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Capricorn Ascendant (Makar Lagna) Characteristics
General nature of the sign Capricorn Ascendant or Makar Lagna
Capricorn Ascendant sign is an earthy, movable and feminine sign; even sign; white in colour; semi-fruitful sign; short ascendant tension; denotes thighs in body parts; affectionate and shows love towards others; quick In grasping, coward, self-pride, selfish, excessive interest in sexual pleasures by nature, seas, private and isolated places, slums, dirty & congested places, hospitals, graveyards, jails, mortuary, cattle shops, caves & pits: 10th sign of Zodiac, house of Saturn, north in direction, early mornings of a day.
(a) It is an earthy sign: Affectionate and would be affected by sentiments.
(b) It is a movable sign : Intelligent, high and dignified thoughts and active.
(c) It is a house of Saturn : Tend to tell more lies and imaginary stories; obedient and sincere.
(d) It is X house of Kaalpurusha’s: Naturally gain status and prestige; dissatisfactions in sexual pleasures, inferiority complex, self-pride and fond of publicity.
The sign Capricorn extends over three stars leading to the following body natures.
- Uttarashada: Owned by Sun: High percentage of calcium.
- Shravana: Owned by Moon: Waterborne body
- Dhanishtu: Owned by Mars: Fleshy with excessive heat in the body
SINCE… the Ascendant falls in the star of Uttarashada, the Capricorn ascendant borns will be majestic in appearance with self-pride, prestige, strong bones in the body, authoritativeness, leadership and generosity.
Uttarashada is the star of Sun which is the lord of 8th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will suffer due to stress and pains, mental worries and agony, become inactive, face disrespect,,threatening, attempt suicide or murders, will be punished or face damages in the organs of the body.
SINCE… the Ascendant falls in the star of Shravana, ruled by Moon, the Capricorn ascendant born will remain calm in appearance, quick but inconsistent in actions, have fluctuating minds, have excessive content of water/liquids in the body, have more thoughts, reluctant to assume responsibilities, flexible, never bother about false prestige and will carry team spirit.
Moon is the lord of 7th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will depend on others, get due social recognition and social relations and will abide by rules and conventions.
SINCE… the Ascendant falls in the star of Dhanishta, ruled by Mars, the Capricorn ascendant born will be bold and courageous in their actions, short-tempered and violent, will not respect others, selfish, arrogant in appearance, rough and uncompromising, will not listen to others, proud and will lack in discipline.
Mars is the lord of houses 4th & 11th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will show interest in education, have inclination to run educational centres or libraries, show interest in grain fields, gardens and like to maintain ponds or water reservoirs.
They might be selfish, greedy, happy and joyful, counselor of societies, enjoy fortunes, gain success and would make achievements, remain happy and flexible with others.
if the native born between….00 degree…to ..
10 degree 00 minutes of CAPRICORN
His LAGNA nakshatra will be… UTTRA ASHADA
the lord of UTTRA ASHADA nakshatra is…. SUN
His janama LAGNA sign will be… CAPRICORN
The lord of CAPRICORN sign is …..SATURN
if the native born between….10 degree 00 minutes …
to ..23 degree 20 minutes of CAPRICORN
His LAGNA nakshatra will be SRAVANA
the lord of SRAVANA nakshatra is MOON
His janama LAGNA sign will be… CAPRICORN
The lord of CAPRICORN sign is …..SATURN
if the native born between….23 degree 20 minutes …
to ..30 degree of CAPRICORN
His LAGNA nakshatra will be… DHANISHTA
The lord of DHANISHTAnakshatra is… MARS
His janama LAGNA sign will be… CAPRICORN
The lord of CAPRICORN sign is …..SATURN
Saturn for Capricorn Ascendant in 2nd House Lord:
Aquarius, the 11th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 2nd house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will tend to express their pride, selfish attitude and greedy nature in their conversations.
Aquarius is an airy sign. So the words and assurances given by the Capricorn ascendant born would not remain constant and would fly in the direction of opportunistic winds. They would not stick to their words by way of their self-pride.
Aquarius is a fixed sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will be adamant and inflexible in their conversations. Since Aquarius is a house of Saturn, the Capricorn ascendant born tend to speak lies freely without any hesitation or being guilty-conscious.
Aquarius, the 11th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 2nd house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will be greedy in financial matters. They tend to earn as they wish and would always be money minded. They will try to justify and establish false ideas into real.
Aquarius is an airy sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will tend to make money out of their skill of eloquence. They are very clear in their speech regarding financial matters.
Aquarius is a fixed sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will permanently hold gold, valuables, diamonds, money, costly articles and documents.
Aquarius is a house of Saturn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will remain as misers, belong to salaried class, will not hesitate to tell lies in financial matters, have a tendency to seize belongings of others and possess costly but ancient wooden articles.
SINCE… the 2nd house falls in the star of Dhanishta, ruled by Mars, the Capricorn ascendant born will tell lies, will be spendthrifts, dishonest and intend to seize others’ money, courageous or arrogant in conversations, hurt the feelings of others in their speech and make false remarks by using filthy and arrogant language.
