumps etc.

Since the lord of Scorpio is Mars and it is being the  ruler of 1 & 8, the Aries-asc borns, would be short-tempered; they will have criminal intentions and frequent fears of death.

Aries Ascendant Sagittarius with 9th House :

Dhanus/Sagittarius, the 9th sign to Aries is a common, fiery and a dual sign. Hence Aries-asc borns will face mental blocks and would loose their interest during higher education. They may have to continue their higher studies in more than a single institution. They tend to show a bit of arrogance while doing higher studies.

Since the lord of Dhanus is Jupiter, the lord of houses 9 & 12, the Aries-asc borns may be interested in the fields like Research, International trade. Law, Transport, Finance etc.

Aries Ascendant Capricorn with 10th House :

Makaram/Capricorn is the 10th sign to Aries. It is an earthy but a mono sign. Hence, the Aries-asc borns would gain status and confidence through helping others.

Since Saturn, the lord of Makaram is the lord of houses 10 & 11, the Aries-asc borns would come up in their life. They like to act independantly as per their will and wish.

Aries Ascendant Aquarius with 11th House :

Kumbham/Aquarius is the 11th sign to Aries. It is a fixed and airy sign. Hence, the Aries-asc borns tend to expect praising words. They have the capacity to fulfill their wishes. They will excel in the field of arts and culture.

Since the lord of Kumbham is Saturn, the lord ofhouses 10 & 11 to Aries, the Aries-asc born people will succeed only after struggles. They aspire to work hard for achievements.

Aries Ascendant with 4th House :

Meenam/Pisces the 12th sign to Aries is a watery and dual sign. Hence, the Aries-asc borns tend to have a secret and a double-Sided approach in all walks of their life. They like bed-comforts. They tend to spend more time on long-distance travels. They like to spend money on others.

Since the lord of Meenam is Jupiter, the lord of houses 9 & 12, the Aries-asc borns may have secret illegal affairs and clandestine ties with their bosses.

Till now we have studied a few of the Asc related significations of Aries asc borns by using one or two significations of the Signs/Planets. I would like to caution the readers as not to forget the fact that there are more than a few hundred significations with respective permutations and combinations of ASC/Signs/ Planets to fine-tune and determine about one’s character.


if the native born between….00 degree…to ..13 degree 20 minutes of aries

then his LAGNA nakshatra will be… ASHWINI;

the lord of ashwini nakshatra is…. KETU.

His janama LAGNA sign will be… ARIES;

The lord of ARIES sign is …..MARS.



if the native born between….13 degree20 minutes …

to 26 degree 40 minutes of aries

His LAGNA nakshatra will be… Bharni

               the lord of BHARNI nakshatra is…VENUS

His janama LAGNA sign will be… ARIES

The lord of ARIES sign is … MARS



if the native born between….26 degree 40 minutes to 30 degree of aries

His LAGNA nakshatra will be… KRITTIKA

The lord of KRITTIKA nakshatra is… SUN

His janam LAGNA sign will be… ARIES

The lord of ARIES sign is …..MARS

Venus for Aries Ascendant in 2nd House Lord

Taurus /Rishaba the second ZODIAC sign is in the second house to Aries/Mesha LAGNA. Taurus is ruled by VENUS…hence VENUS will be the lord of this house.

Speech is a signification of the Second House that is meant only for supplementing the Asc.It is a fixed sign.Hence the Aries asc borns will stick to their words.

Since Taurus is an earthy sign, Aries asc borns will maintain intimacy in conversations. They are usually fond of natural foods like vegetables and fruits.

Taurus is ruled by Venus. Hence the Aries asc borns will maintain love, affection and sweetness in conversations. They will have beautiful eyes and lips.

Aries is ruled by Mars and Taurus is ruled by Venus.

Significations of Mars and Venus combination are:

Vehicles, opposite sex, Sexual interests, Glasswares, Plastic goods, Drugs etc. Hence, the Aries asc borns would like mostly to converse on these subjects; to be precise, Aries asc borns are better in delivering sexy jokes.

Money is one of various significations of the Second house, which is relatively independant of ASC…Taurus, the Second house to Aries, is an earthy and fixed sign. Hence, the Aries asc born would be firm and clear in their financial matters. They will utilize money in worthy ways. Their income will have a steady and stable nature. Most of the Aries asc born will belong to the salaried class.

Taurus is ruled by VENUS, the planet that represents women. Hence, the Aries asc born will gain through women and in the field of arts and through their attractive speech. They would also happily earn their money in a quick and short span of time in the fields of gold, diamond, costly articles, cinema and cosmetics.

SINCE…the 2nd cusp falls in Krittika star, which is ruled by SUN, the Aries asc born will deal in government treasury, government assets, financial institutions, financial documents, national savings, national awards, stamps, government orders and valuable stones such as rubies.

