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5th Lord in Different Houses

5th lord in different houses

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5th House in Vedic Astrology

5th Lord in Different Houses will occupy some sign in the navamsa chart. The number that is arrived at by counting from the sign in the first house (in the birth chart) to this sign will be the number of children that the native is likely to have.

That will be the number of children the native is likely to have. It must be noted that this rule does not take into account the number of pregnancies that are destroyed as in rule I above. This will be the number of children born to the native.

  1.  The number of planets aspecting the fifth house or occu­pying it will be the number of children the native is likely to have. The sex of the children can be determined from the sex of the planets as laid down in the fifth house. Severely malefic planets, occupying or aspecting the house may force the destruction of pregnancies. A number of such planets influencing the house will be the number of pregnancies destroyed.
  2.  These rules are equally applicable in determining the number of siblings of the native. Applied to the third house and its owner they yield the number of younger brothers and sisters and applied to the eleventh house and its owner they give the same information with regard to elder brothers and sisters.
  3. The owner of the fifth house located near the owner of the first house in the horoscope indicates that the native will beget children early in life. The closer the location, the earlier the birth of children. If the Moon is powerful in the chart this should be predicted from the Moon ascendant

Effects of 5th Lord in Different Houses

5th lord in different houses

5th Lord in 1st House

5th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 1st house as native will be well behaved, intelligent, reputed and learned. He will have but a few children. He will have good relations with his children provided no planet inimical to the owner of the fifth house aspects or joins it here.

The native will have an equable temper and will be sentimental. He will talk well and pleasantly. He may get spiritual power if the owner of the fifth house, having a beneficial aspect, is strongly disposed of in the first house.

The native’s father will be highly placed and wealthy. He may also be learned and religious. A malefic owner of the fifth house, weak and badly placed, will cause loss of family property, during it’s major or sub-periods. The property may be confiscated or acquired by the government.

5th Lord in 2nd House

5th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 2nd house as a beneficial owner of the fifth house in the second makes the native rich and comfortable. Such an owner of the fifth house, if well placed in the second house will make the native famous. The reverse would be the result if it is a malefic planet.

The owner of the fifth in the second house makes the native eloquent, good at or interested in music. A child may be born to him in the major or sub-periods of the owner of the fifth house. He will have a beautiful wife and his children will be well behaved.

The native may get back old and held up payments from the government. His father may have contact or dealings with foreigners. The mother will have wealth and she will earn in a joint enterprise with her daughter-in-law.

The native’s children will be highly placed in government or command a distinct status in society. His younger brother/sister will settle at a place away from their place of birth.

5th Lord in 3rd House

5th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 3rd house as the children of the native will be attached to hint. The native will be wise and will talk pleasantly. He will look after his brothers, his own children and the children of his brothers. He would be a capable man. His mother will talk badly and may suffer a loss due to it.

She will be extravagant. A powerful and well-placed owner of the fifth house will make the native’s children lucky. Their wishes will be fulfilled. They will be independent and efficient. His father will be lucky in marriage and will be attached to his grandchildren.

The native’s wife will be rich. This is also a good location for the native to have musical talent. The native may develop hobbies in the field of other fine arts too.

5th Lord in 4th House

5th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 4th house as the native will be attached to his mother but a malefic owner of the fifth house makes the native antagonistic to his parents. His mother will be long-lived, but sentimental.

The number of children will be restricted and a child may pass away during the major or sub-periods of a malefic owner of the fifth house in the fourth house.

He will pursue his family trade. He may get close to powerful personalities due to his learning and ability to give good advice. This location of the owner of the fifth house is conducive to bring power and authority to the native due to his eminence in learning, intellect or popularity.

His father will be in average circumstances or may be learned in occult matters. His father may get legacies or money that had appeared irrecoverable.

5th Lord in 5th House

5th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 5th house as the native will be virtuous, learned and reputed. He will have good children who will do well in life. The native will rise high in life and may reach a position of trust in his organization or government. The native may have more than the average number of children.

The children will be long-lived. There is a possibility that the native may achieve success in spiritual practices. He will be wealthy and will be able to get what he would like to have in life. Children may be born to him in the major or sub-periods of the owner of the fifth house. The owner of the fifth house shall be a highly maraka planet for the mother of the native.

The native’s father will be very fortunate and if the owner of the fifth house is a naturally beneficial planet, he will also be highly religious. However, a naturally beneficial planet being the owner of the fifth house in the fifth shall be a great maraka planet for the elder brother/sister of the native.

5th Lord in 6th House

5th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 6th house as he will suffer at the hands of his enemies. His wife will be ailing, sharp-tongued and poor. If the owner is a malefic planet he will be in bad health and poor. The evil results are reduced to some extent if the owner is a beneficial planet.

The native is likely to benefit from his maternal uncle. The maternal uncle will be prosperous. During the major or sub-periods of the owner of the fifth house, if it is a malefic planet, the native’s maternal uncle may have to be admitted to a hospital or asylum, or he may go away from his home.