Mars is the lord of the houses 4th & 11th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will have excessive productions in the body and gain from education, fruits and vegetables, grain fields, farms, educational centres, libraries and leases of ponds and water reservoirs.
They make profits with greedy nature and in easy means; gain out of societies, achievements, romance, fortunes, success and by entertaining and engaging others.
SINCE…the 2″d house falls in the star of Shathabisham, ruled by Rahu, the Capricorn ascendant born will speak calmly by assuming themselves as experts in their respective fields, possess money of foreigners or foreign exchange, guide foreigners and will get foreign scholarships.
Since Rahu does not own any house, the significations of houses owned by Jupiter could be included as RAHU will act as JUPITER…hence the Capricorn ascendant born may earn money in higher denominations, will be paid higher salaries, possess gold and valuables and may become bankers or jewelry shop owners.
Jupiter is the lord of houses 3rd & 12th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will speak intellectually, gain through writings and publications, courageous acts, intelligent arguments, information, negotiable instruments and transfers; gain from works of their mental inclination, show interest in monetary profits, gain self-confidence, adapt themselves for economic gains.
They might get profits out of secret activities, gain by way of losing organs or by donating blood, gain through savings, investments, secret plans and treasures and regain lost goods.
SINCE… the 2nd house falls in the star of Poorvabadra, ruled by Jupiter, the Capricorn ascendant born will earn money in higher denominations, will be paid higher salaries, possess gold and valuables and may become bankers or jewelry shop owners.
Jupiter is the lord of houses 3rd & 12th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will speak intellectually, gain through writings and publications, courageous acts, intelligent arguments, information, negotiable instruments and transfers; gain from works of their mental inclination, show interest in monetary profits, gain self-confidence, adapt themselves for economic gains.
They might get profits out of secret activities, gain by way of losing organs or by donating blood, gain through savings, investments, secret plans and treasures and regain lost goods.
Jupiter for Capricorn Ascendant in 3rd House Lord:
Pisces/Meena the twelvth ZODIAC sign is in the 3rd house to CAPRICORN/MAKARA. Pisces is ruled by JUPITER hence JUPITER will be the lord of this house.
Pisces, the 12th sign to Kaalpurusha is the 3rd house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will have secret mental worries; have a tendency to leave home and family, have secret communications and their minds will wander into secret things. Pisces is a watery sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will have fluctuating and wavering minds.
Pisces is a common sign meaning that the Capricorn ascendant born will have oscillating minds and will lack in needed courage. Since Pisces is a house of Jupiter, the lord of houses 3rd & 12th to Capricorn, the Capricorn ascendant born tend to face huge losses due to their fluctuations of mind and by way of leaving their residences.
Pisces, the TWELVTH sign of Kaalpurusha is the 3rd house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will carry secret mental worries,maintain secrecy in information and communication, agreements, letters and in journeys.
Since Pisces is a watery sign, the Capricorn ascendant born will quickly grasp things but with fluctuating minds. Pisces is a common sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will have fluctuations in their courage and confidence, intelligence, functioning of the body, sensory organs and blood vessels, informations and communications, transfers and writings.
Since Pisces is a sign of Jupiter, the Capricorn ascendant born will deal in documents, stamps, cheques, monetary negotiations, true information, legal agreements, legal orders and notices.
SINCE… the 3rd house falls in the star of Poorvabadra ruled by Jupiter, hence the Capricorn ascendant born will deal in documents, stamps, cheques, monetary negotiations, true information, legal agreements, legal orders and notices.
Jupiter is the lord of houses 3rd & 12th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will get press publicity, clearly show intelligence and mental attitude in their writings, express own thoughts, have debating talents, encourage others through their writings and will show confidence and mental stability.
They communicate on secret activities, enter into agreements for donating organs of the body, lose evidences kept in secret, receive documents against borrowings, lose savings certificates, get details for secret activities, lose their own properties and permanently get separated from their family.
SINCE… the 3ld house falls in the star of Uttarabadra. ruled by Saturn. the Capricorn ascendant born will be fearful, undertake short journeys, become writers, write anonymous letters, forge documents, change themselves and may have to walk long distances.
Saturn is the lord of houses 1st & 2nd to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will record their self-thoughts, have courageous thoughts and actions, proper functioning of sensory organs, blood vessels and neuro system, have physical strength, have independent thoughts and would like to show their strength.
They will have writing skills, write truths, possess grasping power and deal in negotiable instruments.
SINCE… the 3rd cusp falls in the star of Revati, ruled by Mercury, the Capricorn ascendant born will write stories and articles and will be document writers, advertisers, postmen, clerks, ambassadors, communicators, electricians, tax collectors, proof readers & brokers.
Mercury is also the lord of houses 6th & 9th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will gain success in competitive examinations, render medical counselling, sell food items, medicines, medical equipments, sellers ortailors of garments, housekeepers, lawyers, pay-bill clerks, rent collectors, accountants, postmen and lessors.