SUN is also the lord of FIFTH house to Aries. So the Aries asc born will gain through blue chip shares, religious and endowment service, arts, culture, sports, prostitution, religious rites, deep thoughts, intelligence, imagination skill and glamour.

SINCE… the Second cusp falls in Rohini star, which is ruled by MOON, it would enable the Aries asc born to gain through frequent financial transactions, clear speech, counselling in financial institutions, costly gems like pearls and ornaments.

Moon is also the lord of the 4th house to Aries. So Aries asc born will gain through education and from the fields of fruits, vegetables, grain fields, farms and libraries; make gain out of leasing of ponds, lakes, and bridges.

SINCE… the Second cusp falls in Mrigasira star, which is ruled by MARS, then the Aries asc born will be spendthrifts, will be dishonest in financial matters to seize the properties from others and will gain from costly gems.

Mars is also the lord of houses 1st  & 8th to Aries. So the Aries asc born will….

  • Gain from self-thoughts, will have independent income and will like to exhibit financial strength;
  • Gain in all kinds of criminal and illegal activities like raping, harassments, thefts, robbery, defamation suits, murders, treason, bribery, corruption, cheatings and forgery and through magic ,  wills, insurance and charters; will gain in serving at accident wards, dirty places and mortuary.

Mercury for Aries Ascendant in 3rd House Lord

GEMINI/MITHUNA the third ZODIAC sign is in the third house to Aries Ascendant or Mesha LAGNA. Gemini is ruled by MERCURY…hence MERCURY will be the lord of this house.

Third house supplements the Ascendantendant with the significations such as ”Courage”. Since Gemini, the 3rd sign to Aries is ruled by Mercury, the Aries ascendant borns would lack in mental stability.

Since Gemini is an airy sign, the Aries ascendant borns tend to disclose confidential matters. They would be fond of undertaking short-journeys as Gemini is a Common sign.

THIRD house to Aries is Gemini. It is an airy and common sign. Hence the Aries ascendant born will naturally have writing ability with interest in the fields of Journalism and Mass communication. Since it is a common sign, they would not be able to sustain their interest in these fields. Since it is an airy sign, their works would be appreciated by others as astonishing.

Mercury, the lord of THIRD house, would induce the Aries ascendant born to write anonymous letters and to sue others. Their writings will aim to win over others. They will become authors of stories, document writers and will become clerks; postmen, messengers, electricians, ambassadors, advertisers, proof-readers, brokers and tax-collectors. Their show of courage will be unnatural and blind. Since Mercury is a planet of dual nature, the writings of Aries ascendant born may require editing or rewriting.

SINCE… the THIRD cusp falls in Mrigasira star, owned by Mars, the Aries ascendant born will be courageous and confident, will spread false news, will forge documents and will involve in unnecessary and controversial dialogues and in unethical agreements.

Mars is also the lord of houses 1st & 8th to Aries.

So the Aries ascendant born…….

……   will have courageous thoughts and actions, will have needed physical strength, will have independent thoughts, will like to exhibit their strength, will have excellent and proper functioning of blood vessels, sensory organs and nerves;

……   will seize properties by threatening, will rob documents and notes, will sell old and obsolete goods, will write obscene letters, will enter into agreements for murder, will serve as clerk or inspector in accident or mortuary wards in hospitals, will become doctor to postmortem of corpses or brokers for bribery, will become informers to anti-corruptibn wing, will spread illegal news and will have unexpected mental changes.

SINCE… the THIRD cusp falls in Arudra star, owned by Rahu, the Aries ascendant born will become clerks in embassies, will become ambassadors or mediators, will enter into agreements with foreigners, will have notes and communication links with foreign organisations, and will deal with foreign goods.

Rahu would act alike Jupiter as far as the significations of houses are concerned. Jupiter is the lord of houses 9th & 12th to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born…will enter into confident and reliable agreements and contracts, will involve in exchange of currency, will be glorified, will be certified in higher education, will enter into agreements of research, will become messengers, will negotiate in endowment activities and religious service, will nationalise religious/endowment organisations, will assemble organs for transplantations, will have international communication network, will submit sales tax accounts, will become clerks in law departments, mediators, leasers of temple properties, will provide information about ancient archaeological monuments;

…..  will have information about secret activities and plans, will lose energy, will lose secret documents and savings certificates, will receive documents for money, will lose belongings and outstanding money and will have permanent separation of the already separated member of the family.

SINCE… the THIRD cusp falls in the star of Punarvasu, ruled by Jupiter, the Aries ascendant bom will deal in documents and stamps, negotiable instruments, will enter into legal agreements, will issue legal orders and notices and will spread faithful and truthful news.