The native’s children may behave like his enemies or suffer from illnesses. This is not a good position for the health of native’s children though they will be hard working and work their way to much wealth.

A powerful owner of the fifth house in the sixth is an indicator of the father’s wealth and high position. This location is not good for the longevity of the native.

5th Lord in 7th House

5th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 7th house as the native will have well behaved and successful children who will live abroad and attain an eminent position there. If the owner of the fifth house is a malefic planet, one of the children will die abroad. The number of children will be more than average. The native will have an attractive personality but he will be a Casanova.

The native may get married during the sub-periods of the owner of the fifth house in the seventh house and have a devoted wife. If the owner of the first, third or the eleventh house also influences the owner of the fifth house in the seventh, the native will marry the person with whom he was in love. Thus this is a combination for, what is commonly known as, love marriage.

His mother will be well educated or may have wealth. A powerful owner of the fifth house in the seventh is an indicator of the father’s wealth and high position.

The native’s elder brother/sister is likely to be happily married and will get wealth, comforts and prosperity from marriage. There is every possibility that if the native enters into a business partnership, compara­tively the partner would benefit more from it.

5th Lord in 8th House

5th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 8th house as the native may not marry. If married, the wife of the native will be disobedient, his children, if born, devoid of good qualities and the native will himself be cruel and uncouth. He may not have even an average intellectual caliber.

He will lose at specu­lation or games of chance, unlike his mother who is likely to do well at them. He will not have finer instincts. His daughter will be ailing. A younger brother/sister may be born to the native during the major or sub-periods of the owner of the fifth house in the eighth.

His younger brother/sister may join the army or become a surgeon or may suffer from an eye ailment during the major or sub-periods of the owner of the fifth house in the eighth.

5th Lord in 9th House

5th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 9th house as the native will be a highly creative person. He will be proficient in music, poetry, and learning. He will attain a high position in life. He will be well thought of by the government. He will be wealthy and will be a person well placed in life.

He is likely to have sudden gains in speculation or games of chance if a beneficial owner of the ninth, Rahu or Mercury also influ­ences this placement. He will be an intellectual or a sincerely religious person.

He is likely to write books. His affairs may take a turn for the better after the birth of his first child. His son may have an exceptionally good command over his speech. His younger brother/sister may get married through advertisement in the newspapers.

His elder brother/sister may get married during the major or sub-periods of the owner of the fifth house in the ninth house.

The native’s wife may earn through writing, means of communication or publishing. She can also gain through her younger brother/sister. She will have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.

5th Lord in 10th House

5th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 10th house as this is a very good location for the owner of the fifth house as this in itself is equal to a powerful Rajyoga. The closer will the owner of the fifth house be to the cusp of the tenth house, the more powerful will the result be.

The native will be a gentleman holding a high position under the government successfully. His mother will be happy and feel proud to see him succeed in life. She will get wealth after her marriage.

An owner of the fifth house in the tenth house will act as a powerful significator of death for her. Such an owner will also be bad for the health of his children. His children will have troubles caused by their enemies who will be highly placed and powerful people.

His wife will be the owner of the property and will gain through it. She may also get patrimony. Her income can also be from matters related to education.

If the owner of the fifth house is adverse in the tenth house, it may indicate the death of native’s mother-in-law during its major or sub-periods. Such an owner can cause stress in the marriage of native’s elder brother/sister. He may become a counselor, adviser or minister.

5th Lord in 11th House

5th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 11th house as the native will be respected by the government and lead a happy and contented life. He will be truthful, and helpful and will have good children.

The native may write large books from which he is likely to earn substantially. His father could also be a writer. A child may be born to him in the major or sub-periods of the owner of the fifth house in the eleventh house.

He may gain through speculation, entertainment or his ability to advise well. He may, if the nature of the sign in the eleventh house is correct, become a professional counselor.

His children may join him in his business and due to their ability may improve the status of the venture considerably, bringing in gains. For such a location of the owner of the fifth house, whatever has been written for the native will be true for his wife as well.

5th Lord in 12th House

5th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 12th house as a beneficial owner of the fifth house here makes the native living abroad. This location indicates that the native will not be happy with regard to his children.

The native is liable to have heart or stomach trouble or mental disorder. He may suffer the loss of a son if the owner of the fifth house here is afflicted or is a malefic planet for the chart.

Such an owner of the fifth house will be inclined to involve the native’s wife or partner in serious acci­dents and cause heavy expenditure for them on illnesses, debt repayments or hospitalizations.

He will spend a lot on entertain­ment and on his children. This is a position which is indicative of dispassion and a spirit of non-attachment in the native. He may be a seeker of the divine and may at the close of life succeed in his quest. This position may make the native ruthless.

If you are looking for more insights about 5th House in Vedic Astrology then go through with 5th House Astrology in Zodiac Signs.


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