They may enter into honest agreements, earn fame, exchange money, get certificate for higher education, will become messengers, sign agreements for research works. negotiate for endowment works, have international contacts, will become clerks in legal departments, work as mediators, give guidance about ancient monuments, work for sales-tax, accounts and have government contacts in religious services etc.
Mars for Capricorn Ascendant in 4th House Lord:
Aries /Mesha the first ZODIAC sign is in the 4th house to CAPRICORN/MAKARA. ARIES is ruled by MARS…hence MARS will be the lord of this house.
Aries, the 1st sign of Kaalpurusha is the 4th house to Capricorn. So Capricorn ascendant born will gain status by way of their education and will excel in their education. Aries is a fiery sign. So the behaviour of Capricorn ascendant born will not reflect the standards of their education. Since Aries is a movable sign, the Capricorn ascendant born will show progress in their education and will gain authority through their education.
Aries is a sign of Mars; so the Capricorn ascendant born will face struggles and hardships during the course of their studies but will show arrogance and commitment towards their studies.
Aries, the first sign of Kaalpurusha is the 4th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will lead in the fields of lands, houses, vehicles, education, production and machinery; like to install huge industries; may live in apartments and in the first part of a main road.
Aries is a fiery sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will work with fire and live in congested places and fiercely involve in their studies.
Aries is a movable sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will have consistent development and improvement in their education. lands, vehicles, machinery, houses and belongings. Aries is the house of Mars; So the Capricorn ascendant born will fiercely involve themselves in studies, show more interest in holding properties and may own agricultural lands, cattle, machinery used for chemicals, fertilizers and huge industries.
SINCE… the 4th house falls in the star of Ashwini, ruled by Ketu, the Capricorn ascendant born will own properties with litigations, seize others’ properties or treasures and manufacture forged or substandard goods or drugs.
Ketu would act like Mercury. Mercury is the lord of houses 6th & 9th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will run centres for competitive examinations and medical laboratories, undertake caterings or tailoring, produce medicines or medical equipments, become money lenders against properties, accountants, purchasers, lessors, sellers of hide and wool, organize medical camps and live in rented houses.
They may gain contracts against properties, earn fame in education, enter into barter exchanges, become teachers for higher classes, importers, maintain relationships with foreigners, run research centres, produce artificial organs, gain foreign subsidy, form trusts for maintaining temple properties, serve as clerks in courts or panchayat boards and become protectors of ancient monuments.
SINCE…the 4th cusp falls in the star of Bharani, ruled by Venus, the Capricorn ascendant born will own forts, palaces, flower or vegetable gardens, manufacture cosmetics, glassware, plastics and films, run schools for constructions, vehicles, arts and culture. Venus is also the lord of houses 5th & 10th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will deal in company shares, Vedic, spiritual granthas, politics, sports, poems, stories, articles, trainings in the fields of arts and culture, sports-centres, auditoriums, marriage registration offices, manufacturing of artistic goods, prostitution dens or asylums and places of religious rituals.
They might hold honorary, administrative and responsible posts, become industrial owners, in-charge of government documents, earn name and fame in professional fields and heads of departments.
SINCE…the 4th house falls in the star of Krittika, ruled by Sun, the Capricorn ascendant born will live in government quarters, serve in government buildings, possess village common lands, get government pattas, possess government vehicles, own agricultural lands, wells, ponds, water tanks, grain fields, take lease of hills, forests, serve in housing or automobile divisions of the government.
Sun is the lord of 8th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will seize properties by harassing others, have litigations in properties, indulge in robberies, reproduce with scraps, own damaged buildings, live in dirty places, work at operation theaters, slaughter houses, accident wards, mortuary, graveyards, anti-corruption wings, vehicle insurance sector, forged goods etc.
Venus for Capricorn Ascendant in 5th House Lord:
Taurus /Rishaba the second ZODIAC sign is in the 5th house to CAPRICORN/MAKARA. Taurus is ruled by VENUS…hence VENUS will be the lord of this house.
Taurus, the 2nd sign of Kaalpurusha is the 5th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will be money-minded in the fields of arts and culture and even in their love affairs and towards their children.
Since Taurus is an earthy sign, the Capricorn ascendant born will be possessive and affectionate towards their children and in love affairs; will show excessive interest in the fields of arts, culture and theology.
Taurus is a fixed sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will be blessed with children with long life and they will show sustained interest in the fields of arts and culture. Their love affairs would last long.
Since Taurus is a house of Venus, the lord of houses 5th & 10th to Capricorn, the Capricorn ascendant born will gain status and prestige in the fields of arts and culture but would be dissatisfied by their children and love affairs.
Taurus, the 2nd sign of Kaalpurusha’s, is the 5th house to Capricorn. The Capricorn ascendant born will gain from their love affairs, through their children and in religious activities; however they will never get satisfied. Their first child will suffer due to health problems.
Since Taurus is an earthy sign, the Capricorn ascendant born will be interested in the fields of arts and culture, will be affectionate in their love affairs.
Since Taurus is a fixed sign, the Capricorn ascendant born will have wisdom and knowledge, artistic interests; they will show sustained interest in their love affairs and religious faiths; they will be blessed with children.