Jupiter is also the lord of houses 9th  & 12th to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born……

…..  will enter into confident and reliable agreements and contracts, will involve in exchange of currency, will be glorified, will be certified in higher education, will enter into agreements of research, will become messengers, will negotiate in endowment activities and religious service, will nationalise religious/endowment organisations, will assemble organs for transplantations, will have international communication network, will submit sales tax accounts, will become clerks in law departments, mediators, leasers of temple properties, will provide information about ancient archaeological monuments;

…..  will have information about secret activities and plans, will lose energy, will lose secret documents and savings certificates, will receive documents for money, will lose belongings and outstanding money and will have permanent separation of the already separated member of the family.

Moon for Aries Ascendant in 4th House Lord

CANCER /KARKA the fourthZODIAC sign is in the fourth house to Aries/Mesha LAGNA. Cancer is ruled by MOON…hence MOON will be the lord of this house.

Aries ascendant borns are educated since their fourth sign, Cancer is a watery and a movable sign. They never hesitate to share their knowledge with others. They like to live in places which are cool in climate.

Since Cancer is ruled by Moon, Aries ascendant borns would like to gather knowledge in Mathematics and difficult & complex subjects.

Cancer, the Fourth House to Aries is a movable and watery sign. Hence, the residence of Aries ascendant born would mostly face eastern direction and may be in the prime part of a South-North street. Their residences will be surrounded by trees and will have surplus ground water.

Since it is a multi-legged sign, their residences will have multiple rooms. Since it is a movable sign, to raise the value of their buildings or lands, the Aries ascendant born would improve their houses by frequent modifications and further constructions. Their possessions will become valuables.

Since the Moon, the fastest planet, is the owner of the sign. Cancer…the Fourth House, the Aries ascendant born will speedily make their purchases of properties, lands, machinery and household appliances etc. They may own ponds, agricultural lands, boats-air-conditioners and refrigerators etc. They may harvest rain water and will have surplus ground water.

SINCE… the Fourth Cusp falls in Poonarvasu star

owned by Jupiter,  the / Aries ascendant born will own properties without encumbrances, will run educational institutions or macro organisations, will become owners of real-estates, will involve introduction and manufacturing process of commodities like food articles, cotton, silk and turmeric goods etc.

Jupiter is the lord of houses 9th  & 12th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born……

……     will enter contracts for properties, will earn name  through education, will become head masters or high school teachers, will involve in novel production through research, will maintain close affinity towards foreigners, will become importers, will run research centres, will induce the government to construct temples or create endowments, will manufacture organs for transplantations, will receive foreign subsidies, will become trustees of temples or protectors or care takers of ancient monuments and will work as clerks in law departments;

…..     Will work on secret plans, will lose physical energy, will gain secretly placed articles or treasures, will regain the articles that were lent, will have the nature of saving the articles and consolidating the ownership on properties, will have secret places for secret activities and will have reunion of separated member of the joint family.

SINCE… the Fourth Cusp falls in Pushyam star owned by Saturn, the Aries ascendant born will encroach village common lands, will own mines and old or ancient buildings, old or wooden goods, pottery, oil seeds and black coloured articles etc.

Saturn is the lord of houses 10th  & 11th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born…..

……      will earn name and fame as honorary landlords; own small scale industries and hold responsible posts with administrative capacity.

…….       will accumulate wealth with greedy nature and to their choice, will construct guest houses, will organize forums and will construct houses through companies, will gain fortunes through house and articles, will receive gifts for their achievements in production and will have frequent visits of friends of their choice to their house.

SINCE… the Fourth Cusp falls in Aslesha star owned by Mercury, the Aries ascendant born will be in possession of machines, computers, calculators, printers, micro instruments, electrical and electronics goods, spares, and thes; will serve as checkers in vehicles, will become assemblers of spare parts, will do manufacturing and will own lodges.

Mercury is the lord of houses of 3rd  & 6th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born…

…..    will have the press-publicity about their transfers, will publish books on knowledge, will confidently involve in production technology and gain information about technical know-how, will leave the native place, will have stay on transfer orders, will exhibit mentally inclined activities.

…..    will leave their properties like lodges for the use of competitive examinations, medical camps, research laboratory, will do preparation of food articles or medicines, tailoring, manufacturing of medical equipments, will become money lenders against properties or milk men, will serve in the departments of accounts or purchase and will live in houses for monthly rent.

Sun for Aries Ascendant in 5th House Lord

LEO/SIMHA the fifth ZODIAC sign is in the fifth house to Aries/Mesha LAGNA. Leo is ruled by SUN…hence SUN will be the lord of this house.

Aries-borns would soon become addicted to smoking since LEO is a fiery sign. Since it is a fixed sign, Aries-ascendant borns like to practice martial arts. Since LEO is ruled by SUN, they like to attend Government festivals & functions and political meetings. They like vulgar and obscene dances. There may arise quarrels or misunderstandings in the course of occasions like festivals and feasts.