Venus is the lord of Taurus. So the Capricorn ascendant born will show interest in the fields of arts, culture, politics and astrology; they will excel as best speakers and pundits; they may not hesitate to involve in prostitution or entertaining others.
SINCE… the 5th house falls in the star of Krittika ruled by Sun, the Capricorn ascendant born will involve in government owned temples, government hotels, politics, religion and government sponsored arts or sports festivals, details of government subsidies and in chess game.
Sun is the lord of 8lh house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will involve in rape, face disrespect, seizures of properties, punishments, repair old musical instruments, live in dirty places and get cheated.
SINCE… the 5lh house falls in the star of Rohini, ruled by Moon, the Capricorn ascendant born will excel in character roles in films and dramas will be poets, thinkers, cricket players; will be quick in sexual pleasures, associate with recreation clubs, sports clubs and will be blessed with children.
Moon is the ruler of the 7th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will maintain cordial and harmonious relations with society, get musical instruments as donations, serve in guest houses, live in government quarters for artists, associate themselves with voluntary organizations and will marry the girl or boy of their own choice.
SINCE… the 5th house falls in the star of Mrigasira, ruled by Mars, the Capricorn ascendant born will be arrogant during copulation, have children with more interest in sexual pleasures, will not hesitate to act in obscene scenes and will be atheists, sculptors, painters or cabaret dancers.
Mars is also the lord of houses 4th & 11th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will have excessive energy production in the body, work for artistic trainings, produce nutrition foods, livestock or musical instruments or cosmetics, work in journals and arrange music and dance programs.
They might construct lodges, learn arts with commitment, form branches of unions or societies, enter into fortunate agreements, enjoy luck in lotteries, purchase properties with litigation, spend time with friends of their choice with joy and will construct artistically beautiful buildings.
Mercury for Capricorn Ascendant in 6th House Lord:
GEMINI/Mithuna the third ZODIAC sign is in the 6th house to CAPRICORN/MAKARA. Gemini is ruled by MERCURY…hence MERCURY will be the lord of this house.
Gemini, the 3rd sign of Kaalpurusha is the 6th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will have diseases in sensory organs, blood vessels and in nerves; gain success through confidence and courage.
Since Gemini is an airy sign, the Capricorn ascendant born will suffer due to respiratory disorders. They will gain success with pride. Since Gemini is a common sign, the Capricorn ascendant born may have to face frequent litigations and problems of ill health.
Since Gemini is a house of Mercury, the lord of houses 6th & 9th to Capricorn, the Capricorn ascendant born will suffer due to physical changes and litigations in religious service and may have affairs with servants.
Gemini, the 3rd sign of the Kaalpurusha is the 6th house of Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will frequently meet with court cases; serve in information and communication departments and in the fields of writings, agreements and contracts; they will be explicitly courageous and confident in their work.
Gemini is an airy sign; So the Capricorn ascendant born will suffer due to respiratory disorders; serve in gas or petroleum, radio, air force, dye companies and research centres. Gemini is a common sign; So the Capricorn ascendant boms will see fluctuations in their health problems, food, dress, medicines, loans and, borrow ings, success, court cases, digestive system and in service.
Gemini is a house of Mercury. So the Capricorn ascendant born would mostly be accountants, money collectors, printers, computer operators, neurologists, nurses, compounders, office clerks, labour contractors, money lenders on installment basis and Serve in commercial centres.
SINCE… the 6th house falls in the star of Mrigasira, ruled by Mars, the Capricorn ascendant born will suffer due to muscle pains and diseases caused by excessive heat, serve in industries or medical departments, will be in the fields of catering or tailoring and they will have hard workers as their servants.
Mars is also the lord of houses 4th & 11th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will have excessive production in the body, serve in the fields of lands, houses, vehicles and buildings, prepare food items, maintain livestock, work for daily wages, as school teachers, produce house-hold appliances, furniture and make arrangements for music and drama stages.
They could win only after struggles; stay in lodges, serve in societies, gain success in court cases against societies, have fortunate opportunities and employment opportunities, make achievements in service, will be able to rightly diagnose diseases and will be able to employ Servants of their choice.
SINCE… the 6th house falls in the star Qf Arudra, ruled by Rahu, the Capricorn ascendant born will suffer due to respiratory problems, will be fond of taking excessive food, serve in drug industries, work as anaesthetist or respiratory assistant, deal in drugs and intoxicants.
Since Rahu does not own any house, the significations of houses owned by Jupiter could be included as RAHU will act as JUPITER…hence the Capricorn ascendant born will serve in large industries, banks, preside over functions, fond of fatty food items, suffer due to diseases in blood cells, acquire loans through popular personalities, will be bank cashiers, medical officers, lawyers and workers in legal departments.
Jupiter is,also the lord of houses 3rd & 12th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will get press publicity about their success, publish professional books, serve in advertisement, information and communication departments, perform works to their strength, enter into agreements of employment, receive appointment or transfer orders and undertake works of their choice.
They acquire loans through secret plans, clear debts by acquiring further loans, will be able to liquidate investments, will become doctors; face court cases filed by separated member of the family, face break-even in financial status and become inactive due to ill health.
SINCE… the 6th house falls in the star of Punarvasu, ruled by Jupiter, the Capricorn ascendant born will serve in large industries, banks, preside over functions, fond of fatty food items, suffer due to diseases in blood cells, acquire loans through popular personalities, will be bank cashiers, medical officers, lawyers and workers in legal departments.
Jupiter is,also the lord of houses 3rd & 12th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will get press publicity about their success, publish professional books, serve in advertisement, information and communication departments, perform works to their strength, enter into agreements of employment, receive appointment or transfer orders and undertake works of their choice.
They acquire loans through secret plans, clear debts by acquiring further loans, will be able to liquidate investments, will become doctors; face court cases filed by separated member of the family, face break-even in financial status and become inactive due to ill health.
Moon for Capricorn Ascendant in 7th House Lord:
CANCER/Karka the fourth ZODIAC sign is in the 7th house to CAPRICORN/MAKARA. Cancer is ruled by MOON…hence MOON will be the lord of this house.
Cancer, the 4th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 7th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will often meet with persons belonging to higher social status such as landlords, influential persons and academicians.
Since Cancer is a watery sign, the Capricorn ascendant born will get desired benefits out of opposite sex.
Cancer is a movable sign; so the Capricorn ascendant born will tend to maintain sustained and prolonged social relationships.
Since Cancer is a house of Moon, the Capricorn ascendant born will often meet with persons of wavering minds.
Cancer, the 4th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 7th house to Capricorn. So the life partners of Capricorn ascendant born will have dissatisfactions in all walks of life and will become experts in their chosen fields.
Cancer is a watery sign; so the life/business partners of Capricorn born would be god-fearing and the Capricorn ascendant born would gain out of them.
Cancer is a movable sign. So the relationships between the Capricorn ascendant born and their spouses/business partners would progressively develop with time. Cancer is a house of Moon. So the life/business partners of Capricorn ascendant born will be young, energetic and quick but with wavering minds and will like to be quick during their copulation.
SINCE… the 7lh house falls in the star of Punarvasu, ruled by Jupiter, the Capricorn ascendant born will have calm and adjustable life/ business partners and establish contacts with popular personalities as their business customers.
Jupiter is also the lord of houses 3rd & 12th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will get press-publicity with the assistance of others, publish books on social service, become advertisers, spend energy for the cause of others, enter into agreements of meetings, write letters of recommendation, issue news of transition or change, work in the fields wherein others are also inclined, register or gain confidence through others, write petitions, serve in information and communication departments and may marry neighbor.
They make secret planning, collect loans, will be thieves, give troubles to others, have secret contacts, gain capital or investment from others, incur losses for the cause of others and will be threatened by persons who know their secrets.
SINCE… the 7′1‘ house falls in the star of Pushyam. ruled by Saturn, the spouses/business partners of Capricorn ascendant born will be undisciplined, insincere, liars and doubting nature people. Saturn is also the lord of houses 1 & 2 to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will abide by collective thoughts; listen to others; suffer due to diseases in kidneys, uterus and abdomen regions; gain success through joint ventures; be inactive due to lack of immunity; face increasing opposition, unable to take independent decisions, induce competitions by way of their actions and marry persons who are well known to them.
They receive financial assistance from others, gain gold and valuables with the assistance of others, get profitable dealings with banks, lack digestive capacity, do things as help, serve for more than the needs of others and will become a part of their family.
SINCE… the 7th house falls in the star of Ashlesha, ruled by Mercury, the spouses/business partners of Capricorn ascendant born will be clever, witty, cunning nature and research minded people and excel in academics.
Mercury is” the lord of houses 6th & 9th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will often meet with bank officers, money lenders, patients, doctors, cooks, lawyers and would suffer due to contagious diseases.
They often meet with leaders, foreigners, exporters, judges, priests, teachers and people with social recognition.
Sun for Capricorn Ascendant in 8th House Lord:
LEO/SIMHA the fifth ZODIAC sign is in the 8th house to CAPRICORN/MAKARA. LEO is ruled by SUN…hence SUN will be the lord of this house.
Leo, the 5th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 8th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will face disrespect in the fields of arts and culture and in love affairs.
Since Leo is a fiery sign, the Capricorn ascendant born will be short-tempered, arrogant, meet with fire accidents and face problems subsequent to quarrels.
Leo is a fixed sign; so the problems of the Capricorn ascendant born will remain unsolved for long. Since Leo is a house of Sun, the Capricorn ascendant born will face problems or disrespect by government and they will be troubled by excessive heat in the body.
Leo, the 5th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 8th house to Capricorn, So the Capricorn ascendant born will lose their reputation and respect in their love affairs, religious rituals and through their children. Leo is a fiery sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will face damages in their bones; they may be threatened or murdered; they may often meet with fire accidents and they may sometimes become violent.