FIFTH house to Aries is Leo. It is a fixed and fiery sign. Hence, the first issue of the Aries ascendant born may be an aborted child or a child with short-temper. Since it is a fixed sign, the delivery of the first child will be difficult and mostly through caesarean.

Since the FIFTH sign is ruled by Sun, the Aries ascendant born will have success in the fields of arts, music and literature. The Aries born will show interest in the fields of politics, sports, will be invited for government feasts, festivals and sports events and will deal with government subsidy etc.

SINCE… the FIFTH cusp falls in the star of Makha, ruled by Ketu, the Aries ascendant born will become pimps, magicians or agents on illegal professions, will deal with drugs and intoxicating materials, will enter into cheap and dirty politics with others, will be cunning in all their activities and will write stories on crime subjects and on witches and spirits.

Ketu would act like Mercury as far as significations of houses are concerned. Mercury is the lord of houses 3rd  & 6th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant borns…….

……     will have press-publicity about their artistic performances, will publish books on arts, will involve in advertising departments, will enter into agreements on artistic performances and will learn intelligent arts ;

……..     will run competitive centres for arts, will become gynaecologists, nurses, costume designers,  servants in the fields of arts and culture or at cinema halls or at lodges, will stay in lodges, will prepare natural medicines, will run medical laboratories and will work for commission.

SINCE… the FIFTH house falls in the star of Poorvaphalguni, ruled by Venus, the Aries ascendant born will shine as stars in the fields of arts and culture, will become performer of obscene dances, may become prostitutes and will excel as orators, astrologers, pundits or politicians.

Venus is also the lord of houses 2 & 7 to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born…..

…..   will collect artistically valuable goods like musical records, musical instruments, ornaments, and will arrange things in artistic manner;

…..    will have cordial social relationships, will leave in government quarters or in guest houses, will receive musical instruments as donations from the government, will associate themselves with voluntary or social organisations and will enter into love marriage.

SINCE… the FIFTH house falls in the star of Uttarapalguni, ruled by Sun,, added to its planetary significations, as it is the lord of the 5th house, the Aries ascendant born will become share brokers, priests and registrar of marriages; will be fond of sports; write poems, stories, run sports centres, show excessive interests in sexual pleasure and will associate with prostitution dens, cabaret halls, places of religious rituals etc.

Mercury for Aries Ascendant in 6th House Lord

VIRGO/KANYA the sixth ZODIAC sign is in the sixth house to Aries/Mesha LAGNA. VIRGO is ruled by MERCURY…hence MERCURY will be the lord of this house.

Aries-ascendant borns would be consistent in the sense of dressing and would not control their diets since Virgo is a common sign. They would like to eat greenish and natural food items. Since Mercury, the Lord of Virgo is also the lord of Gemini, i.e., houses 3rd & 6th, Aries-ascendant borns naturally possess a high degree of writing skill.

Virgo is the SIXTH house to Aries and it is a common and earthy sign. So the Aries ascendant born will have intermittent and frequent health problems.

Since the lord of Virgo is Mercury, a karaka planet for nerves, blood vessels and sensory organs, health problems in these parts of body may trouble the Aries ascendant borns. Since Mercury denotes green colour, problems due to indigestion may occur by taking food with greenish vegetables. The Aries born may become accountants, workers in shopping centres, money lenders for installments, collectors of money and taxes, labour contractors, printers, computer operators, neurologists, nurses, compounders and office clerks.

SINCE… the SIXTH cusp falls in the star of Uttarapalguni, ruled by Sun, the Aries ascendant borns will acquire loans from the government, will face litigations from the government, will be in government service, will be supplied with uniforms, medicines and food by the government, will serve in the government departments of employment, food, agriculture, health and cattle development.

Sun is also the lord of FIFTH house to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born will serve in share-broker’s offices, auditoriums, sport-centres, marriage registration offices, prostitution homes and Iiquor bars, will chant Vedic mantras, will manufacture sports goods and may become pimps, or proof-readers of  books on arts and culture.

SINCE… the SIXTH cusp falls in the star of Hasta, ruled by Moon, the Aries ascendant born will work in water reservoirs, ships, fisheries departments and agricultural fields, will become plumbers, will suffer due to diseases caused by water.

Moon is also the lord of FOURTH house and hence the Aries ascendant born will work in the fields of lands, vehicles, buildings, macro organisations, food processing , live stock , education, house hold appliances and furniture, will work for daily wages and will become stage managers of music concerts.

SINCE… the SIXTH house falls in the star of Chitra, ruled by Mars, the Aries ascendant born will suffer due to pains in muscles, heat borne diseases, will serve in factories, will become insane, will be hard workers, cooks, tailors, manufacturers of food and medicines.

Mars is also the lord of houses 1st  & 8th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born……

….    will have self-thoughts, will suffer due to diseases in digestive system and to remain as inactive, will have success through activities, lack the power of immunity, will become dependant in activities, will improve-their working capacity.