Leo is a fixed sign; so the Capricorn ascendant born will have a long life; their worries, stress, pains, disrespect and loss of name and fame would last long.
Leo is a house of Sun. So the properties of Capricorn ascendant born will be seized by the government; may misappropriate government money; may be punished by government on criminal charges; meet with fire accidents and they may enter politics but would subsequently quit.
SINCE… the 8th house falls in the star of Makha, ruled by Ketu, the Capricorn ascendant born swill get into illegal activities and get subsequent punishments, will not hesitate to involve in thefts, subversive activities and harassments; black-mailing and rumour-mongering.
Ketu would act like Mercury, the lord of houses 6th & 9th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will face problems in competitive examination centres, face increase in their diseases due to maltreatment, acidity, side effects of medicines and negligence of nurses, suffer due to allergy of food and dresses, meet with accidents in manufacturing of medicines and face allegations in service records.
They may face troubles in port contracts, imports, closure of offices for international agreements, teaching profession, due to cancellation of transfer orders, fire accidents in research laboratories, closure of religious endowments, cheatings in temple charities, punishments by courts, splits in panchayat boards and damages in ancient monuments.
SINCE… the 8th house falls in the star of Poorvapalguni. ruled by Venus, the Capricorn ascendant born will be put into disrespect and their reputation will be spoilt by women; kidnap, rape and threaten women; will be troubled by women and often receive bad news through women.
Venus is also the lord of houses 5th & 10th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will meet with accidents in music or drama stages, involve in rape, prostitution and consequently lose reputation, face disrespect in the fields of short-stories, articles, politics, arts, culture, sports and misbehaviour in dance programs or in liquor bars or holy places wherein religious rituals are performed.
They might face allegations in the substantiation process in service, involve in corruption and misappropriation while holding high offices, lose name and fame and face hurdles in their promotion process.
SINCE… the 8th house falls in the star of Uttarapalguni, ruled by Sun, the properties of Capricorn ascendant born will be seized by the government; they may misappropriate government money; punished by the government on criminal charges; meet with fire accidents and may enter but would subsequently quit from politics.
Sun is also the lord of 8th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will face untimely death, may be murdered or harassed; may enter into quarrels, face stress and pains, may become traitors, involve in all kinds of illegal activities, will be hanged to death, take revenge, will seize properties of others and opt for anti-social means.
Mercury for Capricorn Ascendant in 9th House Lord:
VIRGO/KANYA the sixth ZODIAC sign is in the 9th house to CAPRICORN/MAKARA. VIRGO is ruled by MERCURY…hence MERCURY will be the lord of this house.
Virgo, the 6th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 9th house to Capricorn; the Capricorn ascendant born will become successful in their higher studies and especially in the fields related to traditions, culture and management.
Since Virgo is an earthy sign, the Capricorn ascendant born will have research mind and extract work from their sub-ordinates by encouraging them and through pleasant manners.
Virgo is a common sign; so the Capricorn ascendant born will frequently undertake journeys and research ventures. Since Virgo, is a house of Mercury, the ruler of houses 6th & 9th , the Capricorn ascendant born will not hesitate to assume responsibilities, have international contacts, become lawyers and counselors and will study medical sciences.
Virgo, the 6th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 9th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will suffer from venereal diseases, face litigations in foreign journeys, serve in finance departments or foreign embassies and may have illegal affairs.
Virgo is an earthy sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will be polygamists, have international contacts, knowledge and research capacity; will not like to share their knowledge.
Virgo is a common sign; higher education, journeys, life at foreign nations, research, confidence and illegal affairs of the Capricorn ascendant born will not last long and would see many fluctuations.
Virgo is a sign of Mercury. So the Capricorn ascendant born will serve as clerks in research centres, high school teachers, statisticians, counselors, lawyers, mathematicians, agents of imports and exports, cashiers in government treasury and in information, communication and advertising departments.
SINCE… the 9th house falls in the star of Uttarapalguni, ruled by Sun, the Capricorn ascendant born will involve themselves in the fields of religion, higher education, foreign embassies, finance departments, government research centres and foreign organisations.
Sun is the lord of 8th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will unexpectedly meet with government seizures, damages in properties and government buildings, stealing government documents, top leaders of the nation, death, quitting politics, government punishment, death penalty, removal of encroachments, charge-sheet, criminal activities, fire accidents.
SINCE… the 9th house falls in the star of Hastha, ruled by Moon, the Capricorn ascendant born will have faster research capacity, will be able to discover new things and run private research centres, excel in higher education and may become professors, have illegal affairs with widows and contacts with ships or money lending.
Moon is also the lord of 7th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will show discipline in social service centres, make friendships with government officials, get needed government recognition to their social clubs, may remarry, enter into second partnerships and may have sexual affair with sister of wife.
SINCE… the 9th house falls in the star of Chitra, ruled by Mars, the Capricorn ascendant born will study agriculture, geology, machines, history and archaeology; will become politicians, head masters, transport owners, landlords, criminal lawyers and judges.
Mars is also the lord of houses 4th & 11th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will study teacher training, have ancestral properties, have properties in foreign countries, import goods, run schools or colleges or research laboratories, possess automobiles, involve in manufacturing process, become trustees of temple properties and own grain fields.
They study diploma courses, hold honorary posts, gain success in research attempts, win things through greedy nature, have co-operation with societies, gain success in the agreements with societies, have fortunate opportunities, make achievements in research ventures, find out right ways and will be fond of taking nutritious foods.
Venus for Capricorn Ascendant in 10th House Lord:
LIBRA/TULA the eighth ZODIAC sign is in the 10th house to CAPRICORN/MAKARA. LIBRA is ruled by VENUS..hence VENUS will be the lord of this house.
Libra, the 7th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 10th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will gain status through public relations, through wife and business partners.
Libra is an airy sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will earn name and fame, status and prestige but would show self-pride in their professional fields.
Libra is a movable sign. So the status and prestige of the Capricorn ascendant born will always be in an upward trend. Since it is a house of Venus, the ruler of houses 5th & 10th to Capricorn, they will get due social recognition in the fields of arts and culture.
Libra, the 7th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 10th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will work in the professional fields of social sector, labour contracts, and supervisory cadres.
Libra is an airy sign, So the Capricorn ascendant born will work in investigation departments or air force or air lines or radio. Libra is a movable sign. Profession, status and prestige of the Capricorn ascendant born will always be in an upward trend. They may get higher posts one after another in their profession.
Libra is a house of Venus. So the Capricorn ascendant born will gain status in the fields of arts and culture, perform high ranking and luxurious professions, involve in the fields of music and dance as professionals and may deal with intoxicating goods.
SINCE… the 10lh house falls in the star of Chitra, ruled by Mars, the Capricorn ascendant born will serve in industries; handle fire in their profession, land, houses, police, military, administrative offices and as responsible officers.
Mars is the lord of houses 4th & 11th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will be in manufacturing fields, involve in agriculture in grain fields, fruit gardens or farms, building contracts, carpentry, automobile repair and maintenance, cleanings of water tanks, electricity production, fertilizers and chemical manufacturing and will be in the fields of boilers and stores and godowns.
They serve in societies, enter into agreements on behalf of societies, involve in professions of their choice, have fortunate opportunities in professional fields, make achievements in their profession and modernize their profession.
SINCE… the 10lh house falls in the star of Swathi, ruled by Rahu, the Capricorn ascendant born will work in prisons, investigation departments, international centres of trade and banking and employment exchanges for foreign opportunities, deal in minerals and will become wardens, shoe makers, translators and pirates with the use of computers.
Since Rahu does not own any house, the significations of houses owned by Jupiter could be included as RAHU will act as JUPITER…hence the Capricorn ascendant born will be responsible officers in big organisations and volunteer in banking services, run children welfare organisations, hold honorary posts, work in gold mines and protect national properties and ancient monuments.
Jupiter is the lord of houses 3rd & 12th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will get publicity as industrialists in press, work in the fields of information, communication, advertisements, agreements and lease, publish books and will be messengers, printers, brokers, writers, bill collectors, accountants, electrical workers, plumbers, assistants and sellers of goods.
They do business with the use of secret contacts, dual natured professions, incur and invest on profession, have secret affairs through new profession and will do research oriented professions.
Since the 10lh house falls in the star of Vishakha, ruled by Jupiter, the Capricorn ascendant born will be responsible officers in big organisations and volunteer in banking services, run children welfare organisations, hold honorary posts, work in gold mines and protect national properties and ancient monuments.
Jupiter is the lord of houses 3rd & 12th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will get publicity as industrialists in press, work in the fields of information, communication, advertisements, agreements and lease, publish books and will be messengers, printers, brokers, writers, bill collectors, accountants, electrical workers, plumbers, assistants and sellers of goods.
They do business with the use of secret contacts, dual natured professions, incur and invest on profession, have secret affairs through new profession and will do research oriented professions.
Mars for Capricorn Ascendant in 11th House Lord:
SCORPIO/VRISHCHIK the EIGHTH ZODIAC sign is in the 11th house to SAGITTARIUS/ DHANU. SCORPIO is ruled by MARS..hence MARS will be the lord of this house.
Scorpio, the 8th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 11th house to Capricorn; so the Capricorn ascendant born will fulfil their desires only after prolonged struggles.
Scorpio is a watery sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will get unexpected gains in the process of fulfilling their ambitions and desires.
Scorpio is a fixed sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will carry long standing desires permanently. Since Scorpio is a house of Mars, the lord of houses 4th &11th to Capricorn, the Capricorn ascendant born will give displeasures during sexual relationships.
Scorpio, the 8th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 11th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will fulfil their desires only after struggles and through criminal means.
Scorpio is a watery sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will have the tendency to assist others with happy mind by showing affinity.
Scorpio is a fixed sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will have strong and permanent desires and expectations, long lasting happiness and surplus vitamins and will be blessed with sons-in-laws or daughters-in-law.