….. will render hard labour, work under poor conditions, repair old goods and will have excessive work load .

Venus for Aries Ascendant in 7th House Lord

LIBRA/TULA the seventh ZODIAC sign is in the seventh house to Aries/Mesha LAGNA. LIBRA is ruled by VENUS…hence VENUS will be the lord of this house.

Libra/Thulam, the 7th Sign to Aries is an airy and a movable sign. Hence, Aries-ascendant borns tend to remain in the company of intelligent and active people.

Venus, the lord of Libra happens to be the lord of 2nd  & 7th to Aries, it automatically means 1st & 8th  to Wife/Partners. Hence, the Aries-ascendant borns would cause for fear and caution to their companions.

SEVENTH house to Aries is Libra. It is a movable and airy sign. Hence spouses of Aries ascendant born will be clever and will carry self-pride. They are dynamic with their natural talents. They are always active. Since it is a mascendantuline sign, their appearance will be blended with mascendantulinity. The spouses of Aries ascendant borns will not stay far behind to their husbands in their public and social life.

Since Libra is owned by Venus, spouses of Aries ascendant borns would appear beautiful. They tend to carry excessive sexual desires. They would often meet with women customers in their business. Since Venus is the lord of houses 2nd & 7th for Aries and 1st & 8th to the eighth house, wives of Aries ascendant born are short-tempered and talkative. They may suffer due to body pains and mental stress.

SINCE… the SEVENTH cusp falls in the star of Chitra, ruled by Mars, the Aries ascendant borns will have undisciplined and arrogant wife/ partners, will meet with liars, anti-social elements as customers, will have to deal with arrogant bank officials and will be forced to request assistance from others.

Mars is also the lord of houses 1st  & 8th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born…..

……     will have collective thoughts, will listen to the words of others, will suffer due to problems in Kidneys, Uterus and lower abdomen regions, will gain success in joint ventures, will face increasing opposition and will lack independence in actions.

…..  will meet with cheats, murderers, criminals, anti-social elements, insurance officials, terrorists and policemen.

SINCE… the SEVENTH cusp falls in the star of Swathi, ruled by Rahu, the Aries borns will find their life/business partners from foreign community, may become homosexuals, will be fond of excessive and perverted sexual pleasures.

Rahu would act alike Jupiter as far as the significations of houses are concerned. Jupiter is the lord of houses 9 & 12 to Aries. So …the Aries ascendant born will have calm-natured, adjustable and responsible persons as life/business partners and will have popular persons as their customers.

Jupiter is also the lord of houses 9th  & 12th  to Aries.

 So the Aries ascendant born….

……     will often meet with leaders, foreigners, exporters, judges, priests, trustees and teachers and socially down trodden people.

……     will plan secretly, will become collectors of loan-dues, will meet thieves, persons who threaten, persons who have secret links, persons who assist them in investments and persons who would lead to losses to them.

SINCE… the SEVENTH cusp falls in the star of Vishakha, ruled by Jupiter, the Aries ascendant born will have calm-natured, adjustable and responsible persons as life/business partners and will have popular persons as their customers.

Jupiter is also the lord of houses 9th  & 12th  to Aries.

 So the Aries ascendant born….

……     will often meet with leaders, foreigners, exporters, judges, priests, trustees and teachers and socially down trodden people.

……     will plan secretly, will become collectors of loan-dues, will meet thieves, persons who threaten, persons who have secret links, persons who assist them in investments and persons who would lead to losses to them.

Mars for Aries Ascendant in 8th House Lord

SCORPIO/VRISHCHIK the eighth ZODIAC sign is in the eighth house to Aries/Mesha LAGNA. SCORPIO is ruled by MARS..hence MARS will be the lord of this house.

Scorpio is the 8th sign to Aries. It is a watery and fixed sign. Hence, Aries-ascendant borns would meet with accidents in Wells, Ponds, Overhead Water Tanks, Sumps etc.

Since the lord of Scorpio is Mars and it is being the ruler of 1st  & 8th , the Aries-ascendant borns, would be short-tempered; they will have criminal intentions and frequent fears of death.

Scorpio is the 8th sign to Aries. It is a watery and fixed sign. The Aries ascendant born will meet with accidents due to heavy rains or in floods or at bridges or at ponds and wells.

Since this sign is owned by Mars, accidents and dangers would be caused by fire or by red coloured articles and may be due to production of excessive heat. Accidents and dangers may be caused by short-temper, arrogance and anger of the Aries born.

They may involve in petty street quarrels, riots, struggles, terrorism, seizures, false allegations, police and military actions, troubles caused by brothers, handling of weapons, cruel accidents, raping, murders, robbery, forgery, cheatings and suicide squads.