Scorpio is a house of Mars. So the Capricorn ascendant born will have insincere friends or sons-in-law or daughters-in-law, become successful and fulfil their own desires only after struggles and show arrogance in fulfilling their desires.
SINCE… the 11th house falls in the star of Vishakha, ruled by Jupiter, the Capricorn ascendant born will have sincere and generous friends or sons-in-law or daughters-in-law with great wisdom and foresight and will get fulfilled with their desires only through legal means.
Jupiter is the lord of houses 3rd & 12th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will increase their strength, get positive press publicity, show interest in the fields of information and communication, write books, receive messages, audit accounts, increase the power of memory and enter into sales agreement.
They might become happy after secret relations and contacts, invest in the fields of their choice, make achievements in research fields, have secret interests through friends and reveal secrets.
SINCE… the 11th house falls in the star of Anuradha, ruled by Saturn, the Capricorn ascendant born will have lazy, undisciplined and dishonest friends, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, purchase properties with litigations and get things done in untruthful ways and means.
Saturn is the lord of houses 1st & 2nd to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will always think about them and remain selfish, proud, have independent thoughts and imagination, have new changes in their activities and excellent functioning of the body.
They make profits through their pleasant speech, gain gold, valuables and costly articles as expected, gain profits from friends, sons-in-law or daughters-in law, use circumstances to their choices.
SINCE… the 11th house falls in the star of Jyeshta, ruled by Mercury, the Capricorn ascendant born will like micro instruments, will be able to read books of their choice and have witty friends, elder brothers, sons-in-law and daughters-in law.
Mercury is also the lord of houses 6th & 9th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will become successful in their attempts, have diseases caused by vitamin deficiency, join in service of their choice, have opportunities and scope of success and will be able to diagnose diseases and by doing works of their interest.
They are well established and maintain contacts with social service centres or voluntary organisations, higher officials and foreign nations, will be polygamists, undertake foreign journeys of their choice, study courses of their choice and enter into agreements.
Jupiter for Capricorn Ascendant in 12th House Lord:
SAGITTARIUS/DHANU the ninth ZODIAC sign is in the 12th house to CAPRICORN/MAKARA. Sagittarius is ruled by JUPITER..hence JUPITER will be the lord of this house.
Sagittarius, the 9th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 12thhouse to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will have a mind to illegally possess and hoard gold and valuables and will have secret illegal affairs. Sagittarius is a fiery sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will be arrogant in their illegal activities.
Sagittarius is a common sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will spend too much for endowment services and for maintaining temples. Since Sagittarius is a house of Jupiter, the lord of houses 3rd & 12th, the Capricorn ascendant born may be imprisoned due to illegal affairs.
Sagittarius, the 9th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 12th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will not be able to regain stolen goods, outstanding money, gold and valuables and investments and will not hesitate to go for illegal activities and secret affairs.
Sagittarius is a fiery sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will have secret interests and will involve in sabotages and will become masochists.
Sagittarius is a common sign. So the Capricorn ascendant born will not carry on with their secret activities, making undue expenditures and extravagant investments and face temporary malfunctioning in the body to make them inactive.
Sagittarius is a sign of Jupiter. So the Capricorn ascendant born -ill face secret threatening and imprisonments by law, will be aided by income-tax authorities, face seizure of properties by overnment, undertake secret financial reviews and may involve fn printing fake currency.
SINCE… the 12lh house falls in the star of Moola, ruled by Ketu, the Capricorn ascendant born will have secret interests in illegal and subversive activities, will secretly take revenges and would carry on with secret plans.
Ketu would act like Mercury which is the lord of houses 6th & 9th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will have secret successes over enemies, fall unconscious due to food allergy, shift to jobs of their choice, suffer due to inability to identify diseases and could find scope for success only after making extravagant expenditures.
They might incur expenditures for social service institutions, have illegal affairs, show secret involvements in public service organisations, secret multiple affairs, undergo foreign journeys, face troubles in higher education, undertake research education, enter into secret agreements and establish secret contacts with foreign nations.
SINCE… the 12Ih house falls in the star of Poorvashada, ruled by Venus, the Capricorn ascendant born will have secret activities through romance, have secret marriage, secret agreements with women and will hide and plan things.
Venus is also the lord of houses 5th & 10th to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will face breaches in cordial relations and in agreements for peace, face troubles in mutual agreements, make expenditures in arts and culture and may have sexual pleasures with persons disliked by them.
They will hold posts with secret responsibilities or with heavy work loads and with double-natured jobs.
SINCE… the 12th house falls in the star of Uttarashada, ruled by Sun Capricorn ascendant born will face seizures of properties by government, face damages in properties, live in government buildings, have unauthorized possession of government documents, quit politics, will be punished by government such as framing of charge sheets with criminal charges, removal of encroachments or being hanged and meet with fire accidents.
Sun is the lord of 8th house to Capricorn. So the Capricorn ascendant born will face troubles in all their secret activities leading to undue expenditures, will face disrespect, will become unconscious, will face losses and may have to hastily leave their native places.
You may find more information about Capricorn Ascendant sign by following this ‘Capricorn Horoscope’.
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