SINCE… the EIGHTH house falls in the star of Vishakha, ruled by Jupiter, the Aries ascendant born will be punished by law, will do illegal activities and will disobey rules and regulations.

Jupiter is also the lord of houses 9th  & 12th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born…

…       will face troubles in export/import contracts in ports and in teaching profession, will meet with fire accidents in research centres and ancient monuments, will close endowments and trusts, will misappropriate temple taxes, will be punished by the court and will divide the panchayat boards.

…    will face troubles in secret plans, will face dejections, seizures, robbery and cheatings, will become unable to liquidate investments, will face troubles caused by the separated member of the family and will face losses.

SINCE…the EIGHTH house falls in the star of Anuradha, ruled by Saturn, the Aries ascendant born will face disrespect, will be annihilated, will be threatened, will threaten, will abscond, will become cowards, will suffer due to loss of memory, will face false allegations, cruel accidents, will modify old goods and will involve themselves in cruel acts.

Saturn is also the lord of houses 10th  & 11th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born…

………   will face allegations in the substantiation process of employment, will be corrupt in higher posts by using their administrative capacity, will lose name, fame and status and will face hurdles in promotion process in service;

……      will struggle with greediness, will be harassed in lodges, will misappropriate in societies, will face no-confidence motions in societies, will face troubles and dejections in desired fields, will see the fortunes turning into misfortunes, will have unfortunate employment opportunities and will suffer from vitamin deficiency.

SINCE… the EIGHTH house falls in the star of Jyestha, ruled by Mercury, the Aries ascendant born will face troubles by way of cheques, negotiable instruments, dcouments, electrical and telephone connections, agreements, surety, anonymous letters, forgetfulness and neurological disorders.

Mercury is also the lord of houses 3rd  & 6th  to Aries.  So the Aries ascendant born….

….will have notorious press publicity, will write books on criminology, will spread rumours, will make mistakes in accounting, will suffer due to forgetfulness, will face adverse remarks in service matters, will face troubles in the services as clerk, in taking tenders, in writings and communications and will suffer due to deteriorations in body organs.

….Will face troubles in centres of competitive examinations; suffer due to medical treatment, negligence of medical staff, side effects of medicines, acidity and allergy; will face allegations in lodges and will meet with accidents in the preparation of medicines.

Jupiter for Aries Ascendant in 9th House Lord

SAGITTARIUS/DHANU the ninth ZODIAC sign is in the ninth house to Aries/Mesha LAGNA. Sagittarius is ruled by JUPITER..hence JUPITER will be the lord of this house.

Sagittarius is the 9th sign to Aries.  It is  a common, fiery and a dual sign. Hence Aries-ascendant borns will face mental blocks and would loose their interest during higher education. They may have to continue their higher studies in more than a single institution. They tend to show a bit of arrogance while doing higher studies.

Since the lord of Dhanus is Jupiter, the lord of houses 9th  & 12th , the Aries-ascendant borns may be interested in the fields like Research, International trade. Law, Transport, Finance etc.

Sagittarius is the 9th sign to Aries.  It is a dual and a common sign.  Hence, the Aries ascendant born may study two different types of courses.  To go for higher education, they may have to change their places of residence.  Since it happens to be a fiery sign, their character and appearance would not match to their studies. 

Since Jupiter is the lord of this sign, their profession may not be related to their studies.  Aries ascendant born will excel in research fields and in higher studies in foreign countries or say away from home.  They may become professors, financial controllers of countries, temple trustees and ambassador in embassies, exporters and the trend setters in the fields of law, religion and discipline of the society

      SINCE…the 9th house falls in the star of Moola, ruled by Ketu, the Aries ascendant born would become judges in criminal courts, would study criminology and forensic science, will investigate crimes, will become archaeologists, will train subversive elements, will illegally export and import goods and will carry subversive activities in foreign countries.

Ketu would act like Mercury as far as the significations of houses are concerned. Mercury is the lord of houses 3rd  & 6th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born,

…. will get due press publicity about celebrations and happy occasions, will publish books on information and communication, research and education, will spread news, will show interest in mathematics, will have good power of memory, will exchange properties and will undertake works within their capacity;

….will become supervisor in competitive examination centres, will suffer due to increase in hereditary disorders or due to side effects of medicines or due to excessive intake or due to acidity, will become nurses or medical lab technicians, will undertake joint ventures in medical research, will have illegal affairs in research fields, will sign mutual agreements in international bodies and will be offered with employment on the grounds of legal heirships.

SINCE…the ninth house falls in the star of  Poorvashada, ruled by Venus, the Aries ascendant born will involve in the research of artistic fields, will study higher education and automobile engineering, will become decorators of marriage halls and halls of feast and will have illegal affairs with foreigners or teachers.

Venus is also the lord of houses 2nd  & 7th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born,

….will talk decently and adjustably, will get ancestral gold and goods, will get money as donations, and will receive costly gifts.

….will be alleged in lodges, will be separated from second wife, will have illegal affairs with sister-in-laws, will discontinue the illegal affairs, will win friendships with government officials and will get due recognition for their social service institutions.

SINCE…the 9th house falls in the star of Uttarashada, ruled by Sun, the Aries ascendant born will be interested in the fields of religion, higher education, embassies, government research centres, finance departments and international organisations.

Sun is also the lord of fifth house to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born will undertake religious endowments or pilgrimage, will have religious faiths, will get cured from diseases by god’s grace and will get relieved from service.

Saturn for Aries Ascendant in 10th House Lord

CAPRICORN/MAKARA the tenth ZODIAC sign is in the tenth house to Aries/Mesha LAGNA. Capricorn is ruled by SATURN…hence SATURN will be the lord of this house.

It is an earthy but a mono sign. Hence, the Aries-ascendant borns would gain status and confidence through helping others.

Since Saturn, the lord of Makaram is the lord of houses 10th  & 11th , the Aries-ascendant borns would come up in their life. They like to act independantly as per their will and wish.

Capricorn is the tenth sign to Aries, which is a movable and earthy sign. Hence, the professional life of Aries ascendant born would always progress upwards.

Since Saturn is the lord of this sign, which is also the lord of houses 10th  & 11th , fulfillment of professional ambitions would be delayed. They may become office assistants in the departments of police, military and corporate companies. They would come up in their life from the lower status and will respect the feelings of subordinates. They may also deal in old goods.

SINCE… the tenth house falls in the star of Uttarashada, ruled by Sun, the Aries ascendant born will become higher officials and will hold honorary posts, will be in government service and will be able to work in industrial centres or industrial training institutes, employment exchanges and trade centres organised by the government.

Sun is also the lord of the 5th  house to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born will perform religious rituals, will organise pilgrimage tours, preachers of religion, priests, artists, painters, singers,Aries poets, astrologers, musicians, gynaecologists, producers of vitamin syrups and will perform religious rituals.

SINCE… the tenth house falls in the star of Shravana, ruled by Moon, the Aries ascendant born will be in white collar jobs, will handle liquid and white coloured articles in their professional fields, will deal in consumer goods, will be in the fields of ports, wells, pipelines, boating and fisheries.

Moon is also the lord of the 4th house to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born will manufacture goods, would involve in production process, will do farming, building constructions, carpentry, auto mechanism, cleaning and production of electricity, will be in the fields of water tanks, boilers, grain fields, fruit gardens and godowns.

SINCE… the 4th  house falls in the star of Dhanishta, rule by Mars, the Aries ascendant born will handle fire in their profession, will become administrative officers in the departments of police and military, will act on responsible capacity, will be accountable for government documents and will be in the fields of lands and houses.

Mars is also the lord of houses 1st  & 8th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born,

…. will use their own ideas in their professional fields, will be over enthusiastic in their profession, will become industrialists, will undertake honorary and prestigious ventures, will suffer due to malfunctioning of the body, will increase their power, will be capable of acting independently and will make modern changes in their professional fields.

….will become professional criminals and anti-social elements of all kinds and will sell old and repaired goods.

Saturn for Aries Ascendant in 11th House Lord

Aquarius/Kumbha  the  eleventh ZODIAC sign is in the eleventh house to Aries/Mesha LAGNA. Aquarius is ruled by SATURN…hence SATURN will be the lord of this house.

It is a fixed and airy sign. Hence, the Aries-ascendant borns tend to expect praising words. They have the capacity to fulfill their wishes. They will excel in the field of arts and culture.

Since the lord of Kumbham is Saturn, the lord of houses 10th  & 11th  to Aries, the Aries-ascendant born people will succeed only after struggles. They aspire to work hard for achievements.

Aquarius is the 11th   Sign to Aries. It is a fixed sign. Hence the Aries ascendant borns tend to carry long-term ambitions. Since it is also an airy sign, they carry a higher degree of expression of their talents and they are greedy for name and fame.

Since this is a sign ruled by Saturn, the lord of houses 10th  & IIth , the Aries ascendant born will have to overcome difficulties in fulfilling their ambitions. They never get satisfied at any particular point. False satisfactions are common among many Aries ascendant born. They will have friendships or relationships with liars, lazy and undisciplined people; and they may also purchase properties with litigations.

SINCE… the 11th house falls in the star of Dhanishta, ruled by Mars, the Aries ascendant born will have friendships or relationships with insincere people, will have to win things of their choice after prolonged struggles and will be greedy.

Mars is also the lord of houses 1st  & 8th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born,

….Will always think about themselves, will have excessive percentage of vitamins in the body, will have increasing desires, will be fond of name and fame, will have a high sense of taste, will be selfish, will have independent opinions and will have the ability of imagination.

…..Will face trouble in things of their desires, will become tension-borne, will have dissatisfactions and dejections, will be hasty in desires and will have mental fluctuations.

SINCE… the 11thhouse falls in the star of Sathabisham, ruled by Rahu, the Aries ascendant born will become researchers in the fields of drugs and liquors, will become surgeons of transplantations, will manufacture artificial organs, will run religious research centres and international cultural centres, will teach foreign languages and will deal in foreign grain godowns.

As far as the significations of houses are concerned… Rahu would act like Jupiter.Hence the Aries ascendant born may fulfil their legitimate desires through lawful means; will have friendships and relationships with truthful and sincere people.

Jupiter is also the lord of houses 9th  & 12th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born,

…..Will have links with social service institutions and higher officials, will undertake voluntary service, will become polygamists, will undertake foreign journeys of their choice, will study the course of their choice, will have international links and agreements of their choice and will involve in research fields.

…..Will be happy through secret contacts, will invest in the fields of their choice, will have success in research attempts, will detail things which could not easily be understood by others and will have secret relationships through friends.

 SINCE… the 11th  house falls in the star of Poorvabadra, ruled by Jupiter, the Aries ascendant born will fulfil their legitimate desires through lawful means; will have friendships and relationships with truthful and sincere people.

Jupiter is also the lord of houses 9th  & 12th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born,

……Will have links with social service institutions and higher officials, will undertake voluntary service, will become polygamists, will undertake foreign journeys of their choice, will study the course of their choice, will have international links and agreements of their choice and will involve in research fields.

…..Will be happy through secret contacts, will invest in the fields of their choice, will have success in research attempts, will detail things which could not easily be understood by others and will have secret relationships through friends.

Jupiter for Aries Ascendant in 12th House Lord

Pisces/Meena  the  twelvth ZODIAC sign is in the twelvthth house to Aries/Mesha LAGNA. Pisces/Meena  is ruled by JUPITER…hence JUPITER will be the lord of this house.

Pisces is the 12th house to Aries. It is a watery and dual sign. Hence, the Aries-ascendant borns tend to have a secret and a double-sided approach in all walks of their life. They like bed-comforts. They tend to spend more time on long-distance travels. They like to spend money on others.

Since the lord of Meena rashi is Jupiter, the lord of houses 9th  & 12th , the Aries-ascendant borns may have secret illegal affairs and clandestine ties with their bosses.

Pisces is the 12th house to Aries. It is a watery sign. Hence, the bed comforts would be pleasant to the Aries ascendant born. Since it is also a common sign, they may have to visit other states frequently.

Since Jupiter is the lord of this sign, the Aries ascendant born will have an inclination towards research, and may have illegal affairs and international and inter-state contacts etc. They will have secret disturbances through law, will get into income-tax raids, will be imprisoned, will print fake currency and will undertake jobs of secret financial reviews.

SINCE… the twelvth house falls in the star of Poorvabadra, ruled by Jupiter, in addition to its own bhava karakas as detailed in the previous paragraph, as it is lord of houses 9th  & 12th  to Aries, the Aries ascendant born,

…..Will spend for social service and voluntary organisations, will have secret links with higher officials and with foreign nations, will enter into secret agreements, will study research education, will face hurdles in higher education, will have secret and multiple love affairs and will undertake foreign journeys.

…..Will incur losses in secret contacts, will be unable to liquidate investments and recollect outstanding amounts and binami properties; will maintain secrecy, will go on undertaking research and will have stable and permanent secret relationships.

SINCE… the twelvth house falls in the star of Uttarabadra, ruled by Saturn, the Aries ascendant born will take secret revenges, will hoard things, will avoid things, will plan secretly, will do adulterations and smugglings and will secretly involve in indecent acts.

Saturn is also the lord of houses 10th  & 11th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born,

….Will secretly hold responsible posts and will undertake jobs with heavy workloads and dual natured jobs.

…..Will have secret activities in societies and clubs, will have breach of agreements with societies, will miss fortunate opportunities, in achievements and will keep modern methods in secrecy.

          SINCE… the TWELVTH house falls in the star of Revathi ruled by Mercury, the Aries ascendant born will invent micro instruments through research, will keep secret notes, photographs, documents and accounts, will enter into secret agreements and will not hesitate to do adulterations.

Mercury is also the lord of houses 3rd  & 6th  to Aries. So the Aries ascendant born,

…..Will lose their physical energy, will get notorious publicity in the press, will have breach of agreements, will face troubles in information and communications, will sell books, will block information, will make mistakes in accounts, will lose power of memory and will become sellers.

….Will gain secret success, will become unconscious due to allergic food, will change service of their choice, will get successful opportunities after making undue expenditures, will suffer due to the inability to diagnose diseases and will be separated from the subordinates or servants.

You may find more information about Aries sign by following this ‘Aries Horoscope’. 


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